Department of


Md. Wasim Akram Assistant Professor / CIVIL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University, New Town Campus, IIA/27 New Town, Kolkata-700160, India (Left Block, 1st Floor)

Room No : Faculty Room of Civil Engineering

Joined : February, 2011


  • Ph. D. (Pursuing) from Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • M.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) -2006.
  • B.Tech. from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (AMU) - 2004.

Teaching Experience

  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University, Kolkata. January 2017- Till date.
  • Lecturer in Civil & Architectural Section in Engineering Department, University of Technology & Applied Sciences (Formerly HCT), Muscat (Sultanate of Oman). October 2015-December 2016. (LIEN)
  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University, Kolkata. February 2011- September 2015.

Industrial Experience

  • Assistant Manager: June 2008 to January 2011 at IL&FS Infrastructure Developement Corporation.

  • AE/Engineer: August 2006 to May 2008 at Consulting Engineering Services (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Field of Specialization

  • Major : Civil Engineering
  • Minor: Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering

Courses Taught/Teaching

Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Ground Improvement Techniques, Engineering Geology, Advance Soil Mechanics, Advanced Foundation Design, Design of Foundation in Expansive soil, Soil Dynamics, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Surveying, Highway Engineering, Railway Engineering, Soil Mechanics Lab, Concrete Lab, Civil Engineering Drawing Lab, Transportation Engineering Lab

Research Area

  • Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnical Earthquake EngineeringGeo-environmental EngineeringSoil Improvement TechniqueContaminant Transport ModellingGeotechnical Utilization of Waste Materials


18 Years

Conference Papers Published

  1. Debasis Sau, Tumpa hazra, Amit Shiuly, Indranil mukherjee, Kakali Ghosh and Md. Wasim Akram (2025). Environmental Pollution at Construction Site: Causes, Impact and Green Construction Measures. In Proceedings of National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Infrastructural Construction (NCSCEIC-2025)” [January 16-17, 2025] Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata (ISBN No -978-81-982807-7-0).
  2. Akram, M. W., Mukherjee, I., Banerjee, A., Ray, A., Banerjee, A. & Gangopadhyay, A. K. (2024). Estimating Ground Water Contamination Potential of a Selected Location of Nandigram, West Bengal, India for Sustainable Area Development. In International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management” [December 20-21, 2024] Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in Collaboration with Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi, Brunei.
  3. Banerjee, A., Banerjee, A., Akram, M. W., Mukherjee, I., Ray, A. & Gangopadhyay, A. K. (2024). Study of Effectiveness of Electric Vehicle (EV) over Conventional Vehicle for the State of Uttar Pradesh for a Better and Cleaner Environment. In International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management” [December 20-21, 2024] Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in Collaboration with Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi, Brunei.
  4. Karmakar, S., Rahman, M. K., Ali, S. S., Pan, S., Ahmed, M., Alam, M. I., Akram, M. W. & Mukherjee, I. (2024). Exploring the Probable Impact of the Existing Industries on the Subsurface in Nandigram I and II, West Bengal, India. In International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management” [December 20-21, 2024] Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in Collaboration with Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi, Brunei.
  5. Banerjee, A., Banerjee, A., Ray, A., Mukherjee, I., Akram, M. W. & Gangopadhyay, A. K. (2024). Assessing the Influence of Particulate Matter (PM) on Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) in Kolkata and Delhi. In International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management” [December 20-21, 2024] Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in Collaboration with Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi, Brunei.
  6. Akram, M. W., Gangopadhyay, A. K. & Mukherjee, I. (2024). Application of Waste Plastic in Alluvial Soil Stablisation for a Sustainable Pavement Construction. In International Conference “Research and Innovation for Sustainability in Civil Engineering (RISCE – 2024)” [Nov. 25-26, 2024] Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, BIT Sindri, Jharkhand, India.
  7. Akram, M. W. & Mukherjee, I. (2022). An Attempt to Analyse the Permeability of a Soil as a Major Factor to Aid Contaminant Transport Through a Case Study. In 2nd GEAST Global Conference on Energy, Environment & Climate Change (EECC-2022) Organised by Council of Industrial Innovation & Research (CIIR), India, ISSN: 2583-0228.
  8. Chatterjee, S., Roy, A., Mukherjee, I & Akram, M. W.  (2022). An Attempt to Analyse the Carbon Footprint at Rajarhat Technical Campus ( 88.470 N, 22.570 E) West Bengal, India for a Sustainable Energy Efficient Solution.  In 2nd GEAST Global Conference on Energy, Environment & Climate Change (EECC-2022) Organised by Council of Industrial Innovation & Research (CIIR), India, ISSN: 2583-0228.
  9. Noor, A., Kutty, S. R. M., Jagaba, A. H., Yusuf, M., Akram, M. W., Adil, M. R., ... & Jamal, M. (2021, November). Kinetic modelling of nutrient removal of petroleum industry wastewater remediation. In 2021 Third International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Climate Change (pp. 216-220). IEEE.

Journal Papers Published

  1. Akram, M. W., Mukherjee, I., Verma, S., Banerjee, A. & Ray, A. (2024). Municipal Solid Waste as an Energy Option for Nandigram, West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection: Accepted for Publication.  [SCOPUS]
  2. Mukherjee, I., Ghosh, K., Dey, M., Akram, M. W.  & Paul, R. (2024). Assessing Human Perception Towards Electric Vehicle (EV) - A Case Study for Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Journal of Institution of Public Health Engineers (JIPHE), Volume 52, N0. 3, 18 - 24.
  3. Akram, M. W., Mukherjee, I. & Gangopadhyay, A. K. (2024). Utilisation of Waste Plastic for Pavement in India - A Sustainable Solution. Journal of Institution of Public Health Engineers (JIPHE), Volume 52, N0. 2, 5 - 13.
  4. Akram, M. W., Mondal, A., Mukherjee, I. & Mukerjee, S.,  (2024). A Novel Model for Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of Highly Plastic Clay through Cyclic Large Box Shear Test. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering.   [Springer]
  5. Mukherjee, I., Akram, M. W., Banerjee, A., Ray, A. & Ghosh, K. (2024). Groundwater Modelling of Contaminant Transport Using Steady State Groundwater Flow Model for Four Selected Locations of Nandigram, West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 44 (7), 649 – 664.  [SCOPUS]
  6. Ghosh, R., Hazra, T., Mukherjee, I., Ushcats, S., Akram, M. W., Akram, M. A., ... & Vlasenko, O. (2024). Evaluating the environmental effects of open dumps and waste farming: A case study: Effects of Open Dumping. Ecological Questions35(4), 1-27. [SCOPUS]
  7. Banerjee, A., Ray, A., Ghosh, K., Mukherjee, I., Akram, M. W. & Sau, D. (2024). A Study on Assessing the Influence of Particulate Matter (PM10 & PM2.5) on the Prevailing Weather Pattern in the City of Kolkata, West Bengal, India over the Period 2020 to 2023. Journal of Institution of Public Health Engineers (JIPHE), Volume L1, 19-35.
  8. Banerjee, A., Mukherjee, I., Ray, A. & Akram, M. W. (2023). Simultaneous Occurrence of Particulate Matter (PM2.5 & PM10) and Covid-19 Complications in Delhi during the Period December-20 – November-21. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 43 (11), 1043 – 1049. [SCOPUS]
  9. Akram, M. W. & Mukherjee, I. (2022). Indirect Determination of Permeability for Two Regions of Nandigram (W.B.) in Influencing Probable Contaminant Transport. Journal of Institution of Public Health Engineers (JIPHE), 50 (30), 32-40.



  1. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Lifetime Achievement National Award' presented by National Institute of Socio Economic Development (R), Bangaluru (India), 6th May 2023.
  2. MHRD Scholarship (2004-2006) for qualifying GATE (AIR-464 , Percentile - 94.72)



MASTER Thesis Guidance

  1. Firdosh Rahaman (CEN 222001) " An Attempt to Determine the Possible Effects of Contaminants in the Sub-surface of Kendamari Jalpai, Nandigram-I, West Bengal, India using a Contaminant Transport Model" (June 2024)
  2. Noyon Sk. (CEN222015) " Investigation for Possible Contaminant Impact on the Sub-soil of Amadabad, Nandigram-II, West Bengal, Indiausing Contaminant Transport Model" (June 2024)
  3. Tanweer Alam (CEN212015) " Groundwater Modelling of Contaminant Transport using Steady State Groundwater Flow Model" (December 2023)
  4. Abid Hossain Gazi (CEN 212006) " Assessing the Probable Influence of Permeability on the Soil Quality and its's Strenght in Four Zones of Nandigram-II, West Bengal, India" (July 2023)
  5. Sk. Rajibul Hossain (CEN-202008) " Analysing the Vulnerability of the Soil of Nandigram -II influencing Probable Contaminant Transport" (June 2022)
  6. Akib Mahmood (CEN-202003) " Assessing the Influence in change in Permeability to other Soil Parameters in Nandigram-I" (June 2022)
  7. Md. Ashik Iqbal (CEN-192006) " Landslides and Slope Stability Analysis" (September 2021).
  8. Syed Md. Shabbir (CEN-182012) "Stablisation of Expansive Soil using Fly Ash" (July 2020).
  9. Ashraful Mondal (CEN-182018) "Effect  of Saturation on Soil Subgrade Strength" (July 2020).
  10. Supriya Sahoo (CEN-172012) "Effect of Plastic Waste Materials in Bituminous Pavement" (February 2020).
  11. Sk. Jahirul Islam (CEN-172016) "Laboratory Experiment on Permeability of Stratified Soil" (July 2019).
  12. Mabud Sarkar (CEN-162013) "Study of Improvement in Properties of Soil by Addition of Jute Fibres" (July 2018).
  13. Masudal Hossain (CEN-162015) " Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using Rice Husk Ash" (July 2018).
  14. Asif Ahmed Mandal (CEN-162011) " Study on Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using Quarry Dust" (July 2018).
  15. Shamim Raja (CEN-162009) " Study on Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using Saw Dust" (July 2018).

Membership Of Learned Societies

  1. Member of Indian Geotechnical Society (Kolkata Chapter)
  2. Life Fellow of Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (LF 772). 

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized

  1. Participated in AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on Climate Change and Its Impact on Disaster Frequency at Adamas University Technical Campus from 06/01/2025 to 11/01/2025.
  2. Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme in Recent Advancements in Research Methodology & IPR conducted by the IIPC & Research Cell of JIS University from 23rd September to 27th September 2024.
  3. Participated in the UGC-HRDC Sponsored Inter-Disciplinary Online Referesher Course in Tribal Studies (IDC) from 10th January to 23rd January, 2024 organised by Sambalpur University.
  4. Successfully completed Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on ROUND -2 NAAC ACCREDITATION-WAY FORWARD TO QUALITY EDUCATION Organised by Association of Muslim Professionals In collaboration with Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Mallapuram, Kerla from 11th to 15th December 2023
  5. Completed One Week Faculty Development Programme on Fundamental of Machine Learning and Deep Learning organised by NITTTR Kolkata from 25th  September to 29th September, 2023
  6. Completed One Week Short Term Training Programme through ICT mode on EFFECTIVE TEACHING organised by NITTTR Kolkata from 28th  February to 4th March, 2022. 
  7. Participated in One Day National Online Faculty Development Program on "Essential Soft Skills for Impactful Professional Career" on 11.02.2022 conducted by Indian Institute of Management and Commerce, Hyderabad.
  8. Prticipated in the Special Summer School (Online) equivalent to one Orientation Program/Refresher course conducted by UGC-HRDC Mizoram University held from 20th July - 02nd August, 2021.
  9. Attended the Five-Day (February 15-19, 2021) Winter School Online Workshop on Islamic studies jointly organised by Institute of Objective Study (Kolkata Chapter) & Department of Islamic Theology, Aliah University (Kolkata).
  10. Participated in UGC-HRDC Sponsored Inter-Disciplinary Refresher Course on Instrumentation and Automation from 9th December to 21st December, 2019 organised by Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  11. Participated in 74th UGC-HRDC Sponsored Orientation Program from 26/08/2019 to 16/09/2019 conducted by Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  12. Participated and successfully completed 3-days "Faculty Development Programfor Student induction (FDP-SI) during 16-18 July, 2018 at Sister Nivedita University Paragana organised by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
  13. Attended a Short Term Training Programme (27th February to 2nd March,2012) at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Kolkata on "An Introductory Course on Application of Finite element method in Civil Engineering".


Conference / Seminar/Workshop Attended




National Seminar on "Building Climate Resilience: Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation" Organised by Department of Education and Management National Technical Teacher's Training and Research (NITTTR), Kolkata Online 30 December, 2024
International Conference on "Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management" Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in Collaboration with Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi, Brunei Online December 20-21, 2024
International Conference “Research and Innovation for Sustainability in Civil Engineering (RISCE – 2024)” Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, BIT Sindri, Jharkhand, India. Online Nov. 25-26, 2024
Two Days National Workshop on " HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION ( NW-HCI 2024)" Jointly Organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Aliah University and Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Aliah University Aliah University September 11-12, 2024
Online Workshop on Continuous Flight Augur (CFA) Piles - Theory, Prospects & Application in India organised by DFI of India and IGS Kolkata Chapter Online 30th March, 2024
National Seminar on Sustainable Urban Waste Management Through Good Governance organised by Institution of Public health Engineers, India Hotel-The Stadel, Salt Lake, Kolkata 15th & 16th March, 2024
National Seminar on GEOTECHNICS - RECENT ADVANCEMENT IN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE (GEO-RARP) organized by Kolkata Chapter of Indian Geotechnical Society Dr. H. L. Roy Building, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India 4th - 5th August, 2023
National Seminar on Environmental Engineering and Management organised by Kolkata Centre of Institution of Public Health Engineers (India) IPHE- R.C. Bysack Hall, CK-58, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091 25th February, 2023
National Seminar on Urban Waste Management & Air Pollution Control: Issues & Challenges organised by Institution of Public health Engineers, India Hotel-The Stadel, Salt Lake, Kolkata 20th & 21st January, 2023
Webinar (Online) titled "COVID-Human Brain Challenges" organised by Mizoram University and INDICASAT-AIP, Republic of Panama  Online 30 July 2021
Two days workshop on " Experimental Learning, Community Engagements and Rural Immersions"  organised by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, jadavpur University, Kolkata and Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), Hyderabad, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Governement of India. Jadavpur University, Kolkata 6th & 7th September, 2019
Seminar on WHITE CEMENT at Higher College of Technology (HCT), Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman. HCT Muscat, Sultanate of Oman September 28, 2016

"5th Science Conclave/INSPIRE Internship Program" A Congregation of Nobel Laureates and Eminent Scientists, An MHRD-DST initiative.

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

December 08-14, 2012.


Conference / Seminar / Workshop Organised




Portfolio hold

Webinar on "Expert Lecture in Civil Engineering" (Lecture # 2)  Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University

November-16, 2024

Hands on Workshop: Insights of Virtual Lab Departmet of Electrical Engineering in association with IIT Kharagpur October 1, 2024 Co- Coordinator
Webinar on "Expert Lecture in Civil Engineering" (Lecture # 1) Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University

August-24, 2024


Recent Challenges in the field of Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Future

Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah university

17th -18th March, 2023


Current Trend in Infrastructure Development

Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah university

June – 21, 2014


Recent Trend in Infrastructure Development in West Bengal. Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah university June – 21, 2013 Co-Convener

Professional Society Activity

  • Service as Reviewer:
    1. Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management (CSIR-NIScPR).
    2. Waste Management (Elsevier)
  • Service as an External Examiner: Pailan College of Management & Technology, Kolkata
  • Service as Question Setter / Moderator: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), West Bengal (formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology).

Other Notable Activities

  1. Jt. Secretary of Aliah University Teacher's Association (AUTA) 
  2. Convener of Departmental Purchase Committee
  3. Member of university maintenance committee
  4. Member of Departmental NAAC Committee
  5. Member of Training & Placement Cell.
  6. Member of Board of Studies.
  7. Member of Purchase Committee
  8. Member of Committee for SC/ST students
  9. Member of Institute Induction Programme Cell (IIPC)
  10. Member of Committee to implement the Internship Programme for Technical Graduates of this University in collaboration with the Board of Practical Training (Eastern Region).
  11. HOD (Officiating) of the Department of Civil Engineering.
  12. Departmental Examination Coordinator.
  13. Departmental Time Table Coordinator.
  14. Member of Hostel Management Committee.
  15. Covener of selection of University Engineer.

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