Samit Bhanja and Abhishek Das “A Smart City Air Quality Data Imputation Method using Markov Weights-Based Fuzzy Transfer Learning” IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis, (SCI Indexed I.F.- 2.33 ), 2023 

H. N. Khan, Abhishek Das, A. Chaudhuri, "Unique Video Encryption Technique Intended for Smart City Application" IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis, (SCI Indexed I.F.- 2.33 ), 2023 

Sandipan Roy, Samit Bhanja, Abhishek Das, "AndyWar: A Intelligent Android Malware Detection using Machine Learning",  Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, (A NASA Journal), Springer Nature, (Emerging SCI, I.F.-1.20 ), 2023 

Sanjoy Mondal, Abhishek Das, "Quality Aware Cost Efficient Reward mechanism in Mobile Crowdsensing System with Uncertainty Constraints", Microsystem Technologies, Springer Nature, (SCI Indexed, I.F.- 2.276 ) , 2023 

Rajat Nandy, Rohit Kamal Chatterjee, Abhishek Das, "Fundus Vessel Structure Segmentation Based on Bel-Hat Transformation", Microsystem Technologies, Springer Nature, (SCI Indexed, I.F.- 2.276 ) , 2023  

Mehboob Zahedi, Abhishek Das, "Cybernetics: A Transformative Platform in Achieving G20 SDS" , MET Management Review, ISSN no. 2394-4013, Vol 10 No. 2, pp- 38-43, July 2023

M. Zahedi, M. D. Jamal, Abhishek Das, "Human Centric Computing Applications for Laptop Price Prediction", American Journal of Advanced Computing, Vol 2, Issue 1, pp-1-7, 2023 

Samit Bhanja, Santanu Metia and Abhishek Das, "A Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Prediction System with Butterfly Optimization Algorithm for PM2.5 Forecasting" Microsystem Technologies, Springer Nature, (SCI Indexed I.F.- 2.276 ) , 2022

 Samit Bhanja, Santanu Metia and Abhishek Das, "A Black Swan Events based Hybrid Model for Indian Stock Markets' Trends Prediction" , Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (a NASA Journal) Springer Nature, Emerging SCI, I.F.-1.02 , 2022

 Sanjoy Mondal and Abhishek Das, "Energy efficient and secure healthcare data transmission in the Internet of Medical Things Network" Microsystem Technologies, Springer Nature, (SCI Indexed I.F.- 2.276 ) pp 1-13 , 2022 

Sanjoy Mondal, Abhishek Das, "Participant selection algorithms for large-scale mobile crowd sensing environment" Microsystem Technologies, Springer Nature, (SCI Indexed I.F.- 2.276 ) , 2022

Sk Md Obaidullah, Sajib Ahmed and Teresa Goncalves, “Effect of image view for mammogram mass classification - an extreme learning based approach”, in CompIMAGE 2018, Poland (accepted)

Sk Md Obaidullah, Sajib Ahmed, Teresa Goncalves, Luis Rato, “RMID: a novel and efficient image descriptor for mammogram mass classification”, in ITSRCP’18, Poland (accepted)

Himadri Mukherjee, Sk Md Obaidullah, Santosh Kc, Teresa Goncalves, Santanu Phadikar and Kaushik Roy, “Instrumentals/songs separation for background music removal”, in ITSRCP’18, Poland (accepted)
Himadri Mukherjee, Sk Md Obaidullah, Shantanu Padhikar, Kaushik Roy, “A Dravidian Language Identification System”, in ICPR 2018, Beijing, China (accepted)
Himadri Mukherjee, Sk Md Obaidullah, Shantanu Padhikar, Kaushik Roy, “MISNA - A Musical Instrument Segregation System from Noisy Audio with LPCC-S Features and Extreme Learning”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Springer [Impact Factor: 1.53] (accepted)
Sk Md Obaidullah, K C Santosh, Nibaran Das, Chayan Halder, Kaushik Roy, "Handwritten Indic script identification in multi-script document images - a survey", in International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), World Scientific , 2018 (indexed in SCI/SCIE) [Impact Factor: 0.99] (accepted)
Chayan Halder, Sk Md Obaidullah, K C Santosh, Kaushik Roy, "Content independent writer identification on Bangla script: A document level approach", in International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), World Scientific , 2018, [Impact Factor: 0.99] (accepted)
Sk Md Obaidullah, Amitava Bose, Himadri Mukherjee, K C Santosh, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, "Extreme learning machine for handwritten Indic script identification in multi-script documents", in Journal of Electronic Imaging, 27(5), 051214 (2 April 2018). 2018 [Impact Factor: 0.754]
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, K. C. Santosh, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Automatic Line-Level Script Identification From Handwritten Document Images - A Region-Wise Classification Framework For Indian Subcontinent”, in Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (MJCS), vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 63-84 [Impact Factor: 0.66]
Himadri Mukherjee, Sk Md Obaidullah, Shantanu Padhikar, Kaushik Roy, “LEAP - A Speaker Identification System”, in Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM), World Scientific, Special issue on Big Data, Machine Learning, Analytics and Cloud Computing, 2017 (in press)
Sk Md Obaidullah, K. C. Santosh, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, "Automatic Indic script identification from handwritten documents: page, block, line and word-level approach" Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (JMLC), Springer, 2017 [Impact Factor: 1.699]
Sk Md Obaidullah, K. C. Santosh, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, "Word-level Multi-script Indic Document Image Dataset and Baseline Results on Script Identification" International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP), IGI Global, 2017, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 81-94
Himadri Mukherjee, Sk Md Obaidullah, Shantanu Padhikar, Kaushik Roy, “SMIL - A Musical Instrument Identification System”, in International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication and Business Analytics (CICBA 2017), Kolkata, India, 2017 (to appear in CCIS Springer)
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, K. C. Santosh, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “PHDIndic_11:Page-level handwritten document image dataset of 11 official Indic scripts for script identification”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Springer, 77(2), pp. 1643-1678, doi:10.1007/s11042-017-4373-y, 2017 [Impact Factor: 1.53]
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chitrita Goswami, K. C. Santosh, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Separating Indic scripts with `matra' for effective handwritten script identification in multi-script documents”, in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition (IJPRAI), World Scientific, 31(5) , 1753003 (17 pages), 2017 [Impact Factor: 0.99]
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “A New Dataset of Word-level Offline Handwritten Numeral Images from Four Official Indic Scripts and Its Benchmarking using Image Transform Fusion”, in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI), Inderscience Publishers, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-20, 2016
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Bangla and Oriya Script Lines Identification from Handwritten Document Images in Tri-script Scenario”, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), IGI Global, vol. 7, issue 1, article 3, pp. 43-60, 2016
Sk Md Obaidullah, K. C. Santosh, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Word-level thirteen official Indic languages database for script identification in multi-script documents”, in International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R 2016), Bidar, Karnataka, India, Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, Springer, 2016
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chitrita Goswami, K. C. Santosh, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Separating Indic scripts with `matra' -- a precursor to script identification in multi-script documents”, in IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP 2016), IIT Roorkee, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2016
Chayan Halder, Sk Md Obaidullah, Kaushik Roy, “Offline Writer Identification and Verification - A State-of-the-art”, 3rd International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Application (INDIA 2016), Visakhapatnam, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 435, pp.153-163, 2016
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Numeral Script Identification from Handwritten Document Images”, Procedia Computer Science Journal, Elsevier, vol. 54C (2015), pp. 585-594, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Convolution Based Technique for Indic Script Identification from Handwritten Document Images”, in International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, MECS Publisher, vol. 7 no. 5, pp. 49-57, 2015
Chayan Halder, Sk Md Obaidullah, Kaushik Roy, “Effect of Bangla Handwritten Character Recognition for Writer Variations”, Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2015), IIT Patna, India, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “PWDB_13: A Corpus of Word-level Printed Document Images for Thirteen Official Indic Scripts”, FICTA 2015, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 404, pp.233-242, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Visual Analytics based Technique for Handwritten Indic Script Identification – A Greedy Heuristic Feature Fusion Framework”, FICTA 2015, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 404, pp.211-219, 2015
Chayan Halder, Sk Md Obaidullah, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Offline Writer Identification from Isolated Characters using Textural Features”, FICTA 2015, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 404, pp.221-231, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “An Approach for Automatic Indic Script Identification from Handwritten Document Images”, 2nd Doctoral Symposium on Applied Computation and Security Systems (ACSS 2015), University of Calcutta, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 396, pp.37-51, 2015
Chayan Halder, Sk Md Obaidullah, Jaya Paul, Kaushik Roy, “Writer Verification on Bangla Handwritten Characters”, 2nd Doctoral Symposium on Applied Computation and Security Systems (ACSS 2015), University of Calcutta, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 396, pp.53-68, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Handwritten Indic Script Identification from Document Images - A Statistical Comparison of Different Attribute Selection Techniques in Multi-classifier Environment”, 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies (IC3T 2015), Hyderabad, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 381, pp.491-500, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “A Corpus of Word-level Offline Handwritten Numeral Images from Official Indic Scripts”, 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies (IC3T 2015), Hyderabad, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 379, pp.703-711, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Indic Script Identification from Handwritten Document Images – An Unconstrained Block-level Approach”, in 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS 2015), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, pp. 213-218, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Rownaqul Karim, Sujal Shaikh, Chayan Halder, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Transform Based Approach for Indic Script Identification from Handwritten Document Images”, in 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking (ICSCN 2015), Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India, pp. 1-7, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, A. Mondal, N. Das, K. Roy, "Script Identification from Printed Indian Document Images and Performance Evaluation using Different Classifiers", in Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, vol. 2014, article id 896128, 2014
Sk Md Obaidullah, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Gabor Filter Based Technique for Offline Indic Script Identification from Handwritten Document Images”, in IEEE International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Communication (ICDCCom 2014), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India, 2014
Sk Md Obaidullah, Nibaran Das, Kaushik Roy, “Offline Handwritten Script Identification from Eastern Indian Document Images using Logistic Model Tree”, in 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices (ICCD 2014), SOA University, Bhubaneswar, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 308, no. 1, pp. 675-683, 2015
Sk Md Obaidullah, Anamika Mondal, Kaushik Roy, “Structural Feature Based Approach for Script Identification from Printed Indian Document”, in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Network (SPIN 2014), Amity University, Noida, India, 2014
Zeenat Rehena, Md Ashifuddin, Marijn Janssen , “A Multiple-Criteria Algorithm for Smart Parking:Making fair parking reservations in the public space of Smart Cities”, in the 19th International conference on Digital Government Research, (dg.0 2018), May 30-June 1, 2018, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2018
Zeenat Rehena, Marijn Janssen, “Towards a Framework for Context-Aware Intelligent Traffic Management System in Smart Cities”, in The Web Conference, (AW4city Workshop), April 23-27, Lyon, France, 2018
Zeenat Rehena, Sarbani Roy, Nandini Mukherjee, “Multi-criteria routing in a Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications , Springer (2017), Volume 94 Issue 4, Pages 3415-3449, June 2017
Hasina Rahman, Zeenat Rehena, Nandini Mukherjee, “Sink Mobility To Ensure Coverage in Multi-Partitioned Wireless Sensor Network”, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), 2016, kolkata.
Zeenat Rehena, Debasree Das, Sarbani Roy, Nandini Mukherjee, “Multiple Sink Placement in Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks”, in International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (IJNGC), ISSN 2229-4678, eISSN 0976-5034, vol. 6. No. 2, July 2015,
Zeenat Rehena, Rajesh Mukherjee, Sarbani Roy, Nandini Mukherjee, “Detection of Node Failure in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), Kolkata, India, 2014
T. Khan, A. F. Mollah, “Distance Transform based Stroke Feature Descriptor for Text Non-text Classification”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computing and Communications (IC3), March 23-24, 2018, Sikkim, India, Springer, AISC (Accepted).
A. F. Mollah, S. Basu and M. Nasipuri, “An Automatic Annotation Scheme for Scene Text Archival Applications”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (ICACDS), April 20-21, 2018, Uttaranchal University, India, Springer, CCIS (Accepted).
N. Dutta, N. Chakraborty, A. F. Mollah, S. Basu and R. Sarkar, “Multi-Lingual Text Localization from Camera Captured Images based on Foreground Homogenity Analysis”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computing and Communications (IC3), March 23-24, 2018, Sikkim, India, Springer, AISC (Accepted).
M. Jajoo, N. Chakraborty, A. F. Mollah, Subhadip Basu and Ram Sarkar, “Script Identification from Camera Captured Multi-script Scene Text Components”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computing and Communications (IC3), March 23-24, 2018, Sikkim, India, Springer, AISC (Accepted).
T. Khan, A. F. Mollah, “A Novel Text Localization Scheme for Camera Captured Document Images”, Proc. Second International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing and Workshop on Multimedia (CVIP-WM), Springer, AISC, pp. 213-223, IIT Roorkee, Greater Noida, India, Sep. 09-12, 2017.
M. H. Mahalat, A. F. Mollah, S. Basu, M. Nasipuri, “Design of novel post-processing algorithms for handwritten Arabic numerals classification”, Int. J. of Applied Pattern Recognition, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 342-357, Inderscience, 2017.
Bakas, M. H. Mahalat, A. F. Mollah, “A Comparative Study of Various Classifiers for Character Recognition on Multi-script Databases”, Int. J. of Computer Applications, vol. 155, no. 3, pp. 1-5, December, 2016.
M. S. Siddique, A. F. Mollah, "Recognition of Isolated Handwritten Arabic and Urdu Numerals along with their Variants", Proc. International Conference on Computer Applications (2016), pp. 01-05, Chennai, April 9, 2016.
S. Mallik, T. Bhadra and U. Maulik, “Identifying Epigenetic Biomarkers using Maximal Relevance and Minimal Redundancy Based Feature Selection for Multi-Omics Data”, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 3-10, 2017. (Impact Factor: 2.771) [DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2017.2650217]
T. Bhadra, S. Mallik and S. Bandyopadhyay, “Identification of Multi-View Gene Modules using Mutual Information Based Hypograph Mining", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017. (Impact Factor: 2.35) [DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2726553]
S. Mallik, T. Bhadra and A. Mukherji, "DTFP-Growth: Dynamic Threshold Based FP-Growth Rule Mining Algorithm Through Integrating Gene Expression, Methylation and Protein-Protein Interaction Profiles", IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 117-125, 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.771) [DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2018.2803021]
S. Malik, T. Bhadra, S. Seth and S. Bandyopadhyay, "Multi-objective Optimization Approaches in Biological Learning System on Microarray Data", Springer Nature. (Accepted)
S. Ray and S.Bandyopadhyay, ``Discovering condition specific topological pattern changes in coexpression network: an application to HIV1 progression", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol.13, no. 06, pp. 1086‐1099, 2016 (I.F‐1.99).
S. Ray and S.Bandyopadhyay, ``A NMF based approach for integrating multiple data sources to predict HIV-1-human PPIs", BMC Bioinformatics, 17: 121,2016.(I.F 2.45)
S.Ray and U.Maulik, ``Discovering perturbation of modular structure in HIV progression by integrating multiple data sources through non-negative matrix factorization", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2016.2642184, 2016. (I.F-1.99).
S.Ray and U.Maulik, ``Identifying differentially coexpressed module during HIV disease progression: A multiobjective approach"., Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing group), 7: 86 (2017). (I.F- 4.25)
M. Hossain and S. Ray and A. Mukhopadhyay ``Preservation affinity in consensus modules among stages of HIV‐1 Progression", BMC Bioinformatics, 2017; 18: 181 (I.F‐2.54).
U. Maulik, S. Basu, and S. Ray ``Identifying protein complexes in PPI network using non-cooperative sequential game", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing group), 7: 8410, 2017. (I.F- 4.25)

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