Biploar Junction Transistor (BJT)
Current Transformer (CT), Potential Transformer (PT), Advantage of CT and PT.
Transformation Ratio, Nominal Ratio, Ratio Correcetion Factor (RCF)
Sensors and Transducers
Book: Digital Design by Morris Mano (Chapter 1 to 6)
Moore and Mealy machine
Ring counter and Johnson counter
Digital Electronics for 4th Sem EEN
by Dr. Md. Asraful Sekh
From the following book link do self-study & discuss queries through whattsapps/e-mail
1. Chapter 6: Logic simplification by Karnaugh Map
SOP & POS form, 2, 3, 4 variable, pages 157 to 175
2. Chapter 7: Combinational Circuits
Half & Full Adder/Subtractor, pg. 233 to 238
Parallel Binary Adder, pg. 240
Decoder/BCD to 7 SEGMENT DECODER, pg. 269 to 276
Encoder/Octal to Binary, Decimal to BCD Encoder, pg. 281 to 283
Multiplexer, pg 290 to 296
Demultiplexer, pg. 299 to 302
Study materials for rest of the syllabus.
3. Chapter 8: Flip-Flops and Timing Circuits
Introduction, different types of latches and flip flops, pgs 309-324
Operating characteristics of F/Fs, pgs 329 -333
Master-Slave F/Fs, pgs 333-338
Schmitt Trigger, pgs 347 - 348
Astable multivibrator using 555 timer, pgs 349-350
4. Chapter 9: Shift Registers, pgs 368-379
5. Chapter 10: Counters, pgs 389
Asynchronous or Ripple counters and Design of two bit up & down counters, cascading of counters, pgs 391 - 399
Synchronous or parallel counters, Four bit synchronous up & down counters, pgs 408-411
Design of synchronous counter, pgs 413-416
Shift register counter-ring counter, pgs 438-439
6. Chapter 11: Logic families, pg. 466
Digital IC specifications technology, pgs. 466-470
Different logic families, TTL logic, 471-479
7. Chapter 13: A/D and D/A converters, pg. 546
D/A conversion, pgs. 547-551
R-2R ladder type DAC, pgs. 552-557
Counter type A/D converter, pgs. 564-565
Assignments will be uploaded in tbe 2nd/3rd week of May 2020.
Do Assignment-1 given in the below link by 31.5.20 and make it ready to submit when the university shall open.
Do Assignment-2 given in the below link by 15.6.2020 and make it ready to submit when the university shall open.
Do Assignment-3 given in the below link by 30.06.2020 and make it ready to submit when the university shall open.
Vector Analysis & Introduction to co-ordinate System
Queries/questions may be discussed through my whattsapp / e-mail
Chapter 1: Introduction, pgs 1-7
Chapter 2: Optical fiber waveguides, pgs 12-19, 22 &27, 43-45, 48
Chapter 3: Transmission characteristics of optical fiber, pgs 62-94
Chapter 4: Optical fiber manufacturing, pgs 111-114, 126-132
Chapter 6: Optical sources 1 (Laser), pgs 231-260, 267-273
Chapter 7: Optical sources 2(LED), pgs 296-320
Chapter 8: Optical detectors, pgs 326-345
Chapter 9: Receiver noise, pgs 352-354, 359-366, 372-374
Chapter 10: System design consideration, pgs 415-417, 423-446
Assignments will be uploaded shortly.
Study material for most parts of this course has been distributed in soft copies in the first month of the Odd semester. Contact fellow class mates if you have not received the same. Few additional class notes are shared herewith, and more will be uploaded later on. But in no-way, these are replacement for studying the materials that I have given in the first month.
All pdf documents are password protected. To receive passwords of these files and for any clarification on the subject, the student should email to me ( clearly stating the Name and Roll No. However, answer to no subjective question will only be discussed in a write-up manner to prevent copying.
Week 01 : Overview of Cellular Systems and evolution 2g/3G/4G/5G Cellular Concepts
Week 02 : Frequency reuse, Cochannel and Adjacent channel Interference, C/I, Hando‑, Blocking, Erlang Capacity
Week 03 : Wireless, propagation Part 1 - Link budget, Free-space path loss, Noise gure of receiver
Week 04 : Wireless propagation Part II - Multipath fading, Shadowing, Fading margin
Week 05 : Antenna Diversity
Week 06 : Wireless Channel Capacity
Week 07 : MIMO
Week 08 : CDMA Part I
Week 09 : CDMA part II
Week 02 : Frequency reuse, Cochannel and Adjacent channel Interference, C/I, Hando‑, Blocking, Erlang Capacity
Week 05 : Antenna Diversity
Week 06 : Wireless Channel Capacity
Week 07 : MIMO
Week 08 : CDMA Part I
Week 09 : CDMA part II
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