
Dr. Abu Tamim Qasmi

Assistant Professor ISLAMIC THEOLOGY

Dr. Abu TamimQasemi has joined to this University on 4th May 2012. Prior to joining at Aliah University, Kolkata. He was the first Teacher In-Charge (Head Officiating) in the Department of Islamic Theology since 4.06.2012-to 24.06.2014 2017-18 . Besides this, he was fir...

Dr. Mohd Shamim Akhter

Assistant Professor ISLAMIC THEOLOGY

Dr. Mohd Shamim Akhter Qasmi has gained Fazil & Ifta (specialization in Islamic Jurisprudence) degrees from Darul Ulum Deoband, Saharanpur, U.P. Obtained Masters & Doctorate Degrees from the Department of Sun...


Assistant Professor ISLAMIC THEOLOGY


Dr.Imdad Husain

Assistant Professor ISLAMIC THEOLOGY


Dr. Imdad Husain has joined to this University, on 5th September 2017 as an Assistant Professor.with a research interest in the area of Comparative studies,Presently he is holding position as Head of the Dept. of Islamic Theology.<...

Dr.Ashraf Ali

Assistant Professor ISLAMIC THEOLOGY


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