Department of


Mohd Sayeed Ul Hasan Assistant Professor / CIVIL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : Civil Engineering Department, Aliah University, II-A/27, Action Area II, Newtown, Kolkata, West Bengal 700160

Room No : Faculty Room,1st Floor, Civil Engineering Department

Joined : 04-03-2021

A curious mind since my school days at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), always boost me to develop immense enthusiasm towards higher studies which motivated me to pursue a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Civil Engineering degree from Aliah University, Kolkata, followed by the Masters of Technology (M.Tech) degree in Environmental Science & Technology from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur, and currently, I am pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. Being a passionate and motivated young researcher, I always keen on interaction, research collaboration, and outreach by participating a numerous national as well as international conferences workshops at some eminent institutes both in India and abroad. Moreover, my research works have recognized and published by some reputed peer-reviewed national and international journals. Being a strong believer in interdisciplinary research, my interest and expertise are in the field of Climate Change, Groundwater Exploration, Optical & Microwave Remote Sensing, GIS, Hydrometeorological Extreme, Spatial Data Science within the broad spectrum of Environmental Engineering and Natural Resource Management.


Ph.D. IIT Kharagpur (Pursuing)

M.Tech NIT Durgapur (Environmental Science & Technology)

B.Tech Aliah University (Civil Engineering)

Teaching Experience

03+ Year

Field of Specialization

Major: Civil Engineering

Minor: Environmental Science & Technology, Geospatial Technology, Spatial Data Science, Decision Support System, Geo-AI

Courses Taught/Teaching

Surveying & Geomatics

Surface Hydrology

Construction Management

Remote Sensing & GIS

Groundwater Development & Management

Research Area

Climate ChangeDecision Support SystemHydro-InformaticsGeo-AINature Based Solutions,Groundwater Exploration, Geoinformatics

Conference Papers Published


  1. Attended first Inter-Polar Conference Connecting the Arctic with Third Poles organized by ICIMOD, Kathmandu between 0609 Sept 2023.
  2. AQUA≈360: Water for All Emerging Issues & Innovations, University of Exeter,2021
  3. Attended “2019 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability” organized by UN Environment-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), Shanghai, China, 10-15 June 2019.
  4. Attended “International Conference on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities & Adaptation: Emphasis on India & Neighbourhood (CCIVA 2019)”, IIT Kharagpur, 26 Feb-02 Mar 2019.

Journal Papers Published

Published- 14

  1. Molla, S. H., Rukhsana, & Hasan, M. S. U. (2023). Deployment of entropy information theory in the Indian Sundarban region using hydrogeochemical parameters and GIS for assessment of irrigation suitability. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment195(10), 1227.
  2. Ray, R., Das, A., Hasan, M. S. U., Aldrees, A., Islam, S., Khan, M. A., & Lama, G. F. C. (2023). Quantitative Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics using Geoinformatics Techniques: A Case Study on Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA) in West Bengal, India. Remote Sensing15(4), 959.
  3. Hasan, M.S.U., Rai, A.K. Suitability of the Lower Ganga basin groundwater for irrigation, using hydrogeochemical parameters and land-use dynamics. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2023).
  4. Hasan, M. S. U., Saif, M. M., Ahmad, N., Rai, A. K., Khan, M. A., Aldrees, A., Khan, W. A., Mohammed, M. K. A., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2023). Spatiotemporal Analysis of Future Trends in Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies at Different Climatic Zones of India Using GRACE/GRACE-FO. Sustainability15(2), 1572.
  5. Aldrees, A., Hasan, M. S. U., Rai, A. K., Akhtar, Md. N., Khan, M. A., Saif, M. M., Ahmad, N., & Islam, S. (2023). On the Precipitation Trends in Global Major Metropolitan Cities under Extreme Climatic Conditions: An Analysis of Shifting Patterns. Water15(3), 383.
  6. Alharbi, R. S., Nath, S., Faizan, O. M., Hasan, M. S. U., Alam, S., Khan, M. A., ... & Saif, M. M. (2022). Assessment of Drought vulnerability through an integrated approach using AHP and Geoinformatics in the Kangsabati River Basin. Journal of King Saud University-Science34(8), 102332.
  7. Hasan, M. S. U., Rai, A. K., Ahmad, Z., Alfaisal, F. M., Khan, M. A., Alam, S., & Sahana, M. (2022). Hydrometeorological consequences on the water balance in the ganga river system under changing climatic conditions using land surface model. Journal of King Saud University-Science34(5), 102065.

  1. Rehman, S., Hasan, Mohd. S. U., Rai, A. K., Rahaman, Md. H., Avtar, R., & Sajjad, H. (2022). Integrated approach for spatial flood susceptibility assessment in Bhagirathi sub-basin, India using entropy information theory and geospatial technology. Risk Analysis, 1– 16.
  2. Rehman, S., Hasan, M. S. U., Rai, A. K., Avtar, R., & Sajjad, H. (2021). Assessing flood-induced ecological vulnerability and risk using GIS-based in situ measurements in Bhagirathi sub-basin, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(15).
  3. Hasan, M.S.U, Rai, A.K., (2020). Groundwater quality assessment in the Lower Ganga Basin using entropy information theory and GIS. J. Clean. Prod. 274, 123077.
  4. Sayeedulhasan, M., Kanga, S., & Sudhanshu. (2018). Geospatial Approach for Delineation of Artificial Recharge Sites in Gandheswari Watershed, West Bengal (India)i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 8(4), 28-40.
  5. Mohd. Sayeed Ul Hasan, Suraj Kumar Singh and Sudhanshu. 2018. “Estimation of Surface runoff using geospatial model: A case study of Gandheshwari watershed, Bankura (West Bengal)”, Environment & We: An international Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 13, ISSN 0975-7112, pp: 9-27.
  6. Hasan,M.S.U, Adhikari, K., & Bhattacharyya, S., (2017), “Morphometric Analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology (JCEET), Volume 4, Issue 1; January-March, ISSN.  2349-8404, pp.17-22.
  7. Mohd.Sayeed Ul Hasan, Mariya Hasnat, Deepak Kumar,2017, “Water Resource Management Using Geospatial Technology: A Review With Reference To Groundwater” ,Journal of Climate Change & Water Research, Vol-4, Issue-1, ISSN: 2347-774,  pp. 69-72.

Books Published

Book Chapter: 02

  1. Hasan, M.S.U. et al. (2023). Application of Geostatistical and Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Quality Vulnerability Assessment Using Hydrogeochemical Parameters: A Case Study of NCT Delhi. In: Das, J., Bhattacharya, S.K. (eds) Monitoring and Managing Multi-hazards. GIScience and Geo-environmental Modelling. Springer, Cham.
  2. Hasan, M. S. U., Rai, A. K., Aslam, T., Nath, S., Rajesh, S. K., & Mondal, S. A. (2024). Analysis of driving features for characterization of aerosol in India using Shapely Additive exPlanation (SHAP) and GIS. In Spatial Modeling of Environmental Pollution and Ecological Risk (pp. 143-156). Woodhead Publishing.


  • First Prize Oral Presentation International Conference on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities & Adaptation: Emphasis on India & Neighbourhood (CCIVA 2019), IIT Kharagpur, 26 Feb-02 Mar 2019.
  • Institute Research fellowship from IIT Kharagpur from 2019 Jan to Feb 2021 for Ph.D.
  • Got third prize in poster presentation which is organize in collaboration of Dept. of Civil Engineering & The Institution of Engineers (India) at NIT Durgapur: 5th March 2017.
  • Received fellowship during M.Tech (2015-2017) from Govt. of India.
  • Certificate of honor from Vice Chancellor of Aliah University, New Town, Kolkata: 21st Sep 2015.
  • Received Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India, throughout B.Tech (2011-2015).
  • All India Talent Search Examination passed with grade “A” at Aligarh, UP: 02 Feb 2006.

M.Phil. Thesis Guidance



MASTER Thesis Guidance

M.Tech Thesis Guidance

Soharab Ali Mondal (CEN212010)

Rajesh SK (CEN212003)

Md Nashim Akhtar (CEN202011)




Remika Khatun (CEN192010)

Pallabi Biswas (CEN192017)

Collaborative Programs



Invited Lectures

INVITED SPEAKER                                                              :08

  1. Invited talk “One-Day Short Term Training Programme on “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Civil Engineering” dated 05th March, 2024 at Adamas University, Kolkata
  2. Invited talk “Harnessing Satellites and GEO-AI for Water Resources” Workshop for Students at KAMP on 9th Nov 2023.
  3. “Hydrometeorological Monitoring Using Earth Observation System” at Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dream Institute of Technology, Kolkata on 27th July 2023.
  4. “Theoretical Perspectives of SWAT modeling and it’s the application” at Department of Agriculture Engineering,
    HiCET-Coimbatore, 22 August 2022.
  5. Remote Sensing & GIS for Urban Studies and Environmental Modeling” at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, 29th July 2022
  6. “Deployment of Spatial Technology in Civil Engineering”, on 07th March 2022, at Pailan College of Management and Technology
  7. "Application of GIS in the field of civil engineering" on 30th June 2021 in the department of Civil Engineering, Bhagalpur College of Engineering, Bihar, on 30th June 2021.
  8. Key speaker on the topic “CURRENT TRENDS OF GEOINFORMATICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE” in “International workshop on Recent Development in the field of civil engineering” organized by Civil Engineering Dept. ICFAI University, Tripura on 19th May 2021.

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized


  1. Organized two weeks of National Online Hands-On Training on “COMPLETE PYTHON PROGRAMMING FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS AND LEARNERS” from 15-30 September 2023.
  2. Organized webinar “International GIS Day” titled “GIS in The Multidisciplinary World” on 24th Nov 2022 at Aliah University.
  3. Webinar on “Scope and Opportunity to Higher study: A pathway to achieve International Scholarship” at Aliah University on 31st Oct 2022.
  4. Offline two-day workshop on “Application of FOSS in Geospatial World”, at Aliah University on 12-13 March 2022.
  5. Organized an online webinar “How to Write a Scientific Paper: A Personal View”, at Aliah University on 24th Feb 2022.
  6. Organizing member of 5th Annual International Conference on “Challenges & Solutions for a Sustainable Environment” at Jaipur from 09-11th Feb 2018.
  7. Organises seminar on “International GIS Day” in association with ESRI (California), Trimble, Garmin & Zerogravity Aerosports at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur: 15 Nov 2017.



  1. Attended “2019 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability” organized by UN Environment-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), Shanghai, China, 10-15 June 2019.
  2. Attended “International Conference on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities & Adaptation: Emphasis on India & Neighbourhood (CCIVA 2019)”, IIT Kharagpur, 26 Feb-02 Mar 2019.
  3. Attended ESRI User Conference 2018 at Kolkata: 04 Sept 2018
  4. Attending 3-day International Conference on “Challenges & Solutions for a Sustainable Environment” at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur: 09-11 Feb 2018.
  5. Attend two-day national symposium on “Data Analysis in Cloud: Storage, Network & Server Challenges” at Centre for Cloud Infrastructure & Security, Jaipur, Rajasthan: 42-25 Jan 2018.
  6. Attend an international conference on innovative research “Civil Engineering, Architecture & Environmental Science for Sustainable Development (CEAESD-2017)” at JNU, New Delhi: 25 March 2017.
  7. Attending four days’ programme of “Indian Science Congress Association 2014” at Jammu University, Jammu & Kashmir: 03-07 Feb 2014.
  8. Attending Seminar on “Current Trends in Infrastructure Development (CTID-14)” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aliah University, Salt Lake City, Kolkata: 21 June 2014.

        9      Attending three days’ programme of “International                        Youth Fellowship” at Kalinga Industrial Institute of                         Technology,Bhubaneswar, Odisha: 22-24 Sep 20


  1. One Week Self-Sponsored Short Term Training  Programme on Data Science and Hydrogeological Studies” ,16-20th Feb 2022, at NIT Raipur
  2. AICTE sponsored one week online STTP on “Application of Deep Learning Techniques In Remote Sensing For Monitoring, Managing And Conserving Natural Resources For The Sustainable Development Of The Nation” –Phase II from 01-02-2021 To 06-02-2021 by Dept. of Computer Science Eng. (SIT), Tamil Nadu.
  3. Online five days TEQIP-III sponsored Workshop on " BlockChain Technology and Its Applications " from 26-12-2020 to 30-12-2020 by Regional College for Education, Research and Technology, Jaipur.
  4. TEQIP Phase III- STTP on “Advanced Technologies in Water Resources Management (ATWARM-2020)” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering Aurangabad (Maharashtra State), India in association with Indian Water Resources Society and Indian Society for Hydraulics (Aurangabad Local Centre) during 23-27 November 2020.
  5. One Week Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Surveying and Geo-Informatics” organized by Department of Civil Engineering in association with IQAC-MSRITsponsored by AICTE from 24th to 29h August 2020 at Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
  6. One Week Faculty Development Program on “ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with IQAC-MSRIT sponsored by AICTE from 17th to 21st August 2020 at Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
  7. “Application of RS, GIS & Electrical Resistivity Technique in Groundwater Investigation” from 27th-31st Jan 2020, National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chattisgarh
  8. Attended International Course on “Earth Observation Data for Forest & Agriculture Carbon Modelling” CORAL, IIT Kharagpur, 18-22 Feb 2019.
  9. Completed online course on “Prediction of Future Land Use Using Remote Sensing and GIS TerrSet”: 17 Sept 2018
  10. Attending certificate programme on “Advanced Image Analysis” from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun: 04th June- 18th June 2018.
  11. Attending certificate programme on “Geoinformatics for Forest Fire Management” from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun: 2nd April-7th April 2018.
  12. Attending certificate programme on “RS & GIS application in Water Resources” from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun: 16th April-27th April 2018.
  13. Attending certificate programme on “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing & its Application” from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun: 19th Feb- 13th March 2018.
  14. Attend DST sponsored workshop on “Awareness on IPR (Patent) & Innovation” at Jaipur: 16th Feb 2018.
  15. Attending certificate programme on “Close Range Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning” from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun: 8th Jan-12th Jan 2018.
  16. Attending certificate programme on “Overview of RS & GIS Applications for Natural Resource Management” from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun: 13th Nov-1st Dec 2017.
  17. Certificate from European Space Agency (ESA) on “Introduction to Radar Remote Sensing”: 08 Nov 2017 (5 Week Programme).
  18. Training on “SAR & Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Forest Application” ISRO, Ahmedabad, Gujarat: 30 Oct-03 Nov 2017.
  19. Training on “Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System” at Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), RRSC-East, Kolkata: 09-12 Jan 2017.
  20. Attending a workshop on “Advance Remote Sensing & GIS” at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam: 01 Oct 2016.

Other Notable Activities

  • Acted as an invigilator at “Rajasthan Constable Recruitment Exam-2018”: 14-15 July 2018
  • Certificate from All India Environmental Awareness Competition, Uttarakhand
  • Certificate from Centre for Educational Development & Research at Pune.
  • Award of Social Service “Cancer Aid Society” at Lucknow.
  • Certificate from Educational Development & Cultural Advancement Society (EDCAS), at Aligarh.
  • Certificate from Centre for Promotion of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, at Aligarh.
  • Certificate from Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University on the occasion of National Science Day Celebration-2008.
  • Ten days NCC camp at GOVT-ITI, Atrauli, U.P -UNIT: 8UP Bn NCC, Aligarh, U.P.

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