Department of


Md. Sahjed Ali Mistry Assistant Professor / EDUCATION

Email :

Address : 17, Gorachand Road, Kolkata - 700014

Phone : 8926882486

Room No : F-9/16

Joined : 3rd January, 2019

Md. Sahjed Ali Mistry has more than six years of teaching experience in the field of Education, particularly in Teacher Education. He has done KAMIL (Hons), M.M. in ISLAMIC THEOLOGY, IFTA and M.A in EDUCATION, B.Ed. and M.Ed.  He qualified WBSET in Education as well. At present he is pursuing Ph.D. from Department of Islamic Theology, Aliah University, Kolkata. Md. Sahjed specializes in Pedagogy of Islamic Theology, Islamic culture and Education, Islamic Jurisprudence .and his keen interest is also found in the area of recent trends and issues in Indian Education System. As a 21st Century Md. Sahjed joined Aliah University in the month of 3rd Jan 2019.

Pay Scale: As per university norms.


•    CERTIFICATE and DIPLOMA Course in Arabic language
•     IFTA
•    B.Ed. and M.Ed.
•    M.A in Education
•    Presently pursuing Ph.D.
•    WB-SET in Education

Teaching Experience

More than 06 years.
o    Worked as an Assistant Teacher (Part-time) at Ghutiary Sharif B.M. Vidyapeeth (H.S), South 24 Pgs. West Bengal.
o    Presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education, Aliah University, Kolkata since 3rd Jan 2019.

Field of Specialization

Pedagogy of Islamic Theology, Tafsir, hadith, Fiqh and Islamic Jurisprudence.

Courses Taught/Teaching

Pedagogy of Islamic Theology, pedagogy of Arabic, Islamic Culture and Education, Peace and value Education, Learning and Teaching, Contemporary India and Education, Emerging Issues in Education , and Common course for all U.G Arabic and Islamic Studies,  M.A in education Elementary Arabic etc.

Journal Papers Published

o    Mistry, S (2023). Promoting people, peace, and prosperity: A path to social sustainability. ICSSR, ISBN: 978-3-96492-516-9 
o    Mistry, S (2019). Developing portfolios to Assess student learning Dept of education Aliah University  Kolkata ,ISBN – 978-93-87229-13-6

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