Department of

Islamic Studies

Dr. Syed Abdur Rasheed Assistant Professor / Islamic Studies

Email :

Address : Dept. of Islamic Studies, Aliah University, Park Circus Campus, 9th Floor, 17, Gorachand Road, Park Circus, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700014, India

Dr. Syed Abdur Rasheed is an Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at the Department of Islamic Studies, Aliah University, Kolkata. Currently he is serving as officiating Head Chaiman of Board of Studies, in the Dept. of Islamic Studies. Dr. has a specialization in Hadith Sciences with a strong knowledge of History of Tafsir and Muslim’s Contribution to Science in medieval period. He also has good skills of editing of Arabic-Islamic Manuscripts.


  • PhD Islamic studies                           June 2022-                                         MANUU, Hyd.
  • M. A. in Islamic studies                     May 2014      (Gold Medallist)        MANUU, Hyd.
  • B. A. (Hon) In Arabic                         June 2012                                           J.M.I., New Delhi
  • Specialization in Hadith Studies     June 2009                                          Damascus, Syria
  • Alimiat in Sharia Sciences                Sep. 2006                                           Jamia S.A.S. Lko.

Teaching Experience

  1. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Islamic Studies. Aliah University. Since Feb. 2019 – Now
  2. Guest Faculty, Dept. of Islamic Studies, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. Sep. 2014-April 2016.
  3. Lecturer of Terminology of Hadith & Biographical evaluation at Al Mahadul Aali Al Islami, Hyderabad, From Feb. 2011 to June 2012.

Field of Specialization

  • Science of Hadith
  • Muslim's Contribution to Science in Medieval Period
  • History of Tafsir
  • Manuscript Editing

Journal Papers Published

Articles: 08



  1. Syed Abdur Rasheed. November 2022, Musalmano me Fann e Naqsha sazi ka Aghaz aur Ibtidai Jughrafiyai Jaqshe (The beginning of the art of cartography among Muslims and the earliest geographical maps) Tehzeebul Akhlaq, Pages: 10-14, Aligarh, ISSN: 2348-2257. (UGC CARE Listed Journal No.41655)
  2. Syed Abdur Rasheed. October 2022, Tehzibon ke sath Islam ka Bartao-Shah Waliullah ka Nuqta-e-Nazar (Interaction of Islam with Cultures - Shah Waliullah's Perspective) Monthly BARAHEEN, Pages: 9-12, New Delhi, ISSN: 2395-3640. (UGC CARE Listed)
  3. Syed Abdur Rasheed. August 2021, Ahde Abbasi ke Hindustani Attibba (Indian Physicians during Abbasid Period) Tehzeebul Akhlaq, Pages: 29-33, Aligarh, ISSN: 2348-2257. (UGC CARE Listed Journal No.41655) Link:


  1. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. January-June 2018, Hasan Basri. Mutalaat Quarterly, Pages: 57-70. New Delhi. (ISSN: 2278-5302).
  2. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. July – Sep 2015. Dr. wahba Zuhaili: Hayat aur Ilmi Khidmaat, Mutalaat Quarterly, Pages: 22-34, New Delhi. (ISSN: 2278-5302).
  3. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. April-June 2014. Abu Ali Ibn e Sena aur Ilm e Tib me un kiKdimat, Mutalaat Quarterly, Pages: 57-70. New Delhi. (ISSN: 2278-5302).
  4. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. Mar - Oct 2014. Mustashreqeen aur Hadees. Monthly Tarjuman e Darul Uloom (Jadeed), Pages: 37-50. New Delhi. 
  5. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. April 2014, Taleem Ladkiyo ki Zaroori to hy magar. Yearly Nida e Salehat, Spl. Issue on women Education. Pages: 13-16, Kadapa, A.P.

Books Published

Edited Books: 04
  • Syed, Abdur Rasheed, (2015), Islam Hindustan Me, 517 pages. Hyderabad. DDE, MANUU. A Course Book for MA in Islamic Studies.
  • Syed, Abdur Rasheed, (2014), Quran aur Science, 260 pages. Hyderabad. Nisab Publishers. (ISBN: 978-93-82350-06-4)
  • Syed, Abdur Rasheed, (2010), Ruhul Ma‘ani fi Tafseer al Quran al Azeem wa al Sab‘al Mathani (23rd vol.). 520 pages. Beirut, Lebanon: Al Resalah Publishing House. Edited on Manuscript.
  • Syed, Abdur Rasheed (Co-Editer), (2011), Ulamae Hind ki Ahem Qurani Khidmaat . pages: 576, Huderabad. Al Mahad Al Aali Al Islami.


Monograph: 02
  • Ghribo ki Hajat Rawai aur Uswae nabawi. Al Mahadul Aali Al Islami, Hyderabad.
  • Asma-e- Husna. Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi.
Chapers in Books: 18
  1. Syed, Abdur Rasheed.  2023. “Ahde Asifjahi me Qura’ani Khidmaat”. In [ed.] Akhtar, Mohd. Fahim and Zeeshan Sara. Dakan me Islami Uloom ki Khidmaat. Pages: 408-416. Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-84973-94-0.
  2. Syed, Abdur Rasheed.  Feb 2023. “Arab e Jahiliyat me Khawateen ka Maqam o Martaba”. in [ed.] Akhtar, Dr. Mohd. Rehan. Majallah Derasat-e-Diniya. Pages: 149-154. Faculty of Theology, AMU, Aligarh. ISBN: 978-93-91456-33-7.
  3. Syed, Abdur Rasheed.  August 2022. Maghribi Bangal me Islamic Studies-Aliah University ke Khususi Hawale Se. in Akhtar, Prof. Mohd. Fahim, Islamic Studies: Tasawwur, Soorat-e-Haal aur Mustaqbil. Pages: 54-58. DTTSLP, MANU University, Hyderabad. ISBN: 978-93-95203-56-6.
  4. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. “Hindustan me Islamic Studies ki Asri Manawiyat” in [Ed.] Mohd. Fahim Akhtar, Prof. Islamic Studies: Tasawwur, Soorat-e-Haal aur Mustaqbil. DTTSLP, MANU University, Hyderabad. 2022. ISBN: 978-93-95203-56-6.
  5. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. March 2022. Fatimi Hukumat ke Ahem Hukumran. In: [Ed] DDE, MANUU, Ahd e Abbasi aur Khandani Hukumate. Pages: 146-160. Course Book for BA. ISBN: 978-93-93722-10-2.
  6. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. March 2022. Fatimi Hukumat ka Qayam o Istehkam. In: [Ed] DDE, MANUU, Ahd e Abbasi aur Khandani Hukumate. Pages: 161-175. Course Book for BA. ISBN: 978-93-93722-10-2.
  7. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. June 2021. ‘Umawi Hukumat ki Tausee’ in: DEE, MANUU, [Ed]. Seerat e Nabawi, Khilafat e Rashida aur Umawi Daur. Pages: 326-340. Course Book for BA.  ISBN: 978-93-80322-90-2.
  8. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. June 2021. ‘Umawi Hukumat ki Tausee’ in: DEE, MANUU, [Ed]. Seerat e Nabawi, Khilafat e Rashida aur Umawi Daur. Pages: 311-325. Course Book for BA.  ISBN: 978-93-80322-90-2.
  9. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. “Aliah University me Qurani Mutalaat ka Jaeza”. In [Ed] Muhammad Mubeen Saleem. Hindustan me Murtalaa e Quran Majeen. K. A. Nizami Center for Quranic Studies. AMU, Aligarh. 2020. ISBN 978-93-90167-12-8.
  10. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. “Maktoobat e Nabawi ke Usool aur Dr. Hamidullah”. In [Ed] Mohsin Usmani. Mohammad Hamidullah ka limi warsa aur us ki Asri Manawiyat. Institute of Objective studies, New Delhi. 2019. ISBN: 978-93-84973-79-7.
  11. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2015. Tibb, Kimiya, Haiwaniyat, Nabatat. In: DDE, MANUU. [Ed]. Uloom o Funoon me Musalmano aur Ghair Muslimo ka Hissa. Pages: 61-93. DDE, MANUU. Course Book for MA in Islamic Studies.
  12. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2015. Tabi’iyaat, Falakiyaat aur Riyaziaat. In: DDE, MANUU. [Ed]. Uloom o Funoon me Musalmano aur Ghair Muslimo ka Hissa. Pages: 94-104. DDE, MANUU. Course Book for MA in Islamic Studies.
  13. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2015. Tareekh Nawesi aur Gugrafiya. In: DDE, MANUU. [Ed]. Uloom o Funoon me Musalmano aur Ghair Muslimo ka Hissa. Pages: 105-134. DDE, MANUU. Course Book for MA in Islamic Studies.
  14. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2015. Funoon e Latifa aur Tameeraat. In: DDE, MANUU. [Ed]. Uloom o Funoon me Musalmano aur Ghair Muslimo ka Hissa. Pages: 135-156. DDE, MANUU. Course Book for MA in Islamic Studies.
  15. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2014. Quran e Majeed aur Arziyati Science. In: Syed, Abdur Rasheed. [Ed]. Quran aur Science. Pages: 51-60. Hyderabad. Nisab Publishers. (ISBN: 978-93-82350-06-4)
  16. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2014. Samundari Ektishafat aur Quran e Majeed. In: Syed, Abdur Rasheed. [Ed]. Quran aur Science. Pages: 61-67. Hyderabad. Nisab Publishers. (ISBN: 978-93-82350-06-4)
  17. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2014. Maholyati Scienc aur Quran e Kareem. In: Syed, Abdur Rasheed. [Ed]. Quran aur Science. Pages: 51-60. Hyderabad. Nisab Publishers. (ISBN: 978-93-82350-06-4)
  18. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. 2011. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan ki Tafseerul Quran- Ek Jaeza, In: Al Mahadul Aali al Islami, Hyd. [Ed]. Ulamae Hind ki Ahem Qurani Khidmaat. Pages: 314-331. Al Mahad Al Aali Al Islami, Hyd.
Proceedings: 03
  1. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. “Hindustan me Islamic Studies ki Asri Manawiyat” in [Ed.] Mohd. Fahim Akhtar, Prof. Islamic Studies: Tasawwur, Soorat-e-Haal aur Mustaqbil. DTTSLP, MANU University, Hyderabad. 2022. ISBN: 978-93-95203-56-6.
  2. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. “Aliah University me Qurani Mutalaat ka Jaeza”. In [Ed] Muhammad Mubeen Saleem. Hindustan me Murtalaa e Quran Majeen. K. A. Nizami Center for Quranic Studies. AMU, Aligarh. 2020. ISBN 978-93-90167-12-8. 
  3. Syed, Abdur Rasheed. “Maktoobat e Nabawi ke Usool aur Dr. Hamidullah”. In [Ed] Mohsin Usmani. Mohammad Hamidullah ka limi warsa aur us ki Asri Manawiyat. Institute of Objective studies, New Delhi. 2019. ISBN: 978-93-84973-79-7

Invited Lectures

Invited Lectures (12)

  1. Delivered an online lecture on the topic of “Major Medieval Muslim Contribution to Humanities & Social Sciences” in Five-day Online Winter School Programme in Islamic Studies, organized by the Dept. of Islamic Studies, Hamdard University, on 22nd Feb. 2022.
  2. Delivered a lecture on “Aqeeda: Tawheed, Risalat, Akhirat” in Five-day winter school an online workshop on Islamic Studies organized by the dept. of Islamic Theology, Aliah University in collaboration with IOS, Kolkata Chapter on 16th Feb. 2021.
  3. Delivered an online lecture on “Present Crisis and the Role of Faith” organized by Institute of Objective studies, Kolkata Chapter, on 8th Oct 2020.
  4. Delivered an online lecture on the topic of “The Early Scientific Contributions of Muslims - in the lights of Primary Sources and New Evidence” organized by Islami Mutalaat forum, Dept. of Islamic Studies, MANUU, Hyderabad, on 5th September 2020.
  5. Delivered a lecture on “Jama wa Tadween Hadith” in Five-day winter school post graduate program on in Islamic Studies organized by the dept. of Islamic Studies, Aliah University in collaboration with IOS, Kolkata Chapter on 11th Feb. 2020.
  6. Delivered a lecture on “Non-Muslims during the time of the Prophet” in Five-day winter school post graduate program on in Islamic Studies organized by the dept. of Islamic Studies, Aliah University in collaboration with IOS, Kolkata Chapter on 11th Feb. 2020.
  7. Delivered a lecture on the topic of “Maghribi Bengal me Islamic Studies-Aliah University k Hawale se” organized by Islami Mutalaat foram, Dept. of Islamic Studies, MANUU, Hyderabad, on 30th January 2020.
  8. Delivered a lecture on “Mutallat – Seerat Unnabi” in Indra Priyadarshani Govt. Collage of Women, Hyderabad, on 30th Oct 2019.
  9. Delivered a lecture on “Educations System in the Arab World” in the department of Islamic Studies, MANUU, Hyd.
  10. Delivered a lecture on “Dr. Wahba Zuhaili” in the department of Islamic Studies, MANUU, Hyd.
  11. Delivered a lecture on “Teaching of Tafseer: Aims, Objectives and Methods”, in Madrasa Teachers’ Training Programme organized by UGC-HRDC, MANUU on 9th June 2015.
  12. Invited to deliver a lecture on “Hindutan ke chand Mashhoor Kutub Khane” in Al Mahad Al aali al islami Hyd on 18th April 2015. 

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized

Orientation Program/Refresher Course


  1. Participated in Interdisciplinary Subject Refresher Course on Environmental Studies, 27th Sep to 11th Oct 2022, organized by UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh.
  2. Participated in Faculty Induction Program, 8th Feb to 12th March 2022. organized by UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh.


Seminar and Workshops:

Organized (01)

Convener: Winter school, five-day national postgraduate program on Islamic Studies organized jointly by the dept. of Islamic Studies, Aliah University, and IOS, Kolkata Chapter, held on 10-14 Feb. 2020 at Aliah University, Kolkata.

Participated: (23)

International Seminar (11)

  1. Presented a paper on the topic of “Arab e Jahiliyat me Aurto ka Maqam wo Martaba” in International Seminar on ‘The Concept of Chastity and Modesty in World Religions’ organized by Islamic Fiqh Academy, New Delhi, India in Collaboration with Faculty of Theology, AMU, Aligarh, on March 26-27 2022.
  2. Presented a paper on the topic of “Islamic Studies me Jadeed Mauzuaat- Sorate Hal aur Imkanat”, in Two-day International Urdu Social Science Congress (IUSSC-2022) on Social Science in South Asia, organized by Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad on 2-3 Feb 2022.
  3. Presented a paper on the topic of “Baytul Hikmat me Samaji aur Mazhabi Takseeriyat” in Two day International Seminar (Online) on ‘Islam and Pluralism: The Indian Perspective’, on 19-20 January 2022, organized by the dept. of Islamic Studies, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
  4. Presented a paper on the topic of “Hindumat ki Tafheem me Albiruni ka Manhaj aur uski Manawiat” (Albiruni’s Methodology and its relevance in the understanding of Hinduism) in Two-Day international Seminar/Webinar on ‘Devine and other Religious Books – History and Introduction’ on 26th – 27th June 2021, organized by the Faculty of Theology, AMU, in collaboration with IMF, New Delhi.
  5. Presented a paper on the topic of “Religious Tolerance during Righteous Caliphate” in two-day International Virtual Conference on “The Role of Tolerance in the Stability of the Society” organized by the Department of Islamic Theology, Aliah University, Kolkata, W.B. on January 19th-20th 2021.
  6. Presented paper entitled “Riyaziat aur Falakiyat me Musalmanon ki Khidmat- Fuat Sezgin aur Brokalman ka Taqabuli Mutala” in tow day international conference on the life and corntribution of Prof. Fuat Sezgin, organized by Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, on 21-22 Dec. 2019.
  7. Presented paper titled “Maktoobat e Hadiees ki Tahqeeq mien Ml Habibur Rahman Azmi ka Manhaj aur Uski Khosoosiyat” in Two-day National Conference on ‘Allama Habibur Rahman Azmi: Life and Contributions’ organized by Institute of Objective studies, New Delhi, on July 6-7, 2019, at New Delhi.
  8. Presented a paper on the topic “Maktubat-e-Nabvi keAsul aur Dr. Hamidullah” in Tow Day international Conference on “The Legacy of Muhammad Hamidullah and its Contemporary Relevance” organized by IOS, New Delhi, held on Feb. 17-18, 2017.
  9. Presented a paper on the topic “Maholiyat ke Masael aur Uswae Nabwi (SAW)” in international Seerat Seminar organized by Al Mahadul Aali, Hyd, on 21-23 February 2016, at Hyderabad.
  10. Participated as a local Expert and presented a paper entitled “Teaching Methods of Quran and its Institutions in Hyderabad” in “International Forum to improve Quranic education and the development of institutions”, held in Hyderabad on 25-28 January 2014, Organized jointly by ISESCO, Egypt, HQMIO, KSA, & Al MahadulAali Al Islami, Hyderabad. 
  11. Presented a paper entitled “Quran e Majeed aur Arziyati Science” in International Seminar held on 5-8 Feb 2011, organized by Al Mahadul Aali Al Islami, Hyderabad.

National Seminar (12)

  1. Presented a paper on the topic ofIslami Mutalaat me Bengali Gair Muslimo ki Khidmaat” in One-Day National Seminar/Webinar on ‘Contribution of Bengali Non-Muslims to Islamic Studies’ organized by Dept. of Islamic Studies, MANUU, in collaboration with IFA, KF and HMI, at Hyderabad on 28th February 2023.
  2. Presented a paper on the topic of “Maulana Abdullah Abbas ki Tarjuma Nigari” in Two-Day National Seminar on ‘Islami Adab ke Tarjuman: Maulana Abdullah Abbas Nadvi rh’ organized by Rabta Adab e Islami, Bihar Brach on 18th -19th February 2023.
  3. Presented a paper on the topic of “Islam aur hindumat me Mazhabi Muzakere ke liye Mushtareka Bunyade” (common ground for religious dialogue between Islam and Hinduism) in Two-Day National Seminar/Webinar on ‘Common Grounds for Co-Existence in Plural Society’ on 11th – 12th April 2021, organized by the Dept. of Islamic Studies, MANUU, in collaboration with Islamic Fiqh Academy India.
  4. Presented a paper on the topic of “Deccan me Uloom wo Maarif e Qurani” (Quranic Sciences in South India) in Two-Day National Seminar/Webinar on ‘Islamic Sciences during Muslim Rules of Deccan’ on 7th – 8th April 2021, organized by the dept. of Islamic Studies, MANUU, in collaboration with Islamic Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi.
  5. Presented a paper on the topic of “Shubae Islamiyat Aliah University Aur Mutalaat e Qurani”, in National Seminar on Status of the Quranic Studies in India, Organized by KA Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, AMU, Aligarh, on 4-5 March 2020, at AMU, Aligarh.
  6. Presented a paper entitled “Hindustan me Islamic Studies ki Asri Manawiyat” in Two-day National Seminar on ‘Islamic Studies: Concept, Present Scenario and Future’ on 24-25 April 2019, Organized by the Dept. of Islamic Studies MANUU in collaboration with Henry Martyn Institute, at Hyderabad.
  7. Presented a paper entitled “Arab o Hind Ta’lluqat ki Ilmi Bunyade” in the First National Urdu Social Science Congress 2017, held on 14-15 Dec. 2017. MANUU, Hyderabad.
  8. Presented a paper entitled “Bayt al Hikmat Baghdad ki Ilmi Khidmaat” in 1st Mushirul Haq National Research Scholar Seminar, organized by the Bazm-e-Tahqeeq, Dept. of Islamic Studies, JMI, New Delhi, held on 24th Nov. 2016.
  9. Presented a paper entitled “Scienci Uloom me Musalmano ka Hissa” in National Urdu Science Congress 2017, organized by CPKU, MANUU, held on 16-17 Feb. 2017.
  10. Presented a paper entitled “Imam Mujahid Ahmed Bin IrfanShaheed (Shaheedul Hind”) in tow day National Seminar on “contribution of Arabic and Urdu Scholars to freedom movement of India (with special reference to Telangana State)” on 29th& 30th January, 2015. Organized by the Dept. of Arabic, A. V. Collage of Arts, Science & Commerce, Hyderabad.
  11. Presented a paper entitled “Environmental Problems and their Solutions in Islamic Perspective” in one day national seminar on “Modern Issues and Islamic Jurisprudence” held in MANUU on13th November 2014. 
  12. Presented a paper entitled “Al awqaf fi welayate Andhra Pradesh: tarikhuhawawaqeuha” in Two Days national Seminar on “Waqf in India”, on 29-30 March, 2014, in Bangalore, organized jointly by Islamic Fiqh Academy India, Islamic Research and Training Institute (Jeddah), and Kuwait Awqaf Public Foundation.

Workshops (09)

  • Abroad (02)
  1. Participated in 10-Day Educational Workshop on “The Future of Islamic Thought: Engaging History, Tradition, and Science” organized by CMRI, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Notre Dame University, USA, at  Nagarkot, Nepal, on July 23-August 1, 2022.
  2. Participated in one week “International Educational Workshop for Advancing Theological and Scientific Literacy in Madrasa Discourses” organized by CMRI initiative, Notre Dame University, USA, at Collage of Islamic Studies, HBK University, Doha, Qatar, on December 25-30, 2019.
  • In India (07)
  1. Participated in one-day “Workshop on Academic Integrity” organized by STRAQ Unit, DDE, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad on 5th December 2022.
  2. Participated in “UGC Sponsored online Workshop on NEP 2020 Implementation” organized by UGC, HRDC, AMU on 7th -8th Oct. 2022.
  3. Participated in “Five Day Online Workshop on Research Methodology and ICT” organised by MANU University, Hyderabad in collaboration with Telangana State Urdu Academy, Hyderabad from 11th to 20th April 2021.
  4. Attended Two Day Workshop on “The Art of Translation: Problems and Possibilities”, organized by Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, on 29-30 June 2018, at New Delhi.
  5. Attended Five Day Workshop on “Preventive Conservation of Manuscripts”, organized jointly by the State Archives Research Institute, Hyderabad, Govt. of Telangana and National Mission for Manuscripts, New Delhi, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, from 09th to 13th October 2017.
  6. Participated in the workshop on “Plagiarism and Referencing”, organized by Sayyid Hamid Library, MANUU, Hyderabad, on April 27, 2017. 
  7. Participated in Three Day Workshop on “Urdu Creative Writing for Children” organized by Centre for Urdu language, Literature & Culture, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, on 27-29 August 2016, in Hyderabad.

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