Department of


Dr. Amitava Dutta Assistant Professor / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : 1st Floor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aliah University, II-A/27, Action Area-II, Newtown, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 700160.

Joined : 10/11/2010


  • Ph. D., Dept. of Power Engg., Jadavpur University, 2022
  • M.E., Dept. of Power Engg.,  Jadavpur University, 2009
  • B.E., Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Jadavpur Univeristy, 2003

Teaching Experience

  1. Current post:  Assistant Professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Aliah University, Kolkata, India, since November 10, 2010.
  2. Worked as a Lecturer in Dept. of Mechanical Science, Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, West Bengal, India, January 16, 2007 to November 9, 2010.     

Field of Specialization

  • Thermofluid

Courses Taught/Teaching

Under-Graduate Level:

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Machinery
  • Mechanical Engineering Lab II

Post-Graduate Level:

  • Advanced Heat transfer 
  • Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Research Area

  • Microfluidics
  • CFD


Teacher-in-Charge, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aliah University, from July, 2011to July, 2013.

Conference Papers Published

International Conference:

  1. Das A., Dutta A., “Particle separation in a viscoelastic medium flowing through a grooved microchannel using contactless dielectrophoresis”, 2nd International Conference on Futuristic Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Sciences held at IITRAM Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India 19-21 January 2024. 
  2. Panigrahi J P, Dutta A., “Enhancement of mixing efficiency of a magnetic stirring based micro-mixer”, 2nd International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies for Sustainable Development held at IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, India, 27-28 April 2023.
  3. Ahmed M, Dutta A., “Numerical investigation of non-linear Joule heating effects on an electrokinetic flow in a microfluidic channel”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020) held at Aliah University, Kolkata during 16 to 18 January 2020.
  4. Dutta A., Santra A.K., and Ganguly R., Numerical study of concentration of bio-analyte by temperature gradient focusing via Joule heating in a microfluidic channel, ICESD 2020, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, India, February 14-15, 2020.

National Conference:

  1. Dutta A., Iqbal S. R, Numerical Study of MHD Convection Flow in a Horizontal Channel with Two Isothermal Walls, NCMERP, BIET, Suri, India, February 2-3, 2013.

Journal Papers Published

  1. Dutta, A., Santra A.K., and Ganguly R., 2023, “Temperature gradient focusing of bio-analyte in a microfluidic channel dealing with non-Newtonian electrolyte considering temperature dependent zeta potential” Electrophoresis.,
  2. Dutta, A., Santra A.K., and Ganguly R., 2022, “Nonlinear temperature gradient focusing of DNA in a microfluidic channel with patterned surface charges: a numerical study”  Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Application,
  3. Dutta, A., Santra,A.K.,and Ganguly,R.,2021, “Microfluidic concentration enhancement of bio-analyte by temperature gradient focusing via Joule heating by DC plus AC field: A numerical approach”, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Application.,13(6).

Books Published

Chapters in Edited Book:

  1. Das, A. & Dutta, A. (2024). Particle Seperation in a Viscoelastic Medium Flowing Through a Grooved Microchannel Using Contactless Dielectrophoresis. In Advances in Thermal Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICFAMMT 2024 (Springer Nature),

MASTER Thesis Guidance

  1. Sk Mintajuddin Ahmed (2020), "Numerical Investigation of non-linear Joule heating effects on an electrokinetic flow in a microfluidic channel".
  2. Ravi Ranjan Singh (2021), "Numerical study of mixing peformance of T-shaped micromixers with different geometry variations under low Reynolds number".
  3. Sk. Moinuddin (2021), "AC electrothermal effect in Microfluidics".

Membership Of Learned Societies

Association for machines and mechanisms (2009 - Present)

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