
Interview Schedule for Admission to Ph.D. in ENGLISH


Notice for Ph.D. Pre-Submission Seminar, Department of English


Formation of online Study Groups, Department of English

This is for the information of all concerned that the Department of English has initiated  formation of On-line Study groups during the p...

E content

Prof. Amzed Hossein

EN-502/AH/Topic: Louis Althusser: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses- Module-I

EN 402/AH/Topic: Seamus Heaney: ‘Death of a Naturalist’

EN 502/AH/Topic: Louis Althusser: ‘Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses’ - Module-II

Dr. Sharmistha Chatterjee Sriwastav

EN 410/SCS/Topic: Mamang Dai(“Small Towns and the River”)

ENGUGCC04/SCS/Topic: Percy Bysshe Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind”

EN512B/SCS/Topic: Stylistic Analysis

EN 308/SCS/ Indian Writing in English and in English Translation - Ruskin Bond: "A Tiger in the House"

Dr. Tajuddin Ahmed

EN 302/TA/Topic: Wilfred Owen: "Strange Meeting"

EN504/TA/Modern European Literature: Maupassant

EN502/TA/Contemporary Literary Theory II: Nation and Nationalism I

Dr. Safiul Islam

EN 512B/SI/Topic: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching – Part-I

EN 512B/SI/Topic: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching – Part-II

Ms. Hasina Wahida

EN 404/HW/Topic: Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party

ENGUGCC03/HW/Topic: Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock (Canto I, II and III)

Rohan Hassan

EN 402/RH/British Poetry: W B Yeats - The Second Coming

EN 302/RH/20th Century Poetry: Ted Hughes - The Thought Fox

Anupama Bandyopadhyay

EN 202/AB/MacFlecknoe

Suraiya Sultana

EN202/SS/The Rape of the Lock

Jisan Mondal

EN204/JM/Robinson Crusoe

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