Department of


Dr. Abhijit Mondal Assistant Professor / CIVIL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : Dept. of Civil Engineering, Aliah University, New Town Campus, IIA/27 New Town, Kolkata-700160, India (Left Block, 1st Floor)

Room No : Faculty room of Civil Engg

Joined : January, 2016


Ph. D  |Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee|

Master of Technology | Indian Institute of Technology; Guwahati|

Bachelor of Engineering |Jadavpur University; Kolkata|

Teaching Experience

  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University (Under State Govt. of West Bengal), Kolkata January 2016- till date.
  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College (Under State Govt. of West Bengal), September 2014- January 2016.
  • Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, Nuzvid Campus, Rajiv Gandhi University Knowledge of Technologies-AP (Under State Govt. of Andhra Pradesh), July 2012 – September 2014.

Industrial Experience

  • Graduate Engineer Trainee, Shapoorji Pallonji &Co. Ltd (Chennai Region), October 2009-June2010.

Field of Specialization

Civil Engineering

Courses Taught/Teaching

Aliah University (January, 2016-to present)

Transportation engineering-I, Transportation Engineering-II, Pavement Design, Geotechnics in highway engineering, Cost management of engineering projects, Estimation, costing and valuation, Construction Material ,Technology and services, Construction management, Repairs and rehabilitation of structures Transportation Engineering Laboratory.

Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College (September 2014-  January 2016)

Highway and Transportation Engineering, Advance Transportation Engineering-II, Concrete technology, Transportation Engineering Lab, Concrete technology, Surveying.

Rajiv Gandhi University Knowledge of Technologies-AP, Nuzvid Campus (July 2012 –September 2014)

Soil mechanics, Surveying, Foundation Engineering, Transportation Engineering Lab.

Research Area

Transportation and Geotechnical Engineering

Conference Papers Published

Abhijit Mondal, Mehtab Ali, Mohsin Jamal, Raghib Adil, “Study the geometric design characteristics of a particular stretch of Kalyani expressway using auto cad civil 3d software and open road designer software " International Conference on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICACEE 2024) 14-15 March, 2024, Mullana-Ambala, Haryana.

Abhijit Mondal, G.D. Ransinchung R.N., “Moving towards balanced mix design for cold recycled bituminous mixes: A review” Second ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies” (CRSIDE2020) March 2-4, 2020.

Abhijit Mondal, G.D. Ransinchung R.N., “Cold Recycling Technology for Sustainable Road Construction: A Review”, International Conference on " Environmental Degradation: Key Challenge to Sustainable Development" - 22-24 November, 2019, The Institution of Engineers (India), Telangana State Centre, Khairatabad, Hyderabad - 500 004

Abhijit Mondal, Mohsin Jamal and Rejoan Hossain Mondal “Warm mix asphalt technology: An energy saving technique in road construction industry” Proceedings on National Conference on advancement in Civil Engineering practice and research, ISBN No. 9789386724687, HIT, Halidia-W.B. 2018 pp 3-5. (Awarded best paper)

Kamrul Alam, Abhijit Mondal, Amit Shiuly, “Prediction of CBR Value of Fine-grained Soil of West Bengal region by Linear regression analysis” International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Develeopment Jointly organized by Jadavpur University and The Institution of Engineers, India February 14-15, 2020

Jamal. M, Khatoon. S, Adil. M.R, Mondal. A. (2024). "Time-Dependent Protection Effectiveness of Riprap: A physical Model Study."4th International Conference on River Corridor Research and Management (RCRM-2024). Jointly organized by IIT Guwahati, IIT Jammu. 7th-9th March 2024

Adil. M.R, Khatoon. S, Jamal. M, Mondal. A. (2024). “Investigation on self-healing concrete using Bacillus Subtilis bacteria "5th International Conference on sustainable practices and Innovation in Civil Engineering (SPICE 2024) 14-15 February 2024, Kalavakkam-603110.

Mondal. A., Ghosh. B., Das. D, (2024). "Utilization of alternate pavement material in pavement construction: A systematic review." International Conference on engineering materials and sustainable societal development (ICEMSSD-2024).  JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani. 26th-27th April 2024

Journal Papers Published

Akram, M.W., Mondal, A., Mukherjee, I. et al. A Novel Model for Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of Highly Plastic Clay through Cyclic Large Box Shear Test. Iran J Sci Technol Trans Civ Eng (2024). (Corresponding Author)

Marik, S., Ransinchung, G. D., Mondal, A., & Kumar, D. (2024). Characterization of cement-modified mixtures and their typical characteristics: a review. Journal of Building Engineering, 110526.

Adil, M. R., Khatun, S., Jamal, M., & Mondal, A. (2024). Investigation on Self-Healing Concrete Using Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 400, p. 01002). EDP Sciences.

Jamal, M., Mondal, A., Adil, R., Khatun. S., & Tandel, Y. The Intermediate River Bank Protection Technique in Critical Geo-Fluvial Conditions Using Jute Rope Grid, Indian Geotechnical Journal (2024). (Corresponding author)                                            

Mondal, A., Ransinchung R. N., G.D. & Marik, S. Investigation on Ageing Susceptibility of Asphalt Mix Containing Industrial By-Products and Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. Iran J Sci Technol Trans Civ Eng (2023). (First and Corresponding author)

Mondal, A., Ransinchung, R.N.G.D. & Choudhary, J. (2023) Sustainable recycling of industrial waste fillers and reclaimed asphalt pavement to produce environmentally feasible warm mix asphalt. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. 8, 34.

Mondal, A., & Ransinchung, G. D. (2022) Evaluating the engineering properties of asphalt mixtures containing RAP aggregates incorporating different wastes as fillers and their effects on the ageing susceptibility. Cleaner Waste Systems, 3, 100037. (First and Corresponding author)

Mondal, A., Islam, S.S. & Ransinchung R.N., G.D. (2022) Synergistic Effect of Hydrated Lime and Warm Mix Asphalt Additive on Properties of Recycled Asphalt Mixture Subjected to Laboratory Ageing. Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol..

Alam, S. K., Mondal, A., & Shiuly, A. (2020). Prediction of CBR value of fine grained soils of Bengal Basin by genetic expression programming, artificial neural network and krigging method. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 95(2), 190-196. pp.190-196. DOI: 10.1007/s12594-020-1409-0

Mondal, A., & Ransinchung, G. D., (2020) Moving towards balanced mix design for recycled bituminous mixes: A review, Second ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies” (CRSIDE2020) Kolkata, Conference proceedings technical volume (ISBN: 978-81-954551-0-2), pp 1697-1708.

Habib, A., Jamal, M., Mondal, A. (2018) An experimental study on CBR of soil reinforced with plastic waste, International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, Vol. 6, Special Issue 2, 2018. ISSN: 2454-2415, DOI 11.25835/IJIK-228

Choudhary, R., Mondal, A., & Kaulgud, H. S. (2012). Use of cold mixes for rural road construction. In International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Technology for Rural Area (EFITRA); Proceedings Published in International Journal of Computer Applications®(IJCA) (pp.20-24).(ISBN:973-93-80867-25-2) (

Books Published

Abhijit Mondal, Mehtab Ali, Mohsin Jamal, & Raghib Adil. (2024). Study the geometric design characteristics of a stretch of Kalyani expressway using AutoCad Civil 3D and open road designer software. In Introduction to sustainable solution techniques in civil and environmental engineering science. (Version 1, pp. 140–161). (ISBN: 978-81-979432-5-6) Expert Notes.

MASTER Thesis Guidance

M.Tech thesis supervised as Supervisor/Co-Supervisor:

Study of improvement in Properties of Soil by Addition of Polypropylene Fibres.

Improvement in CBR Value of Soil Reinforced with Waste Plastic.

Prediction of CBR Value From Engineering Properties of Subgrade Soil.

Study on stabilization of expansive soil using saw dust.

Correlation between CBR values and soil index properties: Case study on West Bengal Region

Soil improvement using microbacillus bacteria.

A comparative study of positions of different soil layers on the measured coefficient of permeability for vertical flow through a stratified soil stratum with theoretical values.

Seismic analysis of a 220 m tall reinforced concrete chimney.

Seismic analysis of RC framed buildings for low, medium and high rise.

The geometric design of a road stretch of Kalyani expressway using AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D and OPEN ROAD DESIGNER.

Use of coconut shell powder for improving the CBR value of the subgrade soil.


Invited Lectures

“Green Approach to rural road construction” on 17 th July, 2015 at North Bengal Local centre, The Institution of Engineers (India).

“Modern trends in Civil Engineering” on 26th August, 2017, Society of Civil Engineers, Jadavpur University.

‘Three Days Refresher Course’ from 17th-19th April, 2018 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Siliguri Institute of Technology, West Bengal.

Keynote Address on 'Higher Studies and Opportunities After Undergraduate Engineering' on 26, August 2023 organized by the NDLI Club, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal.

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized

Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher course “Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies” 2nd January to 21 st January, 2017 organized by Dept of Architecture, Jadavpur University.

“Innovative Technologies in Transportation Engineering (ITTE 2015)” 23 rd February-27 th Februray, 2015 organised by Dept of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati.

Participated in a two week ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Structural Engineering” 30 th November, 2015 to 9 th January, 2016 conducted by IIT Kharagpur.

Participated in a faculty orientation programme on “Institutional Improvement” 01-04-2015 to 10-04-2015 organized by National Institute of Technical Teacher’s Training and Research, Kolkata.

Attended 7 day faculty development programme on “Research Methodology” 12th July to 20th July 2016 organised by Aliah University.

Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher course “Recent advances in Civil Engineering” 2nd January to 24th January, 2018 organized by Dept of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University.

Attended UGC Sponsored Orientation course “Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies” 28th July to 17th August, 2020 organized by Human Resources Development Centre, Mizoram University.

Attended MHRD sponsored one-week GIAN course on “Road safety first: Effective approaches, practices to attain vision zero” September 30 – October 04, 2019 organized by Dept of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee.

Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher course “Artificial Intelligence, Cyber, Crime, Cyber Security & Information Science” 26th September 2023 to 11th October, 2023 organized by Human Resources Development Centre, University of North Bengal.

Professional Society Activity

Service as Reviewer:

1. Construction and building materials (Elsevier)

2. Journal of the Geological Society of India

3. Scientific Reports

4. Engineering and Technology Journal

5. Cleaner waste System (Elsevier)

6.Transportation Engineering Journal (Elsevier)

Consultancy work / Testing

Consultancy provided:

  1. Pavement material testing for PWD Jalpaiguri Subdivision.
  2. Bituminous mix design for Siliguri Highway Sub-Division.
  3. Quality checking of constructed road under Siliguri-Jalpaiguri Development Authority
  4. Aggregate and bitumen quality checking  under Siliguri-Jalpaiguri Development Authority
  5. Road material testing for Mal Panchayat Samity, P.O Mal, Dt. Jalpaiguri
  6. North Bengal Development Department, Hill Cart Road Siligur
  7. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., Alipurduar

Other Notable Activities

Member of a the Institute Induction Programme Cell of Aliah University, office order memo no. AU/REG/0665/24 dated 30-07-2024.

Member of a committee constituted to assess constructional defects and repair work of Aliah University, office order memo no. AU/REG/0826/18 dated 14-08-2018.

Member for a committee of e-corner/e-lounges & ATM centres of Aliah University, office order memo No. AU/REG/0467/17 dated 17-05-2018.

Member for a purchase committee for dept. of Civil Engineering of Aliah University, office order memo No. AU/REG/0530/18 dated 29-05-2018.

Member of a canteen committee of Aliah University, office order memo no. AU/REG/41/16-17 dated 09-01-2017.

Member of a anti-ragging committee of Aliah University, office order memo no. AU/REG/0341/22 dated 13-07-2022.

Member of a common engineering curriculum committee of Aliah University, office order memo no. AU/REG/0011/22 dated 10-01-2022.

Member of a NDLI club of Aliah University, office order memo no. AU/REG/0626/21 dated 01-10-2021.

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