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Interview Schedule for Admission to Ph.D. in ENGLISH


Notice for Ph.D. Pre-Submission Seminar, Department of English


Formation of online Study Groups, Department of English

This is for the information of all concerned that the Department of English has initiated  formation of On-line Study groups during the p...

Prof. Amzed Hossein Professor / ENGLISH

Email :

Address : Department of English, Park Circus Campus, 17-Gorachand Road, Kolkata-700014

Phone : 7604092637

Amzed Hossein (M. A., Ph. D.) is currently Professor of English and Dean of Students’ Welfare at Aliah University. He completed his PhD on the poetry of Ted Hughes at IIT, Kharagpur, in 1993. He had an opportunity to meet Ted Hughes in 1989, and his interview with Ted Hughes is available at He has participated in national and international seminars in India and abroad. His areas of interest are contemporary British poetry, Utopian Literature, Indian Writing in English, and the process of emergence of cultural modernity among the Muslims in Bengal.  His publications include The Poetry of Ted Hughes: History Myth Identity (2014), The Mohsin Endowment and the Progress of Education in Colonial Bengal (2015), and a collection of Bengali essays entitled Nirikshan: Sahitya o Sanskriti (2011). He has edited Sultana’s Dream by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (2011), Bijnan Rachana Sankalan, an anthology of essays (in Bengali) on Popular Science by Qudrat-i-Khuda (2012), Colonial Discourse, Islam and Cultural Reform: The Essays of Delawarr Hosaen Ahmed Meerza (2016), and another bilingual anthology of works on Hazi Muhammad Mohsin (2015). He has also translated into English short stories of Bangla Dalit and Muslim women authors. 

Prof. Hossein has retired from the department on 31 January, 2023. 

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