Message from the desk of HoD, Department of Nursing, Aliah University.
Aliah University started its glorious journey from the 2008-09 academic session with great potential and immense opportunities. It is hoped that this university harmonizing tradition and modernity will immerge as a unique institution of higher studies and research.
As per Aliah University Act 2007, Section 3(3), it has been conferred the status of a minority educational institution. It is hoped that along with the people of any race, creed, caste or class, this university will play a crucial and leading role in the advancement of higher education for socially and educationally backward classes belonging to the Minorities.
Department of Nursing of Aliah University is a very new initiative to encourage female education, to help students to acquire basic and sound technical and scientific knowledge and skills in nursing profession. The Department of Nursing established in the year 2016 with its first batch of B.Sc Nursing course with 60 annual intake.
Under Aliah University, Department of Nursing is affiliated with West Bengal Nursing Council and Indian Nursing Council.
It is always our core objective to impart quality knowledge and training to our students to prepare them a good professional as well as citizen of this country and to develop awareness and carry forward their social responsibilities.
With Best Wishes,
Prof. Nargis Ahamed
HoD, Department of Nursing
Aliah University.
Contact: 7604092636
Address: Department of Nursing,
Aliah University is an autonomous institution under the Department of Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education, Govt. of West Bengal.
• Recognized by state & Indian Nursing Council ; approved by Government of West Bengal.
• Focuses on nursing excellence i.e. clinical expertise, quality management & professionalism
• Equipped with modern educational system.
• Values personal grooming
• Competent & experienced nursing faculty members
• Good facilities for hostel, mess etc.
• Encourages students to shine in extracurricular activities
• Provides opportunities to engage in community services
• Provides opportunities to grow in diverse culture of the campus
The faculty members of Department of Nursing believe in -
The Department of Nursing strives for outstanding educational outcomes exemplified by graduates who will be recognized for excellence, leadership and compassionate care.
ACADEMIC CONTROL : Aliah University
The Medium of instruction and Examination shall be in English.
BSc Nursing : 60
Duration: 4 years (Only for female candidates)
There is a vast scope of nursing all over India and in the world today. The demand for Indian
nurses in developed countries like USA, UK and others is increasing tremendously.
Graduates can work in Government / Non-government Organizations, Educational Institutions,
Community Setting, Army Nursing, Navy Nursing, Railway Nursing, School Health Nursing etc.
Graduates can be - Nurse Clinician, Nurse Educator, Nurse Administrator or Nurse Researcher
They can serve in the capacity of a staff nurse, sister and/or a supervisor in the branches of
Medical- Surgical Nursing, O.T. Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Cardiothoracic Nursing,
Neurological Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing and in Gynae, Maternity and Obstetrical Nursing in hospital setup.
There is scope of higher studies i.e. Masters, M.Phil and Doctorate in Nursing
The Chairman, AUAT, Aliah University
Newtown Campus, Action Area – II, Kolkata – 700160.
Part A : Basic knowledge of vocabularies, grammar and comprehension at 10+2 level
Part B : As per syllabus of JENPARH/JENPAUH, West Bengal.
Rs. 300
Aliah University, New Town Campus, Kolkata.
Candidates have to download and print their admit cards from the university website by logging in by putting their application form number (application ID) and date of birth (password). No admit card will be sent to the respective candidates.
The admit card will bear the name, photograph, signature, address and category of the candidate along with name and address of the examination center. The candidate should carefully examine the admit card received by her for all the entries made therein. In case of any discrepancy, the candidate should inform the AUAT office immediately.
The following documents in original & two sets of attested photocopies are required at the time of admission:
Only female candidates are eligible for admission. Minimum provision of hostel accomodation for 30% of the total student's intake is compulsory for the institution.
All admissions are subject to verification of facts from the original certificates/documentations of the candidates. If an applicant is found ineligible at a later date even after admission to a program, her admission will be cancelled. The decision of the authority regarding the eligibility of any applicant shall be final.
The main purpose of asking the qualified candidates to appear in person is to verify their identity and original documents to complete the admission process. Hence the candidates must bring their admit card and other above stated documents
B.Sc. Nursing
• Admission: As per schedule by AUAT
• Classes to commence: 1st August every year
• Eligible candidate has to appear for Aliah University entrance examination
• The physical presence of the candidate during admission is mandatory.
Particulars | Amounts ( Rs.) |
Admission Fee (one time) | 50 |
Caution deposit (one time, refundable) | 1000 |
Infrastructure Maintenance Fees | 200 |
Students’ Activities and other fee (Annual) | 1000 |
Tuition/Course Fee (per semester), UG | 6000 |
Examination Fee (per semester) | 500 |
Hostel Caution deposit (one time at admission; refundable) | |
Hostel maintenance charge | |
(payable in the month of July every year with seat rent mess charges or entering in the hostel whichever is earlier) | |
Hostel seat rent (Payable every month by 5th day of the month) | |
Hostel charge (Payable every month by 5th day of the month) |
HoD, Department of Nursing, Aliah University, 17, Gorachand Road, Kolkata – 700014.
Phone: 7604092636 / 033-23416475
The list of candidates eligible to attend the counseling cum physical verification , counseling schedule, venue and other relevant details will be made available on website
Physical presence of the candidate at the counseling is mandatory. If a candidate is prevented by unavoidable circumstances from being physically present for the counseling, she may authorize another individual to represent her at the counseling. This representative must carry the authorization letter and must bring all documents and admission fees.
When all the seats in a given course are filled, candidates may choose to be waitlisted. Candidates will be waitlisted as per their rank order in the entrance examination.
During counseling, candidates are required to produce the original and one sets of self attested
photocopies of documents.
Following Original Documents along with the self attested copy of each document are to be
produced at the time of Counseling for verification by the institute.
• Admit card.
• Date of birth / Class X Pass Certificate
• Marks sheet of 10th pass exam
• Marks sheet of 10+2 pass exam.
• Conduct and character certificate to be obtained on the school/college letter head/pad. No other
certificate in lieu of this will be accepted.
• Transfer certificate or school/college leaving certificate issued by the school/college. No other
certificate in lieu of this will be accepted.
• Migration certificate from previous University/Board.
• Four recent and identical passport size photographs.
• Anti-Ragging Declaration forms (given at Appendix I and II) duly affirmed in front of an Oath Commissioner.
The self attested copy of each document mentioned above will be retained along with the following original documents.
(i) Transfer Certificate or school /college leaving certificate issued by the school/college
(ii) Migration Certificate from previous University / Board.
In case of any suspicion over the authenticity or genuineness of the testimonials, the reference
may be made to the university or the Board which issues certificates to the student and the
admission be subjected to the authentication.
The objective of department of nursing is not only to impart education but also to build up the character of the students and transform them into better human beings. The students are, therefore, expected to observe proper discipline in their conduct during the entire period they spend with the university.
Regulations are designed to ensure that the conduct of students and their discipline are up to
required standards.
Acts of Indiscipline: The following are regarded as acts of indiscipline:
• Failure to attend classes on regular basis
• Any act, which results in the damage or destruction of university/department property
• Ragging
• Physical assault on students and teachers/staff
• Any conduct inconsistent with the status of a student, like smoking and drinking. After the enquiry, penalties ranging from fines, warnings, to expulsion from the institute can be awarded as per the Institute regulations.
The Hon'ble Supreme Court has directed that ragging be banned from all educational institutions. Ragging has been made a cognizable offence and it attracts a punishment of rigorous imprisonment of up to three years and a fine of ` 25,000/-. Ragging has been defined as: “Any act causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of a practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his person or exposes him to ridicule or forbears from doing any lawful act, by intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring him or by using criminal force to him or by holding out to him any threat of such intimidation, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force”.
In Aliah University, there has always been an attempt to foster a strong vibrant and warm relationship amongst all students. Ragging may invite harsh punishment that may take any of the following forms depending upon the severity of offence:-
• Suspension from classes/hostels
• Debarring from appearing in examinations
• Rustication from the college for a period up to two years
• Expulsion from the college
• Fine up to 25,000/- by a court of law. Every student admitted to Department of Nursing, Aliah University and his/ her parents/ guardians are required to sign an undertaking (Annexure I & II duly approved by the Oath Commissioner) that the student will desist from indulging in ragging.
Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of the total classes and clinical held in each subject before appearing the university examination. A candidate who does not satisfy the above requirement of attendance shall not be permitted to appear for the entire university examination. He/she shall have to satisfy the attendance requirement.
As per INC minimum provision of hostel accomodation for 30% of the total student's intake is compulsory. During the stay in the hostel, the student will strictly adhere to the Hostel Rules.
Leave rule : night pass is allowed only in one weekend in a month.
During the stay in the hostel, the student will strictly adhere to the Hostel & mess rules.
Leave rule : night pass is allowed only in one weekend in a month or as required on jenuine reason. students should avail coordinator permission & carry night pass copy to get guardian/parent signature in home copy & submit hostel copy to the warden of the hostel.
TELEPHONE CALLS: The department of Nursing does not entertain direct telephone calls to the students during working hours. Any message should be passed on through the Principal/Office. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones in the class or clinical duty. only CR is allowed to carry it but in vibrate mode.
VACATION: Vacations are planned according to the Aliah University holiday calendar. If the students are unable to return on time due to illness, the class coordinator/HoD should be intimated immediately by telephone/e-mail followed by a written explanation. On return, they should submit a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner stating full particulars of their illness and treatment. Normally, no other leave will be granted except the planned vacation. Students are not granted leave for social events in the family. In case a student absents herself from duty/class for any reasons and the Principal is not satisfied with the explanation regarding her absence, the student will be asked to make up for the number of days she/he was absent, as approved by the HoD, Those not having at least 80% of attendance for any subject will not be permitted to appear for examination.
ACADEMIC PROGRESS AND CLINICAL EVALUATION: All Students are expected to maintain a high academic and clinical standard of performance throughout the program. To this effect regular written and practical sessional examinations will be conducted.
Consistent standards of excellence are expected at all times. Students who do not show any progress or who fail repeatedly will not be allowed to appear for examination / continue the course.
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT: Internal assessment in each subject is carried out at prescribed time and the internal assessment carries allotted weight-age of the total university marks. Passing in the Internal assessment is the pre-requisite to appearing for the University examination.
EXAMINATION: The students will appear for theory and practical examination of the University at the end of every semester as prescribed. Unit tests and sessional examinations will be conducted every semester by the department. Examination fee, as determined by the University, should be paid by the students.
The examination shall consist of eight semesters.
All the parts leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing will be held every 6 months followed by a supplementary examination with the same semester examination.
An enrolled candidate of the University from a recognized college, prosecuting the courses of study of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, shall have to maintain at least 80% attendance in theory and clinical experience separately during that particular year of study to appear in that particular part of the Examination. However, 100% of attendance for practical is mandatory before the award of degree.
EDUCATIONAL FIELD VISIT : During the course of studies the students will be sent for educational field visit extending over a period of 4-8 days or more.
GENERAL DISCIPLINE : Nursing Profession, which demands altruistic service from its members, exacts self discipline at a personal level and general discipline in the campus. Therefore:
1. Regular attendance as well as punctuality is expected from the students at lectures, demonstrations, practicals, field work and other such academic exercise as well as experiences. They are required to attend allotted working periods in each of the prescribed subjects.
2. Students should wear the prescribed complete uniform for duty.
3. A sense of decorum and discipline is expected from every student in the college, hospital as well as in the entire campus. Ragging is strictly prohibited. They shall not indulge either individually or collectively, in any form of activity that will bring down the good name of the Institution / Nursing profession. No person who is a student in a educational institution including an institution under the direct management of the University or of the Central Government shall commit ragging. Any person who contravenes subsection shall, on conviction, be punished.
4. Students will strive at all costs to be loyal to the Ethos of the Institution and to promote its image and status by a humane, ethical and professional code of conduct. Failure to follow these and such other regulations will necessitate the management to take disciplinary action as deemed fit.
5. Parent teacher meeting will be held once a year as well as when required.
FEES : The fees will be charged based on the expenses incurred on education and other facilities offered. Students are expected to meet the expenses. Fees are payable as per the approved rates prescribed from time to time. Fees are liable to be change every year. Revision will be made applicable to all.
1) I, (full name of student with admission /registration/enrolment number) S/o / D/o Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.
____________________________________________________, having been admitted to (name of the institution), have received a copy of the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institution, 2009, (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations.
2) I have, in particular, perused clause 7 and clause 9.1 of the Regulations and am aware as to what constitutes ragging.
3) I have also, in particular, perused clause 7 and clause 9.1 of the Regulations and am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I am found guilty of or abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.
4) I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a)I will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations.
b)I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be
constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations.
5) I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment according to clause 9.1 of the Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in force.
6) I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote, ragging, and further affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, the admission of my ward is liable to be cancelled.
Declared this____________day of______________month of________year.
Signature of Deponent
Name :
Telephone / Mobile No.
Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein.
Verified at (place) on this the (day) _____of (month)___(Year)______________
Signature of Deponent
Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the (day) of (month), (year) after reading the contents of this affidavit.
1) I, Mr./Mrs./Ms.__________________________________________(full name of parent/guardian)
father/mother/guardian of, (full name of student with admission/registration/enrolment number), having been admitted to (name of the institution), have received a copy of the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, (hereinafter called the “Regulations”), carefully read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations.
2) I have, in particular, perused clause 7 and clause 9.1 of the Regulations and am aware as to what constitutes ragging.
3) I have also, in particular, perused clause 7 and clause 9.1 of the Regulations and am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against my ward in case he/she is found guilty of or abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.
4) I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that:
a) My ward will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations.
b) My ward will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations.
5) I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, my ward is liable for punishment according to clause 9.1 of the Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against my ward under any penal law for the time being in force.
6) I hereby declare that my ward has not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote, ragging, and further affirmthat, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, the admission of my ward is liable to be cancelled.
Declared this____________day of______________month of________year.
Signature of Deponent
Name :
Telephone / Mobile No.
Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein.
Verified at (place) on this the (day) _____of (month)___(Year)_______
Signature of Deponent
Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the (day) of (month), (year) after reading the contents of this
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