
Serial No. Title Description Year
1 Electronic and Magnetic properties of low dimensional strongly correlated systems

Funding Agency: DST (Govt. of West Bengal)

Fund Sanctioned: 7.3+ Lac

Principal Investigator: Dr. Badiur Rahaman

Present Status: Ongoing

2 Study of atomic coherent and incoherent resonances using Hanle configuration formed by the laser field and homogenous magnetic field

Funding Agency:  SERB, DST (Govt. of India) 

(Early Career Research Award, Young Scientist; Formerly known as DST Fast Track)

Fund Sanctioned: 23 + Lacs

Principal Investigator: Dr. Mabud Hossain

Present Status: Completed

3 Study of coherent nonlinear resonances in Zeeman sublevels of hyperfine structure of Rb atoms using pump-probe laser spectroscopy: Theory and Experiment

Funding Agency: DST (Govt. of West Bengal)

Fund Sanctioned: 15.5 + Lacs

Principal Investigator: Dr. Mabud Hossain

Co-Investigator: Dr. Jayanta Kr. Saha

Present status: Ongoing


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