Department of


Dr.Mukandar Sekh Associate Professor / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : 2nd Floor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aliah University, II-A/27, Action Area-II, Newtown, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 700160.

Joined : 11-11-2010


1. Acquired Ph.D. (Engg) degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, in 2013..

2. Obtained M.Tech. Degree in Production Technology from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2006.

3. Obtained B.Tech degree in Production Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2004.


Teaching Experience

 1. Current post:  Assistant Professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Aliah University, Kolkata, India, since November 11, 2010.

2. Worked as a Assistant Professor in Dept. of Production Engg., Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India, July 2010 to November 10, 2010.

3. Worked as a Senior Research Fellow (under State Govt. Departmental Fellowship) at Jadavpur University,Kolkata, India, September 2006- July  2010.

Field of Specialization

  • Manufacturing Technology

Courses Taught/Teaching

Under Graduate Level:

  1. Manufacturing Technology
  2. Machine Tools & Machining
  3.  Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  4. Engineering Mechanics-II

Post Graduate Level:

  1. Theory of Metal Cutting 


Research Area

  • Manufacturing Process & Materials Manufacturing


Administrative  Experiences:

  • HOD(officiating), Department of Mechanical Engineering from July, 2013 to June, 2015.
  • Re-engaged as HOD(officiating),  Department of Mechanical Engineering from December, 2015 to December, 2017.
  • Vice Chairman of A.U.A.T. for session 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21

Conference Papers Published

List of publication and presentation in international conference:

  1. ‘Determination of optimal WEDM cutting condition of Inconel 718’, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, 2007,College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India, December 13-14, pp.295-299. 
  2. ‘Experimental Investigation on Machining Parameter Optimization in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Varying Height Job’, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference onPrecision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, 2009, 11-12 December, pp.G24-27.
  3. ‘Optimization of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process Parameters using Taguchi and Grey Relational Analysis Method’,Proceedings of 3rd International and 24th AIMTDR conference, 2010, December 11-12, College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, pp.189-192.
  4.  ‘Development of an Empirical Method to Measure the Wire Lag in WEDM’, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, 2011,December 10-11, pp.224-228.


List of publication and presentation in national conference:

  1. ‘Multiobjective Optimization of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining based on Grey Relational Analysis Method’, Proceedings of the RAMTM-2010, February, 19-20, Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, pp.99-103.


Journal Papers Published

International Referred Journal:

  1. ‘Modeling and optimization of wire electrical discharge machining of γ-TiAl in trim cutting operation’, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 205 (2008), pp 376-387.
  2. ‘A novel method of determination of wire lag for enhanced profile accuracy in WEDM, Precision Engineering, Vol. 35 (2011), pp.339–347.
  3. ‘Influence of different control strategies in wire electrical discharge machining of varying height job’, Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016). doi:10.1007/s00170-016-9045-y.
  4. 'Frictional Behavior of Aluminium MMC Foam Synthesized Using Dual Foaming Agent',International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science. Volume 5 • Issue 2 • July-December-2017 • ISSN: 2166-7225 • eISSN: 2166-7233



  • State Govt. Departmental Research Fellowship.

Membership Of Learned Societies

  1. Council Member of Indian Institute of Foundrymen, Kolkata Chapter.

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