The Department having been initiated in 2010 assumed the stature of full-fledged department of History with a syllabus set in the line of those in the frontline Universities of India. Apart from Undergraduate and Postgraduate curriculum, the department has Ph.D. course as a part of its higher research programme. The department follows a semester system in its routine study structure and till date has governed Twelve (12) batches of students who completed their studies in M.A. in this department.
History is important branch of Social Science and the students of History are meant to be conscious, aware, analytical rational and responsible Social Scientists. Under the CBCS patterns of each semester, is devoted to the study of particular Historical phase with a critical appreciation of the past. In departing a passion for learning about the past makes the students ready for the
future, through a better understanding of the contemporary world as they come to know about the evolution of their own society, polity and economy in relation to the greater world. And in arousing a deep passion to study the past, enable them to cultivate a skill for historical thinking. A continuous importance to evidences, facts and rationality built in them an enthusiast, looking for
the past for a better comprehension of the present problems in their locality, province, nation The Department of History, Aliah University does not restrict itself to class-room teaching methodology alone, it is the basic approach of the department to create a workable interdisciplinary system to teach and assess. The teaching-learning process ranges from interactive sessions, discussions, workshops and presentations. In order to initiate the students and motivate them to develop analytical understanding both of the present and the past seminar papers are introduced at different levels to develop their research skills. Outstanding academicians and historians are always invited for brilliant interactive sessions with the students. Lectures are organized by the Department, with scholars of national and international fame to motivate students. The evaluation criteria form an important part of the teaching learning process, as the students acquires the skill and ability for seeking a continuous comprehensive evaluation of all the competencies required in the area. The students inculcate both theoretical concepts and practical knowledge through
presentations, class participation through projects, seminar papers, dissertations, field visits and internships to acquire a sound knowledge of historiography, documentation, museum, mapping and archaeological understanding, making them fit to take up any competitive examinations. The students are also imparted with the knowledge about the relevance of History in different competitive examinations.
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