Department of
Email :
Address : 114/3/4 D. H Road . Barisha , Udayan Pally , Kolkata -700008
Phone : 9433484410
Joined : 19.04.2017
M.Sc. in Pediatric Nursing, MBA in Health Care Management ,
Completed PHD from Manasarovar Global University.
Attended more than 100 workshop , seminar , conference as a resource person as well as delegates
Name of the Institute |
From-To |
Type of experience |
Total period |
Dept of Nursing , Aliah University |
19.04.17 till date |
Associate Professor |
7years 7 months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
01.02.14 – 30.09.16 |
Principal and HNO ( Dual responsibilities) |
2 years 7 Months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
27.04.13-31.01.14 |
Principal |
9 months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
14.09.2009-26.04.2013 |
DNS ( Dual Responsibilities) |
3 years 9 months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
21.12.2006-o6.09.2009 |
Sister Tutor |
2 years 9 months |
Total year of teaching experience near about 20 years Among which 12 years in HealthCare Industries. and nearly 8 years in Academic University
Diaster Nursing,
4 Year Nursing
As a Resorce person attended many International , National and State level workshop , seminars and conferences.
Peadiatric Nursing,
Nursing Administration
Madical Sergical Nursing
Nursing Education
Clinical Experience
Name of the institution |
From-to |
Type of Experience |
Total periods |
AMRI Hospitals |
03.10.2016 |
Nursing Superintendent |
6 months 15 days |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
01.02.14 – 30.09.16 |
Head Nursing Operations |
2 years 7 Months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
14.09.2009-26.04.2013 |
3 years 9 months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
05.09.2005-20.12.2006 |
Clinical Supervisor |
1 year 3 months |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
2.07.2001 – 30.06.2003 |
Staff Nurse |
2 years |
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute |
8.01.2001 – 1.07.2001 |
Trainee Nurse |
6 Months |
More than 6 conference paper published. attached in publication .
Usha Mallick, Associate. Professor, Nursing Department
SL. No. |
Title of Paper
Name of Journal (specify National /International) |
Year of Publication |
Author/Co-author |
UGC CARE (Yes/No ) |
Peer Reviewed (Yes/ No) |
1 |
Assess the knowledge of patients regarding their right and responsibilities during their hospitalization. |
International Journal of Innovative Research and analytical studies (IJIRAS - ISSN : 2394-4404) |
Vol. 5, Issue - 6June 2018 |
Author - Usha Mallick |
No |
No (Index Journal) |
2 |
To determine the effectiveness of play with toys in pain management |
International Journal of Research Publication (ISSN : 2708-3578) |
VOL. 8, ISSUE 1, JULY 2018 |
Author - Usha Mallick |
No |
Yes |
3 |
Comprehensive Nursing Approach in Cognitive problem Identification by the nurses in care of CVA Clients: An application of Roy's Adaptation Model |
Studies In Indian Place Name UGC care Journal ISSN: 2394-3114 Impact factor: 6.3 |
Vol. 40, Issue - 69 March 2020 |
Author - Usha Mallick |
Yes |
Yes |
4 |
Stress and Copping mechanism among colostomy patient |
International Journal of Multi-Discplinary Educational Research (ISSN: 2277-7881) IMPACT FACTOR : 6.514(2020); IC VALUE: 5.16; ISI VALUE: 2.286 |
Vol.9, Issue 4 (1) April 2020 |
Author – Usha Mallick |
No |
Yes |
5 |
To determine the effect of mentoring on developing nursing competencies among the newly joined staff nurse |
Indian Journal of Applied Research ISSN No. 2249-555X . .2.1652 |
Vol. 10, Issue -5, May 2020 |
Author – Usha Mallick |
Yes |
Yes |
6 |
A study to determine the effect of using clippers in reducing surgical site infections among the post operative abdominal surgery patients in a selected private hospital in Kolkata |
Journal of Emerging Technology & Innovative Research (International) ISSN : 2349-5162 ISSN UGC Approved (Journal No: 63975) & 5.87 Impact Factor
Volume 7 Issue 5 , May-2020 |
Author – Usha Mallick |
Yes |
No |
7. |
A pre – experimental study to assess the effectiveness of simulation based teaching on knowledge and practices regarding neonatal resuscitation among the nursing teachers in a selected hospital in Kolkata. |
International Journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT) ISSN: 2320 -2882 Impact factor- 7.97 UGC approved Journal No.: 49023 (18) |
Volume -10, Issue -1, 08.01.2022 |
Author – Usha Mallick |
Yes |
Yes |
8 |
Implementation of concurrent Nursing Audit as a method for developing quality nursing care. |
Journal of Nursing Science & Practice - STM Journal ISSN - 2348-957 X |
Volume -12, Issue - 1, 2022 |
Author- Usha Mallick |
NO |
The Psychological impact and Coping Mechanism of Covid -19 on Staff Nurses | Conference Proceeding/ TNAI Journal |
May 2023 ISBN -9789391248 63- |
Author- Usha Mallick | No | No |
10 | The Social Impact and coping mechanism of Covid 19 on Staff Nurses- A Retrospective Study |
International Journal of Medical and pharmaceutical Research Website: https://ijmpr |
Issue 2 Volume 4 Online: 2958-3683 Print: 2958-3675 Issue 2 Volume 4 Online: 2958-3683 Print: 2958-3675 |
Author-1. Usha Mallick Author -2 Dr Ratna Chhaya Singh |
no | Yes |
11 | The prevalence of psychological impact and coping mechanism of COVID-19 on Staff Nurses | European Chemical Bulletin (Scopus) |
Special issue2 Volume 12 |
Author-1. Usha Mallick Author -2 Dr Ratna Chhaya Singh |
Scopus | yes |
12 | The Psychosocio and Pesonal Impact of Covid 19 on Staff Nurses | African Journal Of Biological Science |
Volume 6, Issue 6 |
Author-1. Usha Mallick Author -2 Dr Ratna Chhaya Singh |
Scopus | yes |
Book Chapter:
SL. No. |
Title of Paper
Name of Book (specify National /International) |
Year of Publication |
Author/Co-author |
1. |
A study to assess the effectiveness of Induction Training Programme among the newly joined staff nurses at selected private hospital in Kolkata |
Emerging Trends in Education ABS Books ISBN : 978093-87229-12-9
Edition: June, 2019. |
Author – Usha Mallick |
2 |
Corona Abahe Swasthya Kormider Obodan |
Coronar Korcha |
Rupali Publication, 2022 ISBN -978-93-91776-15-2 Page No.: 57- 64 |
Usha Mallick |
3 |
Health is a potential contribution to peace |
Promoting Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World |
LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2022 ISBN - 978-620-4-98457-5 Page No: 128 - 143 |
Usha Mallick |
4 |
Culture and Peace |
Promoting Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World |
LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2022 ISBN - 978-620-4-98457-5 LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2022 ISBN - 978-620-4-98457-5 Page No: 174 - 185 |
Usha Mallick Co-author Monalisa Hassan |
5 |
Process of Teaching Learning |
Basics of Nursing Education |
WESER BOOKS, 2022 ISBN - 978-3-96492-394-3 Page No: 493- 500 |
Usha Mallick |
6 |
India and Sustainable Development Goals |
Digital India , Navigating Sustainable Development Goals |
Usha Mallick |
7 |
Artificial Intelligence in Nursing |
Conference proceeding of International Conference on the role of AI and Multidisciplinary Research in Shaping a sustainable future |
ISBN: 978-81-19746/23-1 January 2024 |
Usha Mallick |
Best Sientific Paper , awareded by TNAI , 2010
Best Scientific paper awarded by TNAI ,2018
Best scientific paper awarded by UIJIR,-2021
Awarded best junior researcher by UIJIR-2021
Awarded 2nd best reacheh paper by CCNE -2021
Awarded for best scientific paper by A0RN , 3M -2021
Awarded by FSIA as the super woman-2021
Awarded as National Women Pride Award by NAVBHARAT RASTRIYA GYANPEETH
Awarded many times for creation of Bengali poem from different organization
Teacher Excellence award 2023 , 2024
not done yet
Not applicable
done many tool validations of M.SC THESIS
Project work done on different subjects of GNM and B,sc Nursing Students
Attended Project work of Students , many a times as an expert
A study to assess quality of life (QOL) of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis in a hemodialysis unit |
Collaborative program done with TNAI for arranging conference
Coollaborative program done with Project prakash
collaborative program done with Neotia academy of Nursing
Collaborative program done with Dept of Health and Family welfare , Govt of India . -Done awareness programme on COVID 19
Collaborative program done with Autism society of India
Collaborative program done with HELPAGE India
Collaborative program done with the platelet collection team
Coollaborative program done with CNMCH
Collaborative program done with Mr shovan Mukherjee(Padman of West Bengal)
1. Life Member TNAI , TNAI NO -94962
2.Life Member of IANN - WB/110/2008
3.Life Member of NNFI , NNF /LIFE/208
4.Life member of SOMI
5Life member of NRSI
6. Member of BOS of Sister Nivedita University
7. Member of Academic Council of Minerva College of Nursing
Faculty Induction Programme by UGC -27th Jan-2nd March -2021 |
Workshop /Seminar / Conference
Sl No |
Academic Year |
Seminars/Workshops/lectures/fieldvisitsorganized by department |
1 |
2017-2018 |
Lecture on “World AIDS Day 2017” on 1.12.2017 |
2 |
2018- 2019 |
International workshop on “Quality Care of Client: Impact by Health Wellbeing of Nurses” on 23.02.2018 in collaboration with NNI. |
Lecture on“World Health Day 2018” (Health check-up) on 6.04.2018. |
Lecture on“Nurses Day 2018” on 11.05.2018. |
Seminar on“Breast feeding Week 2018” on 8.08.2018 |
Lecture on“World AIDS Day 2018” (Road show) on 6.12.2018 |
Invited Lecture on “Current status of Diabetes in global perspective “on 31.08.2018. |
Field visits:
3 |
2019-2020 |
National Seminar "Empowering Adolescents Mind" on 02.04.2019. |
Seminar on World Population Day celebration on 11.07.2019. |
Seminar on Observing Breast Feeding Week on 03.08.2019 |
Adult vaccination awareness program cum lecture on 12.02.2019 in collaboration with Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata (Apollo Pharmacy). |
Seminar on " World Mental Health Day" on 22.10.2019. |
Seminar on “Mental Health Awareness among College Going Students” on 22.10.2019. |
Seminar on "Trends & Recent Practices on Neonatology & Paediatrics" on 14.11.2019. |
Field visits:
4 |
2020-2021 |
Seminar on "Cancer: Raising Awareness & Sharing Information" on 04.02.2020. |
Invited lecture on International Women’s Day 2020 on 11.03.2020. |
Webinar on “COVID-19 Pandemic and Post Lockdown: Faculty concerns regarding curriculum completion” on 12thMay 2020. |
Online lecture on "Dementia Awareness" by Nilanjan Moulik (USA) on 21.08.2020 in collaboration with ARDSI. |
Online 3 days Meditation programme on 18th- 20th October,2020. |
One month (28.02.2021 to 30.03.2021) Rural community field visit at Singur, Hooghly. |
Online lecture on “World Health Day 2021” on 11.05.21 |
Online lecture on “Nurses’ Day 2021” on 11.05.2021 |
Online lectureon “Menstrual Hygiene Day” on 28.05.2021. |
Online lecture on “Music Therapy and Mental Health: The Restorative Power of Music” on 25.10.2021 in collaboration with Ashwaas. |
Awareness programme on World AIDS Day celebration on 01.12.2021. |
One month (1.12.2021 to 31.12.2021) Rural community field visit at Singur, Hooghly. |
Year 2020-2021 (July 2020 to June 2021)
Name of the Faculty Member |
Title of the Paper/Invited Talk |
National/International/ State |
Organizing Institute |
Date |
Usha Mallick |
Details about Breast Feeding |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch and SNU |
08/08/2020 |
Usha Mallick |
Adolescents mental Health |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch |
10/10/2020 |
Usha Mallick |
HIV and AIDS |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch |
01/12/2020 |
Usha Mallick |
Menstrual Hygiene |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch and Aliah University Dept of Nursing |
28/05/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Hospital Environment for sick child |
State Conference (Online) |
05/06/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Nursing Audit |
International Conference (Online) |
Linkon University , Malaysia |
06/06/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Quality care in Paediatric Nursing |
National Conference (online) |
CMC ,Vellore |
24/06/2021-25/06/2021 |
Year 2021-22 (July 2021 to June 2022)
Name of the Faculty Member |
Title of the Paper/Invited Talk |
National/International/ State |
Organizing Institute |
Date |
Usha Mallick |
Sharing Experience of Managing COVID 19 Pandemic by Nurses |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch |
03/07/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Impact of increasing population |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch and Aliah University , Dept of Nursing |
11/07/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Concept of world breast feeding week |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch |
06/08/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Infection control |
National Conference (Online) |
20/08/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Nursing Theory |
State workshop (offline) |
Neotia Academy of Nursing |
08/09/2021-09/09/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Mental Health Awareness |
NationalConference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch |
10/10/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Occupational English |
National Conference ( Offline) |
TNAI WB Branch and OET |
23/10/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Concept of Paediatrics |
State Conference (Online)
TNAI WB Branch |
14/11/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Safe surgery SSI Prevention |
National Conference( Online) |
AORN , Mumbai |
27/11/2021-28/11/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Awareness about AIDS |
National Conference (Online)
TNAI WB Branch |
01/12/2021 |
Usha Mallick |
Cervical cancer awareness |
State Conference (Online)
TNAI WB Branch and Dept of Nursing, Aliah University |
29/01/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Enhancing Teaching Learning Skills |
National FDP as a resource person ( Online) |
23/02/2022-01/03/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Hepatitis in children |
National Training Programme (online) |
Ilbs and Project Prakash |
04/03/2022-05/03/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Culture and Peace |
International Seminar ( Offline) |
Aliah University |
Usha Mallick |
Health as a potential contribution to Peace |
International Seminar ( Offline) |
Aliah University |
Usha Mallick |
Work life balance of Nurses |
International Seminar ( Offline) |
Jadavpur University |
19/05/2022-20/05/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Nurses: A voice to Lead |
State Conference (Offline) |
TNAI , WB Branch |
28/05/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Exploring Precision in Research Problem |
National Conference (Online) |
GINRA and Subharti Nursing College |
25/06/2022 |
Year 2022-23 (July 2022 to June 2023)
Name of the Faculty Member |
Title of the Paper/Invited Talk |
National/International/ State |
Organizing Institute |
Date |
Usha Mallick |
National Seminar (Online) |
Quality Council of India |
02/07/2022-03/07/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Breast feeding status of West Bengal |
State Conference (Online) |
TNAI WB Branch |
02/08/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
SDG and Women Empowerment |
International Seminar (Offline) |
Jadavpur University |
17/08/2022-18/08/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Evaluation of Nursing Students |
State workshop (Offline) |
TNAI WB Branch. |
27/08/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Medication Safety |
Internation Conference (offline) |
Peerless Hospital |
16/09/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Nursing Education and practice |
State level Seminar ( Online) |
19/09/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Mental Health Awareness |
State level Seminar ( Online) |
TNAI WB Branch. |
10/10/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
Psychological impact of COVID 19 on staff Nurses |
National Seminar (Offline) |
Aliah University |
11/11/2022 |
Usha Mallick |
The Psychological impact and coping mechanism of COVID19 on Staff Nurses |
International Conference (Offline) |
Aliah University |
10/01/2023-11/01/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
The Psychological impact and coping mechanism of COVID19 on Staff Nurses- Total Study |
National Conference (offline) |
30/01/2023-31/01/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
The social impact of COVID 19 on staff nurses |
National Seminar (Offline) |
Aliah University |
29/03/2023-30/03/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
The Psychological impact and coping mechanism of COVID 19 on staff nurses- Retrospective Study |
International Conference (Online) |
Digvijay Nath Post Graduate college and Science Tech Institute |
07/04/2023-09/04/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
Psycho social impact and burn out of covid 19 on staff nurses |
National Conference (Online) |
Parul University |
13/04/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
National Seminar (Online) |
Quality Council of India |
22/04/203-23/04/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
Bridging the gap between Nursing Examinations and Council Registration |
National Seminar , Invited Talk ( Online ) |
CYGNIA , Nurse India |
03/05/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
Our Nurses ,Our Future |
State conference (offline) |
TNAI, WB , Branch |
27/05/2023 |
Usha Mallick |
Inventory Management |
State level, Invited Talk (offline) |
16/06/2023 |
chaired the session in Different TNAI state level conference in 2015 ,16 , 17 , 18 ,19 . 20 , 21 , 22
Act as a quiz master in NNF quiz contest in 2016,17,18
Chaired the session in Tripura TNAI conference at Tripura
Chaired the session in Jadavpur University in paper presentation
Chaired the session in IQCT Durgapur in forensic nursing conference
Worked on behalf of TNAI for staff nurses , community people during pandemic
Member of Academic Committee of Minerva Education Foundation
Working as a liason member of the dept with different Govt and private agencies
Working as Elected Secretary of TNAI of West Bengal Branch
BOS Member of Nursing dept of SNU
worked vigorously during COVID 19 Pandemic
Member of Academic Committee of Minerva Education Foundation
Observer for WBNC
As an Interviewer for CNCI
As an Interviewer for Woodlands Hospital
writing many articles in bengali, english languages on health and other subject also.
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