Department of


Dr. Indranil Mukherjee Associate Professor / CIVIL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : Civil Engineering Department, Aliah University, II-A/27, Action Area II, Newtown, Kolkata, West Bengal 700156

Room No : Faculty Room,1st Floor, Civil Engineering Department

Joined : 15.03.2021

An engineer apart from being an academecian, always trying to bridge the gap between industry and academics by imparting pertinent technical knowledge to the students, to enable them to solve the civil engineering problems of the practical field. A researcher mostly devoted to finding solutions for the betterment of air quality through relevant air quality assessment studies and air quality modelling.


Ph.D (Engineering), Jadavpur University, 2010

Master of Civil Engineering ( Environmental Engineering Specialization), Jadavpur University, 2003

Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University, 2001

Teaching Experience

Detailed Teaching/Research Experience:


Sl No

Name of Organisation

Designations Held

Period of Service




Civil Engineering Department, Aliah University

Associate Professor

Presently continuing from March, 2021


iLEADS Under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (Formerly WBUT)

Advisory Educational Consultant

Sept, 2020-Jan,2021


Civil & Environmental Engineering Design Solutions

Chief Technical Consultant



Civil Engineering Department of Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management Under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology              (Formerly WBUT)





Jan,2018- Jan,2020


Civil Engineering Department of Techno India College of Technology Under West Bengal University of Technology

Associate Professor & H.O.D



Civil Engineering Department of Hooghly Engineering & Technology College Under West Bengal University of Technology




Associate Professor

January,2013-July, 2013


October,2011 – July, 2013


Civil Engineering Department of Hooghly Engineering & Technology College Under West Bengal University of Technology

Assistant Professor

January,2009 – September, 2011


Civil Engineering Department of Haldia Institute of Technology Under West Bengal University of Technology

Assistant Professor

July, 2008  -January,2009


Jadavpur University (Environmental Science & Engineering)


August, 2006 –July,2008



 Jadavpur University (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Fellowship from New Delhi)

Senior Research Fellow

August, 2003-July, 2006


Jadavpur University (Winrock International India Funded Research Assistance  under Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India)

Research Assistant

April, 2003-August, 2003



Jadavpur University (University Grant Commission’s Unassigned Grant Fellowship, Govt. of India)

Research Assistant



Field of Specialization

Air Quality Assessment & Modelling

Analysing and designing of Water Distribution Networks

Greenhouse gas quanitification from Thermal Power Sector


Courses Taught/Teaching

1. Environmental Engineering (B..Tech, 3rd Year)

2. Introduction to Civil Engineering (B.Tech 2nd Year)

3. Surveying Lab ( B.Tech  2nd Year)

4. Environmental Engineering Lab (B.Tech 4th Year)

5.  Air and Noise Pollution and Control (B. Tech 4th Year)

6. Advanced Hydraulic Structure ( M.Tech 1st Year, WRE)

7. Water Resources Planning and Management (M. Tech 1st Year WRE)

Research Area

1. Solid Waste Management

2. Non Conventional Energy 

3. Groundwater Contamination modelling

4. Air Pollution abatement 

5. Mathematical Modelling of Contaminant Transfer

6. Water & Waste Water  Engineering


Total Teaching Experience of more than 18 years and Full time research experience of  about Three and a half years

Conference Papers Published

International or National Conferences/Seminars/Symposium

  1. Sl. No

    Name of Paper

    Name of Conference/Seminar/ Symposium

    Authors in Order


    An estimation of green house gas emission from thermal power plants in India during 2002-03

    Published in the proceedings of Natcom Conference, UNFCCC, 2004, pp16-22

    S. Chowdhury, S.Chakraborty,

    S.Bhattacharya, A.Garg, A.P.Mitra,I.Mukherjee,N.Chakraborty


    Promotion of Ecotourism in Sundarban through the assessment of air pollution and socio-economic status

    Published in the proceedings of Humboldt Kolleg held at Mirik from 18th to 20th Jan, 2005, pp 114-118

    N.Chakraborty, I.Mukherjee


    Economics of Particulate Pollution

    Presented in the International Conference on Environment and Development, held at Science City, Kolkata, from February 4-8, 2004

    I.Mukherjee, B. Thakur, S.N.Chakrabarty


    An Overview of Fine Particulate Pollution

    Presented and Published in the Proceedings of  National Seminar on Urban Air Pollution: Issues and Solutions, held in Baroda on 22nd March, 2003

    I.Mukherjee, B. Thakur, A.D.Sarkar, S.N.Chakrabarty


    Advancement in Particulate Pollution Monitoring

    Abstract Published in the Proceedings of National Seminar on Advancements in Materials, Equipment & Technology in Public Health Engineering, held in Kolkata on 5th December,2003, pp 58

    I.Mukherjee, B. Thakur, S.N.Chakrabarty



    Synergies between Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development in the mangrove eco-system of The Sundarbans

    Published in the Proceedings of the  Workshop Cum Seventeenth National Symposium on Environment (NSE- 17), 13th-15th May, 2010, IIT Kanpur

    I.Mukherjee, N. Chakraborty,

    S. Bardhan


    A Brief Review To Judge The Relationship Between Two Key Parameters Regulating Global Warming Phenomenon

    Presented and Published in the Proceedings of the  National Seminar on ‘Global Warming And Its Impact on Water Resources (GWIWR-2011),14th Jan,2011

    S.Pal. I. Mukherjee





    Vulnerability of the Brahmaputra-Barak Basin to Intense Flooding





    Published in the Conference Proceedings of the National Conference On “WATER, ENERGY AND BIODIVERSITY”- with Special reference to North-East Region - (WEB for N-E Region-2011), August 20-22, 2011, Agartala, Tripura


    R. Majumder, I. Mukherjee,

    B. Tudu,

    N. Chakraborty








    Optimised Stand Alone Hybrid Energy System-A New Paradigm Shift For Energy Solution in North East of India




    Published in the Conference Proceedings of the  National Conference On “WATER, ENERGY AND BIODIVERSITY”- with Special reference to North-East Region - (WEB for N-E Region-2011), August 20-22, 2011, Agartala, Tripura


    B. Tudu, I. Mukherjee, R. Majumder,

    N. Chakraborty






    Renewable energy for sustainable development in India: Review on status, potential and policies


    Abstract published in the Proceedings of International Seminar on “Society, Politics and Climate Change” organized by Khandwala College, IIFM, USIEF held at Nagindas Khandwala College, Malad ( West) Mumbai on 3rd-4th  Dec, 2012

    A. Bhowmik, B. Tudu, I. Mukherjee,

     K. K. Mandal, N. Chakraborty



    Transition from Fossil Fuel to Non-Conventional Sources- A Solution for the Future in India


    Abstract published in the Proceedings of International Seminar on “Society, Politics and Climate Change” organized by Khandwala College, IIFM, USIEF held at Nagindas Knandwala College, Malad ( West) Mumbai on 3rd-4th  Dec, 2012

    S. Choudhury, T. Ghosh, R. Paul ,

    B. Tudu, I. Mukherjee



    Review on Feasibility of Wind Energy Potential for India

    Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Non Conventional Energy (ICONCE 2014) sponsored under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme

    (TEQIP) in JIS College of Engineering held from (16-17)th January, 2014, pp 244-246

    R. Majumder, D.Paul, B.Tudu,



    Stand-alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System-An

    Alternative to Increased Energy Demand


    Paper published in the Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication, Organized by the Dept. of Applied Physics and held at University of Calcutta, 31ST Jan-2nd Feb, 2014),  pp 390-394

    B. Tudu, K. K. Mandal, N. Chakraborty I.Mukherjee


    Analyzing The Biological Intervention of Fine Particulate Fractions in Human Body

    Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Air Quality-Science & Application, Organized by the University of Hertfordshire (UK) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and held at Garmisch- Partenkirchen, Germany from 24th-28th March, 2014, pp 219

    I. Mukherjee, T. Chakraborty


    Feasibility of Green Buildings as alternative to reduce environmental pollution for developing countries like India

    10th All India People’s Technology Congress, Organised by Forum of Scientists, Engineers & Technologists (FOSET) in collaboration with All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN), Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha and Centre for Technology Development, New Delhi, held at Rajabazar Science College, University of Calcutta, Code-049-SHL-06, 6th -7th Feb, 2015

    I.Mukherjee, S.Sinha, S.N.Bose









    BIOMIMICRY-A Set of Inspirations for Indian Construction Sector

    6th All India Inter Engineering College Proceedings, Academic Meet- 2015, 26th April, 2015, Organised by FOSET in association with MCKV Institute of Engineering, C&A-03, pp 22

    T. Jaman, S. Sadab, S. Bose, I Mukherjee


    Photovaltaic Cells and their applications in context to Renewable Energy Sources

    6th All India Inter Engineering College Proceedings, Academic Meet- 2015, 26th April, 2015, Organised by FOSET in association with MCKV Institute of Engineering, EEI-20, pp 35

    S. Sinha, I Mukherjee


    Comparative study of fault classification in short transmission line using wavelets and neural networks

    International Conference on Energy Options for Tomorrow: Technology to Sustainability (ICEOT 2017), Eco-Vista, 17th-19th April, 2017, Kolkata, India, pp 79-88

    S. Verma, P. Chattopadhyay, I. Mukherjee


    Dynamic Response Analysis of a Back-toBack Converter based DFIG Wind Farm under Variable Wind Speed

    IEEE sponsored International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017), 19-20 October 2017, Coimbatore, India

    A. Chakraborty, S. Kumar, B. Tudu, K. K.Mandal, I. Mukherjee


    Cascaded High Gain DC-DC Converter for DC Microgrid Application


    IEEE International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control (PEEIC 2018), G.L. Bajaj Inst. of Technology and Management Greater Noida, U.P. (India) , 13th -14th April, 2018

    S. Chatterjee, S. Jhampati, A. Prasad, I. Mukherjee, B. Tudu


    Comparative Study of Faults for Two Different Transmission Systems

    2nd International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering & Nano Technology, IEMENTech 2018, IEM Gurukul Campus, 4th-5th May, 2018

    S. Verma, B.Tudu, I.Mukherjee


    Simulation and Analysis of Four Quadrants Cuk Converter with MPPT Based PV Array



    S.Chatterjee, S.Jhampati, I.Mukherjee


    Stability Analysis of Renewable Fed Distribution Systems Simulated With Hybrid Energy Resources

    Published in the Book of Abstract of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Energy Management and Renewable Resources

    A. Roy, S. Chatterjee, A. Chandra, I. Mukherjee


    Can Corporate Social Responsibility be a part of the marketing policy of the companies to enhance their brand value of their product or service? – A Case Study of Tata Group of Companies

    Abstract Published in the Conference Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management and Business Practices (ICMBP), 21-22 February, 2024, Organized by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University

    S. Saha, A. Banerjee, I. Mukherjee, A. Banerjee, A. Ray, K. Ghosh, M. Dey


    Assessing the influence of NEP 2020in Enhancing the course curriculum in India- A Case Study

    Abstract Published in the Conference Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management and Business Practices (ICMBP), 21-22 February, 2024, Organized by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University

    A. Banerjee, S. Saha, I. Mukherjee, A. Banerjee, A. Ray, K. Ghosh, M. Dey


    Exploring Sustainable Solutions for the Rural Remote Villages of the Sundarban Delta: A Literature Review Based Study

    Abstract Published in the Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Management and Business Practices (ICMBP), 29-30 January, 2025, Organized by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University

    A. Banerjee, A. Banerjee, A. Ray, I. Mukherjee, K. Ghosh, M. Dey


    Do Urban Female consumers prefer to order online?- A study on change in Consumer perception

    Abstract Published in the Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Management and Business Practices (ICMBP), 29-30 January, 2025, Organized by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University

    S. Saha, I. Mukherjee, K. Kundu


    Estimating Ground Water Contamination Potential of a Selected Location of Nandigram, West Bengal, India for Sustainable Area Development

    Extended abstract published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management, 20th-21st Dec,2024, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

    Md. W. Akram, I. Mukherjee, A. Banerjee, A. Ray, A. Banerjee, A.K. Gangopadhyay


    Exploring the probable impact of the existing industries on the subsurface in Nandigram I and II, West Bengal, India

    Extended abstract published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management, 20th-21st Dec,2024, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

    S.Pan, M. Ahmed, , M.I. Alam, S. Karmakar, M.K.Rahman, S.S.Ali, M. W. Akram, I. Mukherjee


    Assessing the influence of Particulate Matter (PM) on Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) in Kolkata and Delhi

    Extended abstract published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management, 20th-21st Dec,2024, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

    A. Banerjee, A. Banerjee, A. Ray, I. Mukherjee, Md. W. Akram, A.K. Gangopadhyay


    Study on the effectiveness of Electric Vehicle (EV) over conventional vehicles for the state of Uttar Pradesh for a better and a cleaner environment

    Extended abstract published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management, 20th-21st Dec,2024, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

    A. Banerjee, A. Banerjee, Md. W. Akram, I. Mukherjee, A. Ray, A.K. Gangopadhyay


    Non- Conventional Energy options and its environmental impact on the tourism hot spots of North Bengal, India

    Extended abstract published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Developments in Air and Waste Management, 20th-21st Dec,2024, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

    S. Chatterjee, A. Roy, R. Paul, I. Mukherjee


    Environmental Pollution at Construction Sites: Causes, Impact, and Green Construction Measures

    Abstract published in the Proceedings of (NCSCEIC-2025), National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Infrastructural Construction, 16th-17th January, 2025, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Heritage Institute of Technology

    D. Sau, T. Hazra, A. Shiuly, I. Mukherjee, K. Ghosh, Md. W. Akram


    A Systematic Approach to Sustainable Energy Management for  Fast Developing Micro- Communities in India

    Presented in the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid Energy Systems and Control, “ Green and Sustainable Energy Systems”, (SGESC-2025), Organized by the Electrical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, 21st-23rd Feb, 2025

    A. Roy, S. Chatterjee, R.Paul, K. Ghosh, I. Mukherjee


    Application of Waste Plastic in Alluvial Soil Stablisation for a Sustainable Pavement Construction.

    Paper presented in International Conference “Research and Innovation for Sustainability in Civil Engineering (RISCE – 2024)” [Nov. 25-26, 2024], Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, BIT Sindri, Jharkhand, India.

    Md. W. Akram, A.K. Gangopadhyay, I. Mukherjee


Journal Papers Published

  1. International Journals:


Sl. No

Name of Paper

Name of International Journal

Authors in Order


Measurement of CO2, CO, SO2 and NO emissions from coal based thermal power plants in India

Published in Atmospheric Environment , Vol 42 (6), pp.1073-1082, Feb 2008

N. Chakraborty , I. Mukherjee , A.K.Santra , S.Chowdhury , S.Chakraborty , S. Bhattacharya ,  A. P. Mitra , C. Sharma


Observations on Aerosol Optical Depth over a period of three years at Kaikhali (22.022oN, 88.614oE) inside a special mangrove ecosystem-The Sundarbans


Published in the Journal  of Water, Air & Soil Pollution

(WATE), Springer,

Volume 215, Issue 1 Feb (2011), Page 477-486



I. Mukherjee, N.Chakraborty, T.K.Mandal


Observation on particulate matter over a period of three years at Kaikhali (22.0220N & 88.6140E) inside a special mangrove ecosystem: Sundarbans


Published in the Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol-136, No 1, Jan 2010, pp 119-126

I. Mukherjee, N.Chakraborty, A.D.Sarkar,T.K.Mondal



Measurement of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) during winter over a period of three years at Kaikhali (22.0220 N & 88.6140 E) in Sundarbans


Published in the International Journal of Environmental Engineering (IJEE), Inderscience, 2013, Vol 5, No 3, pp 289-298

I. Mukherjee, N.Chakraborty, A.D.Sarkar, T.K.Mandal





Study on correlation of angstrom turbidity coefficient (β) with aerosol optical depth (τ) over a period of two years (2004-2006) for the special mangrove ecosystem of Sundarbans


Published in the Open Journal of Air Pollution, 2012, 1, 74-81, (Scientific Research Publishing), ISSN Print: 2169-2653)

I. Mukherjee, N.Chakraborty



Comparative Study of Decrease in Direct (CO2) and Indirect Green House Gases (CO, NOX, SO2) Emissions from the Coal Fired Thermal power Plants Using Energy from Municipal Solid Waste

Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2024

S. Verma, I.Mukherjee, B.Mandal, P.Roy


Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm-based fault location optimization for transmission line

Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 71, Article No: 149 (2024) ,

S.Verma, P. K. Roy , B.  Mandal,  I. Mukherjee


A Novel Model for Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of Highly Plastic Clay through Cyclic Large Box Shear Test

 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Published online on 11.09.2024,

Md. W, Akram, A. Mondal, I. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee


A Comparative Study on Fault location Optimisation Techniques in Hybrid Power System

Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Published Online on 11.02.2025,

S. Verma, P.K.Roy, B. Mandal, I. Mukherjee


Simulation of Ground-Level Particulate Matter Concentration with AOD and Related Meteorological Parameters: A Case Study on Kolkata by Random Forest and ANN

Aerosol Science and Engineering, Published Online on 03.02.2025,

E. Basu, C.L. Saha, I. Mukherjee, D. Sau


Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Open Dumps and Waste Farming: A Case Study

Ecological Questions 35(2024)4

R. Ghosh, T. Hazra, I. Mukherjee, S. Ushcats, Md, W. Akram, Md. A. Akram, Mohd. S. Ul Hasan, T. Biswas, S. Malik, Md. A.  Rabbani, O. Vlasenko


Innovative trend analysis of long-term rainfall variation over West Bengal, India


MAUSAM. Vol-76. No-2, (April 2025)

G. Patel, R. Das, S. Das, I. Mukherjee


  1. National Journals:


Sl. No

Name of Paper

Name of National Journal

Authors in Order


Measurement of green house gas Emissions from thermal power plants in and around Kolkata

Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol-V, No 1, March 2005, pp 94-100

I.Mukherjee, M.Chakrabarti, A.K.Santra, N.Chakraborty


Measurement of particulates at a transboundary location, Kaikhali in Sundarban

Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol-V, No 2, September 2005,pp 114-118

I.Mukherjee, A.P.Mitra, C.Sharma, T.K.Mandal, P.K.Gupta, A.Singh, N.Chakraborty


Assessment of air quality with respect to some criteria air pollutants at a transboundary location, Kaikhali in Sundarban

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, 2007-08, No 1, pp 41-44

I.Mukherjee,T.K.Mandal, A.P.Mitra, N.Chakraborty


Studies of Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Particulates near a Busy Road in the city of Kolkata

Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol-VII, No 1, March 2007,pp 49-56

I.Mukherjee, B. Thakur, M. Bhaumik, S.N.Chakrabarty, A.K.Misra



Chromium And Its Toxicity

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, 2005, Oct-Dec, No 4, pp 5-8

I.Mukherjee, M. Chakrabarti


Advancement in Particulate Pollution Monitoring

Full Paper Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, 2005 April-June, No 2, pp 26-27

I.Mukherjee, B. Thakur, S.N.Chakrabarty



Vertical Variation of Indoor Particulate Concentration at a Location within Jadavpur University Campus

Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol-IV, No 2,September 2004,pp  42-51

I.Mukherjee, S.N.Chakrabarty, A.K.Misra


Deforestation of the Indian Sundarbans and General Causes, Impacts and Solutions to curb Deforestation

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, 2008-09, No 2, pp 30-34

I. Mukherjee


Measurement of Ozone (O3) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in winter period inside a Mangrove Ecosystem at Kaikhali  (Sundarbans)


Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol-IX, No 2,September 2009,pp  42-48

I. Mukherjee, N.Chakraborty, T.K.Mondal



Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment for Thermal Power Plants


Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, 2009-10, No 4, pp 16-19


I. Mukherjee, B. Mondal




Economic Feasibility of Rainwater Harvesting in Flood and Drought Control Management

Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE),Volume 2011-12,No 1, April 2011, pp 10-14

I. Mukherjee, J. Ghose



A Brief Review on the adverseness of particulates on human health



Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE),Volume 2011-12,No 3, October 2011, pp 09-11

I.Mukherjee, J.Ghose, D. Pal


Importance of Mangrove Ecosystems




Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE),Volume 2012-13 ,No 1, April  2012, pp 08-10

I.Mukherjee, S. Majumder, R.Majumder, P. P.Mondal



Green Buildings- A Probable Solution to Global Warming


 Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol XI, No. 2, September, 2011, pp 28-33


I. Mukherjee, T. Chakraborty,  R.Majumder



Ground Water and its Vulnerability to Arsenic Contamination in India


Published in the Journal of Indian Water Works Association (JIWWA), April-June 2013, Vol XXXXV No 2. pp126-131

T. Chakraborty, I. Mukherjee, S.  Kar



Study on interrelation of PM10, SO2, NO2 and average ambient temperature for the metropolis Kolkata for the period 2002-2006


Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol XII, No. 2, September, 2012, pp 51-56

I.Mukherjee, S. Kar, T Chakraborty, P. Sen, S. Chattopadhyay



Temporal variation of PM10, SO2 and NO2 over the period (2003-2011) for the Metropolis Kolkata (22°34′N, 88°24′ E), India

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume 2013-14, Number 2, July 2013, pp 30-35

I. Mukherjee , T. Chakraborty, S. Pal , S. Chandra Roy, S. Ghosh, B. Aich, S. Choudhury



An Overview Of Rubber Dams And Their Viability For Small To Medium Waterways Compared To Traditional Impounding Structures

Published in the International Journal of Adamas Technical Review, ISSN-2348 3385, Vol 1, No 2,  December, 2014, pp 41-45

T. Chakraborty, I. Mukherjee, J.Ghose


A study on the air quality of Delhi for the period from 2006 – 2011

Published in the International Journal of Adamas Technical Review, ISSN-2348 3385, Vol 1, No 1,  July, 2014, pp 33-37

J.Ghose, I. Mukherjee


Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater reutilization in Modern Homes- A Case Study of four metropolitan cities


Published in Journal of Environmental Science & Engineering, NEERI Nagpur, Vol57, No 4, pp 321-329, October 2015

T. Chakraborty,  I. Mukherjee


Groundwater Condition for the State of West Bengal— A Case Study

Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume XXXXIV,No 1, April  2016, pp 39-42

S. Sinha, S. Chakrabarti, I.Mukherjee


Probable effects of aerosols on temperature & precipitation pattern of Kolkata (22°33' N, 88°20' E),


Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume XXXXIV,No 2,  July  2016, pp 05-08

T.Jaman, S.Sadab, I.Mukherjee, S.N.Bose


Case study on importance of proper traffic junctions for reducing air quality emissions in the city of Kolkata


Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume XXXXIV,No 3,  October  2016, pp 24-28

I.Mukherjee, T.Jaman, S.Sadab,S.Sinha, S.N.Bose


Particulate Measurements in the Mangrove Ecosystem of the Sundarbans for the Period 2006-2007


Published in the  Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP), Volume 36, Number 11, November 2016, pp 916-922

I.Mukherjee, N.Chakraborty


An evaluation of renewable energy sources in Green Building systems for the residential sector in the metropolis, Kolkata, India

Published in Indian Journal for Air Pollution Control (IJAPC), New Delhi Chapter, Vol XV, No. 1, March, 2015, pp 51-66

T.Chakraborty, B.Tudu, D.Sabui, I.Mukherjee


Rainwater Harvesting Strategy for the Kolkata Metropolitan Area


Published in the  Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 39, Number. 03, March 2019,  pp 277-282

I. Mukherjee, S. Sinha, R. Majumder


Particulate Pollution (PM10) dominance for the Metropolis Kolkata

Published in the  Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP), Volume 39, Number. 07, July 2019,  pp 629-633

A. Ganguly, I. Mukherjee


Particulate Matter and its Influence on Air Quality for Mumbai and Agra

Published in the  Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 39, Number. 12, December 2019,  pp 1075-1083

A. Roy, I. Mukherjee, A. Saha, A. Bhattacharyya, A. Mukherjee


Feasibility of Green Concrete as a Sustainable Solution for the Construction Sector

Published in  the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume XXXXVI, No 4,  January 2019, pp 25-29

P. Mukherjee, S. Chakraborty, A. Mukherjee, S. Paik, S. Modak, B. Ganguly, I.Mukherjee


Sensitivity Analysis for Micro Community

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 40, Number. 01, January 2020,  pp 91-98

S. Chatterjee, I. Mukherjee, B.Mondal


 A Comparative Study on the Application of WaterGEMS and

EPANET for Analysis of a Water Distribution Network

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume XXXXVIII,  No 1, April 2020, pp 23-30

I.Mukherjee, A.Roy, G.Banerjee, A.K.Roy, J. Bhowmik, J. Ghosh


Analysing the contribution of Municipal Solid Waste for the Metropolis Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata to Energy Generation

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 40, Number. 04, April 2020,  pp 374-378

S. Verma, I.Mukherjee, B.Mondal, P.Roy


Off-grid hybrid renewable energy system-A solution to the problem of increasing particulate pollution scenario in the mangrove ecosystem of Sundarbans, India

Published in the  Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 40, Number. 02, February 2020,  pp 207-215

I.Mukherjee, A.Roy,B.Tudu,T.S.Konar


A Comparative Study on the choice of most relevant Carbon Footprint Calculator for India

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Volume XXXXX, No 2, July- September 2022, pp 05-16

A.Roy, A. Ray, I.Mukherjee, A. Banerjee


A Study on the Yearly Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth with Wavelength in the Sundarbans

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, XXXXV, No 3, October 2017, pp 20-24


J. Sanyal, S. Sil, I. Mukherjee


Standalone Hybrid System for Microgrid

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 41, Number. 08, August 2021, pp 865-875

S. Chatterjee, I. Mukherjee, B.Mondal, P.K.Roy


Study on the effects of air pollution on the health of Traffic Guards in the city of Kolkata

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 42, Number. 06, June 2022,  pp 764-768

A. Ganguly, I. Mukherjee


An attempt to assess the impact of atmospheric pollution on the weather pattern in and around Kolkata over the period (2015-2017)

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, XXXXX, No 3, October- December 2022, pp 05-18


I. Mukherjee, E. Basu, D. Saha, A. Ganguly, A. Banerjee, A. Ray


Indirect determination of permeability for two regions of Nandigram (W.B.) in influencing probable contaminant transport

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, XXXXX, No 3, October- December 2022, pp 32-40


Md. W. Akram, I. Mukherjee


Fixation of Optimum stack height for thermal power plants and prediction of pollutant concentration at nearby areas

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, XXXXX, No 4, January-March 2023, pp 31-46

T. Khanam, M.R.Adil, S. Saha, I.Mukherjee


Green Energy and its Impact on the reduction in Carbon Footprint

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 43, Number. 10, Oct 2023,  pp 936-946

S. Chatterjee, I. Mukherjee, B. Mandal, A. Roy


Municipal Solid Waste as an Energy Option for Nandigram, West Bengal, India

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 45, Number. 2, Feb 2025, pp 146-153

Md. W. Akram, I. Mukherjee, S. Verma, A. Banerjee, A. Ray


Assessing Human Perception Towards Electric Vehicle (EV)- A Case Study For Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Published in the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE), Vol, LII, No 3, October- December 2024, pp 18-24


I. Mukherjee, K. Ghosh, M. Dey, Md. W. Akram, R.Paul


Analysing the direct GHG emission (CO2) reduction in the vehicular sector in India through the adoption of pure EVs

Communicated to the Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India (JIPHE)

K. Ghosh, S. Sk , S. Dutta, A. Bhattacharya , R. Paul , Md. W. Akram, R. Paul , I. Mukherjee


Groundwater Modelling of Contaminant Transport using Steady State Groundwater Flow Model for Four Selected Locations of Nandigram, West Bengal, India

Published in the Indian Journal of Environmental Protection (IJEP) Volume 44, Number. 7, July 2024, pp 649-664

I. Mukherjee, Md. W. Akram, A. Banerjee, A. Ray, K. Ghosh


Study on Possible Metal Contamination for a Particular area Kendamari Jalpai of Nandigram District of West Bengal in the Virgin State

Accepted for Publication in Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management, 7th March, 2025

Md. W. Akram, I. Mukherjee, K. Ghosh, A. K. Gangopadhyay, F. Rahaman, R. Paul





Ph.D. Thesis Guidance

1. Mrs Satabdi Chatterjee Paul,Tiltle of Ph.D Thesis: “Development of Cost Optimized Hybrid Model for Microgrid Considering Conventional and Non Conventional Energy Sources”, Acting as Joint Supervisor along with  Dr. B. Mondal of Kalyani Government Engineering College. (Ongoing)

2. Mrs. Sushma Verma, Tiltle of Ph.D Thesis: “Detection of Removal of Faults in Hybrid Power System”, Acting as Co-Supervisor along with Dr. P. Roy and Dr. B. Mondal of Kalyani Government Engineering College. (Ongoing)

3. Md. Wasim Akram, Title of PhD thesis: “Vulnerability Assessment of Nandigram- I &II (W.B.) Using Geotechnical Stratification and Contaminant Transport Modellling” (Ongoing)

4. Arun Kumar Gangopadhyay, Title of PhD thesis: “Assessing the Ground Water Contamination potential of ManbazarI Block, Barabazar Block and Arsha Block of Purulia District of West Bengal, India Using Contaminant Transport Modelling” (Ongoing)

MASTER Thesis Guidance

Master’s Thesis Guidance as Co- Supervisor in the Department of Civil Engineering in Aliah University (post 15.03.2021):

  1. “Assessing the influence of change in permeability to other soil parameters in Nadigram II Block”, Student name- Sk. Rajibul Hossain,2022.
  2. “Assessing the influence of change in permeability to other soil parameters in Bhasurkata, Chakchilinga, Durgapur, Garchakraberia & Dinabadhupur in Nandigram-I”, Student name- Akib Mahmood, 2022.
  3. “ Effective designing of optimum chimney height for predicting minimum concentration of pollutants in and around a thermal power plant”, Student nameTahseen Khanam, 2022.
  4. “Cost effective designing of clear water main & Intze Type ESR for a water supply scheme”, of Md. Saheed Khan, 2022, Dr. Indranil Mukherjee (Co- Supervisor)
  5. “Study on effective design and analysis of rainwater harvesting  structure”, Student name-Rejoan Hossain Mondal, 2022.
  6. “Assessing the probable influence of permeability on the soil quality and it’s strength in four zones of Nandigram-II, West Bengal, India”, Student name- Abid Hossain Gazi, 2023.
  7.  “Rainwater Harvesting- A study to reduce dependency on ground water”, Student name- Amir Ahmed, 2023.
  8. “ Design of the most optimum wastewater treatment units based on organic content reduction”, Student name- Islam Sakid Alam, 2023.
  9. “ Groundwater Modeling of Contaminant Transport using steady styate groundwater flow model”, Student name- Tanweer Alam, 2023.

Invited Lectures

Expert Lectures Delivered:




Topic of Lecture

Organized By


“Introduction to Air Pollution: Lifetime of Pollutants and

Chemical & Dynamical Lifetime”

“Centre for Disaster Preparedness & Management” &

“Global Change Program” of Jadavpur University

under Geen Skill Development Programme (GSDP),

 Sponsored by MOEF&CC, under the auspices of CPCB, GOI


“Sustainable Water Quality Management during

& after Disasters”

“Centre for Disaster Preparedness & Management”

of Jadavpur University under the auspices of

UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (UGC-HRDC),

Jadavpur University


“Water Chemistry”

“Centre for Disaster Preparedness & Management” &

“Global Change Program” of Jadavpur University

under Geen Skill Development Programme (GSDP),

 Sponsored by MOEF&CC, under the auspices of CPCB, GOI


“Arsenic and Chromium-Toxicity and Their Impact”

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



“Testing of Soil Parameters”

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



“Testing of Road Materials”

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



“Design aspects of rural roads and their environmental impacts”

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



“STADD Pro Basics”

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



“Environmental Pollution and its Monitoring”

Adamas Institute of Technology

Membership Of Learned Societies

  1. Member of Society of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  2. Member of Forum of Scientists, Engineers & Technologist (FOSET).
  3. Member of Ecotoxicology & Environmental Sciences.
  4. Member of Indian Association of Air Pollution Control, New Delhi.
  5. Member of Indian Geotechnical Society, Kolkata Chapter (IGS)
  6. Life Member of Institution of Public Health Engineers (IPHE)

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized


Refresher Courses and other Trainings Attended:


Sl No

Type of Course

Course Name




Certificate course

“Remote sensing and GIS”

Six Months

School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University


Refresher course

“Disaster Management”

One Month

University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored/ School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University


Refresher course

“Frontiers in Power Engineering & Energy Sustainability”

Three Weeks

University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored/ Power Engineering Department, Jadavpur University


Refresher course

“Recent Advances in Environmental Engineering and Science”

Three Weeks

University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored/ Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University


Refresher course

“Recent Advances and Trends in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Engineering”

Three Weeks

University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored/ Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University


Short Term Training Programme

“Soil Exploration and Site Investigation”

One week

NITTTR, Kolkata


Short Term Training Programme

“Laboratory Test on Cement and Concrete”

One week

NITTTR, Kolkata


Refresher course


“Recent Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering”

Three Weeks

University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored/ Civil Engineering Department Jadavpur University


Workshop programme

“Soft Computing Approach in the field of Medical Image Processing”

Two days

AICTE sponsored /Department of Information Technology of Kalyani Government Engineering College


ISTE Workshop

“Fluid Mechanics”

Two Weeks

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in Techno India College of Technology under the National Mission on Education throughICT (MHRD)


Seminar based training

“Quality based evaluation in the process of accreditation  for technical and management institutions”

One Day

Organized by West Bengal State Councilof Higher Education in collaboration with West Bengal University of Technology



International workshop  programme

“Sustainable Water Management”

One Day

Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University


Vocational Training

“Industrial training”

One month

Simplex Concrete Piles (India) Ltd


Certificate Course


“Internet Technology”

Two months

CMC Computer Education, Kolkata


Refresher Course

“ Management for a Better Societal Environment- A Socio Technical Approach”

Three Weeks

University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored /Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University


One Day Seminar

“Earthquake engineering and mitigation techniques”

One Day

Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ( Phase-II)


One Day Workshop

“Disaster Preparedness”


Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ( Phase-II)


One Day Workshop

“ Case Studies on Geotechnical Hazard andits Mitigation”

One Day

Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ( Phase-II)


One Day Symposium

“Smart India: Environmental Sustainability”

One Day

Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ( Phase-II)


Two Day National Seminar

“Shaping the future of Indian power sector through renewable energy”

Two Days

Organized by Department of Power Engineering, Jadavpur University under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (Phase-II)


Two Day Dissemination Workshop

“Dissemination Workshop of the three special reports (SR 1.5, SRCCL and SROCC) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)”

Two Days

Organized by Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal and West Bengal Pollution Control Board in collaboration with IPCC and Global Change Programme-Jadavpur University

Seminars/Workshops/Symposiums Organised:

  1. Organised Expert Talk on “Surveying” by Dr. Amit Dutta (Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering Division, CE Department, Jadavpur University) on 26.09.14 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  2. Organised Expert Talk on “Recent Trends in Foundation  Engineering” by Dr. Pritam Aich (Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University) on 26.09.14 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  3. Organised Expert Talk on “Industrial demand, Modern tool usage and Recent Trends prevailing in the industrial sector” by Mr. N. Dutta (General Manager, NCC Ltd., Water & Environmental Division) on 27.07.15 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  4. Organised Expert Talk on “Industrial demand, Modern tool usage and recent trends prevailing  in the industrial sector” by Mr. Parikhit Kumar Guha (Cluster Head at Infra IC, L & T , ECC , Kolkata) on 03.08.15 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  5. Organised Lecture on “Possibility of energy generation from Solid Waste” by Dr. Amit Dutta, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JU in the One Day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” on 19.03.2016 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  6.  Organised Lecture on “Status of surface and groundwater Scenario including water resources management” by Dr. Pankaj Roy (Associate Professor, School of Water Resources Engineering, JU) in the One Day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” on 19.03.2016 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  7. Organised Lecture on “Seismic Resistant Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure and its Reinforcement Detailing” by Dr. Subhasish Roychowdhury (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JU) in the One Day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” on 19.03.2016 in Techno International Newtown (Erstwhile known as Techno India College of Technology).
  8. Organised Seminar on “Disaster Management” in Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management on 12.04.18.
  9. Organised One Day Workshop on “ Environmental Challenges at present-Issues of Concern” for Civil Engineering Department of Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management in collaboration with Institution of Engineers (India) and Centre for Environment Education on 17.08.2018.
  10. Helped in organizing two-day international seminar on “RECENT CHALLENGES IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE” on 17th-18th March 2023 in the capacity of Convener.

Session chaired

  1. Chaired Technical Session in “National Conference on Recent Trends in Emerging Science And Technology (NCRTEST-2016)”, organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Camellia Institute of Technology on 29th and30th March, 2016, held at Camellia Institute of Technology, Madhyamgram Campus, Kolkata.
  2. Delivered Lecture on "Particulate Pollution and its Influence on Covid 19-A Case Study of Delhi"as a Resource Person in Faculty Development Programme organized by Institute of Environmental Sciences, Amity University, Kolkata on 03.07.2023.
  3. Delivered Invited talk on " An Insight to Air Quality Modelling" organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering of Pailan College of Management and Technology on 0512.2023.


Professional Society Activity

1. Acted as Convener of University Maintenance Committee of Aliah University from 2021-2023.

2. Acted as Member of the Hostel Manangement Committee of Aliah niversity from 2021-2023.

3. Acted as Departmental NAAC Co-ordinator from 2021 till date.

4. Acted as Member of the Aliah University Sports Board from 2023 till date.

5. Acted as Convener of the Environment & Eergy Committee of Aliah University from 2023 till date.

6. Acted as member of NAAC Core Committee of Alaih University till date.

7. External Academic Expert, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Adamas University.

8. Moderator for B.Tech and M.Tech questions of Civil Engineering Department, Sister Nivedita University.

9. Moderator for B.Tech and M.Tech questions of Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering and Technology, Adamas University 

10. Member of Board of Governors, IMS Buisiness School

Other Notable Activities

1. Acted as Guest Faculty, (Dept. of Civil Engg., Power Engg., Production Engg. & Construction Engg.), Jadavpur University

2. Acted as Guest Faculty, Dept. of Civil Engg. of (Adamas Institute of Technology, Future Institute of Engineering &   Management)

3. Convener, BoS (Civil/ Civil & Environmental Engineering), MAKAUT

4. Acted as Head Examiner, Civil Engineering Discipline, MAKAUT

5. Acted as an External Expert for Evaluation of Semester Examination in Amity University

6. Acted as an External Expert for selection of Lecturers and Laboratory Assistants on a contractual Basis for West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development, Govt. of West Bengal

7. Former Member of Building Committee, Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management

8. Former Member of Revenue Generation Sub-Committee, Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management

9. Former Member of NAAC Co-Ordination Committee, Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management

10.Former Member of Editorial Board of CIEM Journal of Innovation and Research, Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management

11. Acted as Moderator for Semester Questions for B. Tech Civil Engineering of MAKAUT

List of Projects Implemented and Reports:


Sl. No




Monitored Criteria Air Pollutants in the area for preparation of background database for the

area and submitted Report to University Grants Commission( UGC) on this project entitled

 “Chemical Weather Monitoring at Sundarban”


Measured Greenhouse gas emissions from different thermal power plants in and around Kolkata

under CESC on behalf of NATCOM and submitted report to Ministry of Environment and Forest

( Govt. of India) and United  Nations Development Program (Winrock International India) on this

project entitled “Uncertainty Reduction in Green House Gas Emissions from Thermal Power Plants”


Carried out extensive monitoring of criteria air pollutants, household surveys for assessing the air

pollution status and socio-economic condition of the people residing in Sundarban and thus submitted

report to Council of Scientific & Industrial Research ( CSIR, Govt. of India) on this project entitled

“Changing Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere & Socio- Economic Activities in Sundarban

Delta”. This database for the area can be treated as background database for the area and thus

 can be supplemented in any EIA study for the area.


Acted as Co-Investigator in the NATCOM funded project  entitled” Measurement of

Green House Gas Emissions from Thermal Power Plants in and around India” along with

Prof.(Dr) Niladri Chakraborty (Principal Investigator) of Power Engineering Department, JU.

(Completed in 2011)

External for Master’s Thesis & External Master’s Thesis Guidance:

Sl No

Mater’s Thesis Title

Candidate Name





Heavy metal pollution potential of leachate on groundwater & surface water

Arpan Kumar Manna

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis presentation

Civil Engineering Department/ Jadavpur University



Characterisation of Arsenic bearing sludge generated from Electrochemical arsenic remediation process

Soumil Gupta Bhaya

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis presentation

Civil Engineering Department/ Jadavpur University



Study of rainfall-runoff simulation using HEC-HMS model-Afew case studies in West Bengal

Avishek Tunga

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis presentation

School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University



Immobilization of Arsenic Bearing E.C.A.R sludge in Concrete

Naru Gopal Das

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis presentation

Civil Engineering Department/ Jadavpur University








Design of Water Retaining Structures using Limit State Method with application of STAAD.Pro V8i for validation

Somrita Dey

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis presentation

School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University



Characterization of Arsenic Bearing E.C.A.R sludge and its immobilization in concrete

Indranil Mookherji

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department/ Jadavpur University



Study of Shock Wave and Wedge Angles through the application of Hydraulic Analogy

Gourab Routh

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University



Remediation of Lead from Landfill Leachate: An Electrocoagulation Approach

Tathagata Paul

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Sustainable Management of Arsenic Bearing Sludge generated from Electrochemical Arsenic Remediation Process

Saikat Sit

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Dynamic Performance Analysis of a Grid Connected DFIG based Wind Energy Conversion System

Arpan Chakraborty

Co-Guide of Master’s Thesis

Power Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Assessment of Arsenic and Lead Concentration from Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10) in Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Raktim Mandal

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Vertical Distribution and Seasonal and Temporal Variation of Two Metallic Criteria Air Pollutants (Lead and Arsenic) in PM2.5 and PM1 Particulates at Jadavpur University Campus

Moudipta Banerjee

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Study of Environmental impact on Bakkhali and Henry’s Island, Sundarbans, West Bengal: Some Issues and Challenges

Dola Das

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University



Removal of TKN from raw leachate collected from uncontrolled landfill: An Electrocoagulation Approach

Radheshyam Gupta

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Study on Air Quality of Kolkata with Special Emphasis on Particulate Fractions

Anish Ganguly

Guide of M.Sc. Thesis

Dept. of Ev. Sc., Ballygunge Science College, University of Calcutta



A Mathematical Model of Solid Waste Management- A Case Study in Kolkata

Sourav Chakraborty

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Impact Assessment of Non-engineered Landfill on Human Health and Adjacent Ecosystem: A Case Study

Ria Ghosh

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Development of a Municipal Solid Waste Management Model for Minimization of Pollution

Samran Banerjee

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Interpretation of Pollution Trend in Kolkata by finding out a relationship between Aerosol Optical Depth and Particulate Matter Concentration using Machine Learning Algorithm

Eeshan Basu

Co-Guide of Master’s Thesis

Department of Mining Engineering, IIEST Shibpur



Investigation on Recycling Potential of Plastic Waste as Aggregate in Green Sustainable Concrete: An Economic Approach

Sayan Saha

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Concrete Stabilization of C & D Part of the Legacy Waste: A Sustainable Management of the Legacy Waste generated from Dhapa Bio-Mining Project

Santanu De

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis




M. Tech in Environmental Biotechnology, School of Environmental Studies, Jadavpur University



Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Electrocoagulation

Ashes Sardar

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Numerical Investigation of Various Passive Control Techniques in Indoor Air Pollution

Arunashis Mondal

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Determination of Microplastic from Freshwater Environment: Lentic Environment

Gora Chand Tudu

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Status of Grossly Polluting Industries Discharging Effluent in River Ganga and its Impact on Water Quality

Sourav Bhunia

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Adsorption of Methylene Blue onto Surgical Mask-based Magnetic Activated Carbon

Vikash Kumar

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Rainfall Trend Analysis in Norternwest Bengal from 1901-2015

Santosh Kumar

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Performance and Reliability Analysis of a Horizontal Roughing Filtration (HRF) System in the Treatment of Urban Pond Water: A Case Study of Kolkata City

Mehebul Biswas

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



Chemical Characterization and Seasonal Variation of Fine Particulate Matters

Himadri Sekhar Kundu Chowdhury

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Performance and Reliability Analysis of a Multi-Stage Filtration (MSF) System in the Treatment of Urban Pond Water: A case Study of Kolkata City

Dipika Podder

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



Assessment of Efficacy of Natural Treatment System of East Kolkata Wetland for Treatment of Municipal Sewage of Kolkata City

Bodhayan Chakraborty

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Development of Self-Supported Polymeric Membrane for Contaminant Removal from Waste Water

Md. Ibne Ata

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Chemical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Experimental Investigation of Chitosan Functionalized Graphene Oxide Beads for Adsorptive Removal of Methylene Blue Dye from its Aqueous Solution

Riddhi Dutta

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Chemical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Simultaneous Removal of Ofloxacin & Rhodamine B Dye From Waste Water By Activated Jamun Seed Powder

Anwesha Sinha

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Chemical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Assessment of Ambient Air Quality Parameters within a Coal Based Thermal Power Plant

Bikul Kumar Singh

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Design of Water Supply Network using WATERGEMS A Case Study of Dhopahat Water Supply Scheme under Tehatta-I Block in Nadia District, West Bengal

Sudip Mandal

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Surface Waters of the Ponds and Ganga River in Santipur, Nadia District, West Bengal: A Comprehensive Study on Pesticide Pollution Sources, Contamination Levels, and Ecological Implications

Shaswata Biswas

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University



Investigation of the relationship between extreme weather events and air pollution concentration

Debaditya Saha

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

Civil Engineering Department, Jadavpur University



Relationship between parameters affecting Clearwater Maximum Scour around a bridge pier: A Review

Debnita Adhikary

Acted as External for the Master’s thesis

School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University


Additional posts/ roles performed in Aliah University:

1. Convener, University Maintenance Committee (2021-2024)

2. Member, Hostel Management Committee (2021-2024)

3. Departmental NAAC Co-Ordinator (2021-2024)

4. Member of University NAAC Committee (2021-2025)

5. Member, University Sports Board (2023-2025)

6. Convener, Environment & Energy Committee (2023-2025)

7. Chairman, Departmental Purchase Committee (2024 till date) and former member (2021-2024)

8. Chairman, Departmental Research Committee (2024 till date) and former member (2021-2024)


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