Department of


Prof. (Dr. ) Md. Mehedi Kalam, FRAS Professor / PHYSICS

Email :

Address : Department of Physics IIA/27, Action Area-II, New Town, Kolkata-700160 E-mail:

Prof Mehedi Kalam is a Theoretical Astrophysicist. He is currently working on modeling of Neutron/Strange stars. He is also interested to construct Wormhole from different sources of the Universe. In 2010 he joined the Department of Physics, Aliah University, where he is currently a Professor of Physics. Earlier Dr. Kalam has served  the Department of Physics, Netaji Nagar College for Women, Kolkata as Assistant Professor (Feb. 2004 - Sept. 2010) with the recommendation of the West Bengal College Service Commission. Teaching is his passion, he loves it and always try to learn.


B.Sc.(Hons)         Jadavpur University   1995
M.Sc.(Physics)    Jadavpur University    1997
Ph.D.                        Jadavpur University    2004
(General Relativity)  

Teaching Experience

  • Lecturer in Physics :     Netaji Nagar College for Women                 (27.02.04 to 26.02.08)

  • Sr. Lecturer in Physics: Netaji Nagar College for Women                (27.02.08 to 30.11.09)

  • Head of the Department:     Netaji Nagar College for Women          (01.12.09 to 30.09.10)

  • Assistant Prof. of  Physics:   Aliah  University, Kolkata                   (01.10.10 to 26.09.13)

  • Associate Prof. of Physics:    Aliah  University, Kolkata                  (27.09.13 to 15.12.15)

  • Professor of  Physics: Aliah  University, Kolkata                             (16.12.15 to  till date)

Field of Specialization

General Theory of Relativity and  Astrophysics                                                   

Courses Taught/Teaching

 UG :          PHUGDS04 : Advanced Mechanics   Credit 4

                  PHYUGCC11: Quantum Mechanics and Applications         Credit 4(2)

  PG:         PHYPGCCT02:  Classical Mechanics  Credit 4        

                  PHYPGCCT05 : Electrodynamics           Credit 4  

                  PHYPGDET01: General Theory of Relativity       Credit 4   

                  PHYPGDET02: Astrophysics  and Cosmology       Credit 4 (2)                  


Research Area

  General Relativity, Cosmology, Compact (Neutron/Strange)      Star and Wormhole Physics 


Administrative  Experiences:

 Designation                      Institution/Committee   

Head of the Department     Netaji Nagar College for Women

Vice-Chairman                  Aliah University Admission Test(AUAT)                   2012

Vice-Chairman                  Aliah University Admission Test(AUAT)                   2013

       Chairman                      Aliah University Admission Test(AUAT)                   2014

       Chairman                      Aliah University Admission Test(AUAT)                   2015

Head        Department of Physics, Aliah  University         01.07.15 to 31.10.17 ; 30.11.21 to till date.

Dean         Faculty of Science & Technology, Aliah  University          18.12.2018 to 17.12.2021

Registrar (Acting)        Aliah University      29.08.19 to 28.11.19

Conference Papers Published

Paper  Presented  in the Seminar:

1.  “Gravitational field of Cosmic string with Semi- classical  effects’’ in a National Seminar   “Advances  in Mathematical  Sciences’’  Department of Mathematics,  under  the auspices  of  UGC-DSA  programme in Mathematics  and Centre  for Mathematical Biology & Ecology, Jadavpur University, Kol-32,  March  21-22 , 2003.

2. “A Study of global monopole in Einstein –  Cartan  theory  based on  Lyra   Geometry’’  in a National Seminar  named  “National Seminar on Mathematics and its applications’’ Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering College, Kolkata, March  27 , 2004 .

3. “Higher dimensional global monopole with Cosmological term’’ in a National Conference  on “Mathematical Analysis  and Applications” Department of Mathematics,   Jadavpur University,  Kolkata, March 1 , 2005

4. “Thin  Domain Walls  in  Lyra  Geometry’’ in a National Seminar  on “Applicable  Mathematics’’  held in  Department  Mathematics,   Jadavpur University , Kolkata,  March  23-24 , 2006 .

5. “Wormhole with varying   Cosmological   Constant’’   in  14thWest Bengal Science Congress  held in   Jadavpur  University, Kol-32 , during  February, 28 – March, 01, 2007.

6.  “Perfect fluid dark matter” in the International Workshop on Dark Energy  held at the Center For Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi  during 21st to 23rd December, 2011.

    7.  “Gravitational Wave Data Analysis”  BITS-Pilani, K.      K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa  17-21 December, 2012.

 8. “Galactic rotation curves and strange quark matter with observational constraints’’ in a National  Conference  on High Energy mission from Active Galactic Nuclei held in Deptt. of Physics, University of Kashmir ,  Srinagar  in collaboration with BARC,Mumbai and ISRO, Govt. of  India during  October  7-9, 2013 .

9. “Anisotropic Quintessence Stars’’ in an International  Conference  on Recent Advances in Mathematics held in the Department of Mathematics, Nagpur University, Nagpur during  January  20-23 , 2014.


Journal Papers Published

For publication please click: (

[ Total Citation  ~ 2081, h-index =23,  Researchgate Score =   31.14 ]


[1] Visiting Associate  of  IUCAA, Pune (under UGC) for the period 2010-13, 2013-16, 2016-19, 2019-22 and 2022-25.

[2] Visiting Associate of IMSc,Chennai (under  DAE) for the period 2014-17.

[3]  TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Award (Trieste, Italy) for the period 2015-18.

[4]  Fellow of  Royal Astronomical  Society (FRAS), London, UK (2022 to till date).

[5] Individual Member of  International Astronomical Union (IAU), Paris, France (2020 to till date). 

[6] Member of  European Astronomical Society (EAS), Geneva, Switzerland (2022 to till date).


Ph.D. Thesis Guidance


Swarnendu  MandalGravitational aspects of different topological defects in four and higher dimensional spacetime” Jadavpur University 2009  (Co-guide: Dr. F. Rahaman)

Pralhad Ghosh “Some classical and semi-classical aspects of different topological defects Jadavpur University 2010  (Co-guide: Dr. F. Rahaman)

Ashis Kr. Ghosh On some theoretical perspective of Wormholes and Black holes Jadavpur University 2010  (Co-guide: Dr. F. Rahaman)

Noor  Farhad Mathematical modeling of some Compact Objects Aliah University 2017  (Co-guide: Dr. Sk. M. Hossein)

Shajahan MollaTheoretical study of Compact Star in General RelativityAliah University 2017.

Rabiul Islam “Compact Stars in low-mass X-ray binaries Aliah University 2020. 


Bidisha Ghosh “Properties of Neutron Stars: Theoretical and Computational  Approach Aliah University ( From 2017 onwards)

Masum Murshid "Theoretical study on compact objects" Aliah University (From 2018 onwards)

Nilofar Rahman "Study of Thin-Shell wormhole and compact star" Aliah University  (From 2018 onwards)

Rikpratik Sengupta  "Wormhole in General Relativity and Modified Gravity" Aliah University  (From 2020 onwards) 

Biplab Paik  "A semi-classical approach on inflation cosmology" Aliah University  (From 2020 onwards)

Arshad Ayub Mudi " Compact Star model on Modified Gravity" Aliah University  (From 2021 onwards)

MASTER Thesis Guidance


Happy Mondal "Life cycle of a star"


Saheli Haque "Maximum mass in 2+1 compact stars"

Abu Kausar Nasir  "Geometical structure of warmhole in Creation field (C)"

Sayan Mukherjee "Quintessence as a source of gravstar"


Sk. Shaharukh "Equation of state of neutron star"

Sk Md Ali Imtiaz  "Compact star in Finch-Skea metric"

Sudipta Jana "Comprative study of compact star: a relativistic approach"



Jajirina Parvin "Chaplygin Wormhole"

Akhtari Banu  "Geodesic of a test particle in a  charged Brane-World  Blackhole"

Tania Parveen "Galactic Rotation Curves and Strange Quark Matter"

Project Works

Project Supervised  :


DST, Govt. of India (Title of the Project:  Perspective of topological defects, Black hole, wormholes  and star models in general relativity ) .

 [2] UGC Minor Research Project (18/04/2006-17/04/2008)

UGC, Govt. of India  (Title of the Project:  Theoretical Study of Topological Defects & wormholes)

Collaborative Programs

[1] Prof.A DeBenedictis (Simon Fraser University,Canada)

[2] Prof. A.I. Filippov (Bashkir State Pedagogical University,  Russia) 

[3] Prof. I Radinshi (Gh. Asachi” Technical University, Romania )

[4] Prof. P K F Kuhfittig(Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, USA)

[5]  Dr. M Jamil (NUST, Rawalpindi, Pakistan)

[6] Dr. H Haghi (Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic        Sciences  (IASBS),  Zanjan, Iran)

Invited Lectures

1.  Delivered  an invited talk on  “Wormhole and Exotic Matter”  in an Astronomy meet at Institute for Advance Studies in Basic Sciences(IASBS), Zanjan, Iran  during the visit as TWAS-UNESCO Associates from 2nd May-30th May,2018.

2. Delivered an invited talk on “Perspective of Relativistic Approach on Neutron Stars/Strange stars ” in a National Workshop on “Recent Advances in Astrophysics & Cosmology” organized by Department of Physics, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University and IUCAA Resource Centre, North 
Bengal University on 9th - 10th Oct., 2018.

3. Delivered an invited talk on “Theory of Relativity , Wormhole and Exotic Matter” in a UGC sponsored Refresher Course on “Recent development in Physics : Theory and Experiment” organized by Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata on 27th November, 2018.

4. Delivered an invited talk on “Introduction to the Theory of Relativity and Wormhole” in a National Seminar on “Celebrate the National Science Day” organized by Netaji Nagar College for Women, Kolkata on 28th Feb, 2019.

5. Delivered  Prof. K. C kar Memorial Lecture  on “A Relativistic Approch on Compact Stars”  - Organized by Calcutta Institute of Theoretical Physics in Collaboration with Calcutta Mathematical Society, Kolkata, on 4th March,2017.

6. Delivered  an invited  talk  on “Introduction to theory of relativity” in Dinhata College, Coochbehar, 20th December, 2016.

7. Delivered  an invited  talk  on “Compact Stars with de Sitter spacetime”  in Institute for Advance Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran  during my visit as TWAS-UNESCO Associates from 23rd May-21st June,2016.

8. Delivered  an invited  talk  on “Sigularity-free  Compact Stars” in the IUCAA Associates’ Fest 2012 held at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune   during 25th to 29th June, 2012.

9. Visited IUCAA Reference Centre, Deptt. of Physics, North Bengal University,Siliguri,West Bengal from Feb. 09 to Feb. 13, 2008  and  delivered an invited talk  on “ Negative energy, Wormholes and  Time Machine’’.

Membership Of Learned Societies

1. Life Member of  Indian Association for General Relativity and           Gravitation (IAGRG).

2. Life Member of Calcutta Institute of Theoretical Physics.


Convener of Seminar :

[1] UGC Sponsored seminar on Excitements  in Physics and Astrophysics at Netaji Nagar College for Women, Kollkata  20th September , 2008.

[2] Workshop on Introductory Workshop on Astrophysics    and Cosmology in collaboration with IUCAA, Pune at  Aliah University, Newtown Campus, Kolkata , 27th – 28th September , 2016.

Session chaired

1. Chaired a session on an International Workshop on “Advanced in Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, AAPCOS-2018” on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Prof. Meghnad Saha at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata during 6th - 9th March, 2018.

2. Chaired a session on a National Workshop on “Recent Advances in Astrophysics & Cosmology” organized by Department of Physics, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University and IUCAA Resource Centre, North Bengal University on 9th - 10th Oct., 2018.

3. Chaired a session in a seminar on “Recent trends in Modern Physics” at Dept. of Physics, Aliah University, Kolkata on Feb. 19, 2014.

4. Chaired a session on a “National Conference on Atomic Molecular and Nano Sciences(NCAMNS-2019)” organized by Department of Physics, Aliah 
University , Kolkata on April 3-4, 2019.

Other Notable Activities

Reviewer of Research Journals:  

[1] Int. J. Theor. Phys.

[2] Astrophysics  Space Sc.   

[3]  Int.J.Mathematics and Mathematical Sc.

[4]  Canadian Journal of Physics

[5] Modern Physics Letter A 

[6] Classical and Quantum Gravity

[7] Physica Scripta

[8] Europhysical Journal C

[9] Pramana - J. of Physics

[10] Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics


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