JMC Department currently offers one PG-level course, Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication (MJMC), with the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). It also offers General Electives to the PG students of other departments. 

Programme Outcome:

1. The program has been designed with a view to provide the students an equal opportunity to develop both on-field knowledge and theoretical and understanding of the subject.

2. The program takes within its scope the latest trends in the field of media and communication.

3. The program follows both a linear trajectory and circularity of the field combining the conventional issues along with the recent developments.

4. Further, the program tries to address the difficulties of the second generation theories of Mass Communication by aligning them with the third generation theories of communication.

5. The program has tried to trace the journey from cultural to mass, personalized, and segmented communication processes.

6. The program offers ample opportunities for the students to become independent documentary and digital short film makers capable enough to actively participate in a prosumer culture.

7. The Program has attempted to accord nearly equal weightage to theory and as well as practical.

8. To engage the students in critical discussion on the ramification of information explosion and a convergence culture.

9. To train the students to become technically sound and independent content producers in a digital social universe.

10. The medium of instruction of the courses in JMC Dept shall be English.


 Programme Specific Outcome

1. To equip the students to be professionally engaged with a demassified mediated environment.

2. To familiarize the students with the theoretical implications of a highly deterritorialised communication network.

3. To engage the students in a meaningful dialogue with the impoverished section of the society through a bottom-up communication approach.

4. To help the students to explore the alternative media platforms for channelizing the talents of the deprived.

5. To train the students to understand the corporate mechanism of media market and how to infuse it with an idea of social responsibility.

6. To provide the students to learn the technicalities of Audio-Video production.

7. To train the students the art of brand promotion and image building in a mediated society


Syllabus of the four semesters of MJMC and GE courses offered by the JMC Department (effective from academic session 2021-22): Download

Old Syllabus of MJMC: Download


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