Department of


Dr. Md. Mustaquim Assistant Professor / GEOGRAPHY

Email :

Address : Department of Geography (7th Floor), Aliah University (Park Circus Campus), 17, Gorachand Road, Kolkata – 700 014, India

Phone : +91-9563672450

Room No : 7014/C, Intercom:7113

Joined : 01.10.2010

Md. Mustaquim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography with research interests in the fields of Population Geography, Regional Development Studies and Socio-Economic Issues. He received M.A. and Ph.D. degree in Geography from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in 2002 and 2008 respectively. He also served twice as the Head (Officiating) of the Department of Geography, Aliah University. Kolkata.

Prior to joining the faculty at Aliah University, Kolkata, he was an Assistant Professor in Geography at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya in Bagdogra, Darjeeling, and a Guest Faculty member at the Foodcraft Institute, University Polytechnic, AMU Campus, Aligarh. He has more than fifteen years of teaching and research experience. Additionally, he has been actively engaged in various professional activities and has contributed significantly to the university in administrative capacities as a member of various academic and administrative committees.

He published two books, fifty-one research papers in National and International journals of repute and ten book chapters including conference proceeding.  Four research scholars successfully awarded their doctorate degrees under his supervision, and another three are currently working under his guidance. Furthermore, nearly one hundred PG students have successfully completed their Master's degree dissertations under his guidance. He presented more than 30 research papers at national and international seminars and conferences and attended numerous training programmes and workshops.

He teaches Geography of Resources, Climatology, Introduction to Human Geography, Agriculture Geography, Population Geography and Statistical Techniques in Geography at Under Graduate level and Population Geography, Economic Geography, Demography and Ekistics and Computer Applications and GPS at Post Graduate Level.

He believes that teaching is a continuous learning and interactive processes through which both the teacher and student expand the horizon of their knowledge. His motto of teaching is to make the students dynamic and versatile to achieve their goals and play positives roles for the society.


  • Ph.D. in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, 2008.    
  • M.A. in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, 2002.  
  • B.A. (Hons.) in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, 2000.  


Teaching Experience

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal (01.10.2010 to till date)
  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya (KGTM), Bagdogra, Darjeeling, West Bengal (29.04.2010 to 30.09.2010)
  3. Lecturer, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal (06.10.2009 to 28.04.2010)
  4. Guest Faculty, Foodcraft Institute, University Polytechnic, AMU Campus, Aligarh, UP (Academic session 2007-08 to 2008-09)

Field of Specialization

  • Population Geography
  • Regional Development Studies

Courses Taught/Teaching

  • Introduction to Human Geography
  • Climatology
  • Computer Applications and Coding in Geography
  • Economic and Resource Geography
  • Statistical Techniques in Geography
  • Geography of Resources
  • Agriculture Geography
  • Population Geography
  • Geography of West Bengal
  • Economic Geography
  • Demography and Ekistics
  • Geoinformatics
  • Population Geography (Special Paper, PG)

Research Area

His research interests concern in the field of Population Geography, Regional Development Studies and Socio-Economic Issues. His Ph.D. thesis is on “Analysis of Structure of Employment and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal”.

He has been working in recent years on working population, socio-economic development, fertility, issues of disabled persons and food security in geographical dimensions.

He has published two books, and dozens of research papers on various topics of Population Geography, Regional Development Studies and Socio-Economic Issues in journals of national and international repute, book chapters and conference proceeding.


  • Programme Co-ordinator, NSS, Aliah University, Kolkata from 05.11.2012 to 12.01.2023.
  • Head (Officiating), Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 04.05.2017 to 26.11.2019.
  • Head (Officiating), Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 12.09.2015 to 23.08.2016.
  • Member, University Outreach Committee, AU from 09.01.2020 to till date.
  • Convener, Departmental Research Committee (DRC) from 02.30.2022 to till date.
  • Convener, DPC, Department of Geography, AU, from 04.02.2021 to till date.
  • Member, BoS, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 27.11.2019 to till date.
  • Joint Convener, University Induction Programme Cell (UIPC) for Park Circus and Taltala Campuses, Aliah University from 10.09.2024 to till date.
  • Joint Convener, University Canteen Committee, Aliah University from 12.03.2024 to till date.
  • Member of NEP-2020 Syllabus Committee, Geography Department, AU, since 2023 to till date
  • Convener, Class Time Table Committee, Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata, for the academic years 2015-16 and 2019-20 to 2023-24.
  • Member (Ex-officio) of Academic Council, Aliah University, from 12.09.2015 to 23.08.2016 and 04.05.2017 to 26.11.2019.
  • Member (Ex-officio) of Darbar-i-Aliah (court), Aliah University, from 12.09.2015 to 23.08.2016 and 04.05.2017 to 26.11.2019.
  • Chairman, BoS, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 13.11.2017 to 26.11.2019.
  • Member, BoS, Department of History, Aliah University, Kolkata from November, 2017 to 2020.
  • Member of NAAC (Category – I & V) Sub-committee, AU, from 03/02/2023 to till date.
  • Member of NAAC (Category – VI & VII) Sub-committee, AU, from 17/08/2021 to till date.
  • Member of NAAC (Category – II & III) committee, AU, from 02/11/2020 to till date.
  • Member, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2021), Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Convener, Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) Committee of Aliah University, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
  • Convener, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Committee of Aliah University, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
  • Member, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2018), Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Coordinator, Departmental Research Committee (DRC) (27.10.2016 to 03.05.2017).
  • Member, B.Ed. Admission Committee, 2014 and 2016, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Co-ordinator, Examination related activities at Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata, from February, 2015 to September, 2015.

Conference Papers Published

  1.  Md. Mustaquim and Woheeul Islam (2025), Mapping and Investigating of Land Use and Land Cover Changes using Geo-spatial Analysis: A Case Study of Sagardighi Block, Murshidabad, in Asraful Alam and Rukhsana (ed.), Disaster Risk, Resilient Agriculture and Livelihood: Methods and Applications [ISBN:978-1-032-16236-2], pp. 282-290
  2. Asif, Mustaquim, M. and Hemant (2021), Muslims in Higher Education in India: A Geographical Analysis, in Atiqur Rahman, Lubna Siddiqui, Praveen K Pathak, Taruna Bansal & Asif (ed.), Sustainable Development, Environmental Issues and Self-sustained Society [ISBN:978-81-951923-4-2], RK Books, New Delhi, pp. 184-202
  3. Mustaquim, M. and Islam, M.M. (2017), Quantifying the Situation of Child Labour in Birbhum District of West Bengal: A Geographical Perspective, in Mustaquim, M., Islam, A. and Ismail, M. (eds.) Challenges in 21st Century Geography: A Perspective from India [ISBN: 9789382847236], RK Books, New Delhi, pp.209-225.
  4. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2017), Status of Food Security among Fishermen’s Household in Basirhat Sub-Division, 24 Parganas (North), West Bengal, in Mustaquim, M., Islam, A. and Ismail, M. (eds.) Challenges in 21st Century Geography: A Perspective from India [ISBN: 9789382847236], RK Books, New Delhi,  pp.95-115.
  5. Islam, M.M. and Mustaquim, M. (2015): Gender Gap in Literacy: A Study of Indian Scenario, in Ismail, M. et al., (eds.) Life and Living through Newer Spectrum of Geography [ISBN: 978-81-7445-690-8], Mohit Publications, Delhi, pp. 188-202.
  6. Mustaquim, M. and Khan, J. H. (2014), Rural Female Household Industry Workers and Socio-Economic Development: A Case Study of West Bengal, in Haroon, M. and Usmani, T.M. (eds.) Environment, Resources and Regional Development [ISBN: 978-81-909022-8-1], Wisdom Books, Varanasi, pp.201-219.
  7. Mustaquim, M. and Ismail, M. (2014), Scenario of Solid Waste Generation and Its Management in Kamarhati Municipality of Kolkata, West Bengal, in Vishwambhar Prasad Sati, (eds.), Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities [ISBN: 978-93-82880-95-0], Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, pp.31-42.
  8. Mustaquim, M. and Asif (2013), Male Household Industry Workers and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal: A Study in Geographical Perspective, in M.H. Qureshi (ed.), Jamia Geographical Studies [ISBN: 978-93-7831-326-4], Vol. 2, Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 166-188.
  9. Mustaquim, M. and Khan, J. H. (2010), Regional Analysis of Female Household Industry Workers and Levels of Socio-Economic Development, in Siddhartha Sarkar and Isaac Kwaku Acheampong (eds.), Gender, Poverty and Sustainable Livelihood [ISBN: 978-93-80162-94-2], Arise Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi, pp. 148-163.   
  10. Khan, J. H. and Mustaquim, M. (2008), Rural Female Agricultural Workers in West Bengal, in Rameshwari Pandya (ed.), Women Welfare and Empowerment in India: Vision for 21st Century [ISBN: 978-81-7708-172-5], New Century Publications, New Delhi, pp. 451-560.

Journal Papers Published

  1. Mustaquim, M., & Woheeul Islam (2024), Analysing Land Use and Cover Transformations in Berhampore, West Bengal, India: A CA-Markov and ANN Simulation Approach for Future Predictions, Agricultural Research [ISSN: 2249-7218 (E), 2249-720X (P)], Vol. 13, Issue 2,
  2. Mustaquim, M., Hasib Hasan, & Woheeul Islam (2024), Disparities of Health Infrastructure Development in Rural Areas of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India: A Geographical Analysis, South India Journal of Social Sciences [ISSN: 09728945], Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 60-69,
  3. Nasrin Banu, Rohel Sk, Mustaquim. M., Md. Kaikubad Ali, Rakib Sarkar, Soumitra Mandal (2023), Impact of COVID‑19 pandemic on livelihoods of informal workers in Kolkata: from sustainable livelihood perspective, Geo Journal [ISSN:0343-2521 (print) 1572-9893 (web)], Vol. 88, pp. 6435–6452,
  4. Mustaquim M., Islam, W. (2023), Multitemporal Analysis of Land Use/Cover Changes and Landscape Fragmentation in Murshidabad District of West Bengal, India, Current World Environment [ISSN:0973-4929], Vol. 18, No. (2), pp. 647-661,
  5. Mustaquim, M., and Hasan, H. (2021), Socio-Economic Disparities in Rural Areas of Murshidabad District: A Block Level Study, Shodh Sarita [ISSN:2348-2397], Vol. 8, Issue 29 (January-March, 2021), pp. 24-30
  6. Mustaquim, M., and Islam, W. (2020), Risk and Vulnerability of Migrant Labours from West Bengal and their Life Satisfaction during Pandemics of COVID-19: A Case Study, Asian Review of Social Sciences [ISSN:2249-6319], Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 40-45.
  7. Mustaquim, M., and Hasan, H. (2019), Disparities in the Level of Health Development in Rural Murshidabad: A Block Level Comparative Study, RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary [ISSN:2455-3085], Vol. 4, Issue 5, pp. 3259-3264.
  8. Khatun, R. and Mustaquim, M. (2019), Correlates of Literacy, Work Participation and Fertility of Female Population in West Bengal, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews [ISSN:2348-1269 (E), 2349-5138 (P)}, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp.423-433.
  9. Mustaquim, M. and Roy, U.K. (2019), Regional Disparities of Development in Koch Bihar District: A Block Level Study, Contemporary Social Sciences [ISSN: 0302-9298], Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.80-100.
  10. Islam, M.M. and Mustaquim, M. (2018), Disability Concentration and Levels of Deprivation in West Bengal: A Geographical Analysis, Indian Journal of Regional Science [ISSN: 0046-9017 (P), 2456-6519 (O)], Special Volume, pp.119-127.
  11. Roy, U.K, Mustaquim, M.  and Khatun, R. (2018), Gender Differences among Different Social Groups in West Bengal: A Geographical Study, Journal of National Development [ISSN: 0972-8309], Vol. 31, No. 2 (Winter),  pp. 126-142. 
  12. Mustaquim, M., Islam, W. and Roy, U.K. (2018), Environmental Quality of Slums: A Case Study of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, The Research Journal of Social Science, [ISSN: 0025-1348 (P), 2456-1356 (O)], Vol. 9, No. 9, pp.262-270.
  13. Mustaquim, M., Islam, W. and Asif 92018), Way to Immersing Handloom Cottage Industry in Ambarrpur Village of Murshidabad District: A Geographical Study, International Journal of Management Studies, [ISSN: 2249-0302 (P) 2231-2528 (O)], Vol. V, Issue 3(4), pp.145-153.
  14. Islam. M. M. and Mustaquim. M. (2018), Economic Independency and Occupational Engagement of Persons with Disabilities in West Bengal: A Case Study, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities [ISSN 2249-7315], Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 118-132.
  15. Islam, M.M., Mustaquim, M. and Roy, U.K. (2016), Scheduled Caste Literacy and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal: A Regional Analysis, Indian Journal of Social Development [ISSN: 0972-3692], Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.151-161.
  16. Mustaquim, M. and Asif (2016), Regional Disparities in the Levels of Development in West Bengal: An Inter District Analysis, Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) [ISSN: 0970-972X], Vol. 23, No.1, pp.120-152.
  17. Islam, M.M. and Mustaquim, M. (2016): A Geospatial Analysis of the Nature and Spatial Extent of Disabled Persons in India, Indian Journal of Spatial Science [ISSN: 2249 – 3921], Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.19-24.
  18. Mustaquim, M. and Roy, U.K. (2015), Analysis of Educational Attainment: A Case Study of Kalarayerkuthi Mouza, Cooch Behar-II Block, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, [ISSN(E): 2321-8851; ISSN(P): 2347-4580], Vol. 3, Issue 7 pp.97-105.
  19. Mustaquim, M. and Khatun, R. (2015), Gender Disparities in Murarai –II Block of Birbhum District: A Comparative Analysis, Education For All: An International Journal of Education & Humanities [ISSN: 2319-2437], Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.4-20.
  20. Mustaquim, M. and Roy, U.K. (2015), Analysis of Educational Attainment and Economic Opportunities: A Case Study of Kalarayerkuthi Mouza, Cooch Behar – II Block (West Bengal), Education Plus: An International Journal of Education & Humanities [ISSN: 2277-2405], Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.222-233.
  21. Islam, M.M. and Mustaquim, M. (2015): Literacy and Unemployment Patterns in West Bengal: A District level Study, Practising Geographer [ISSN: 0975 – 3850], Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 61-79.
  22. Islam, M.M. and Mustaquim, M. (2015): Child Sex Ratio in West Bengal: A Study of Future Trends, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies [ISSN: 0971 – 4170], Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 259–266.
  23. Islam, M. M. and Mustaquim, M. (2014), Socio-Economic Status of Rural Population: An Income Level Analysis, Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary [ISSN: 2319-2801], Vol. 1, Issues 24, pp. 98-106.
  24. Mustaquim, M. and Islam, M. M. (2014), Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Inhabitants of Udaypur Village, Malda District, West Bengal, Indian Streams Research Journal [ISSN: 2230-7850], Vol. 4, Issue-1, pp.1-13.
  25. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Socio-Economic Profile of Bhairabpur Village in Malda District, West Bengal, International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) [ISSN: 2249-5894], Vol. 3, Issue 11, pp. 27-32.
  26. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Socio-Economic Status of Population in Flood Prone Areas of Chanchal Sub-Division in Malda District, West Bengal, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences [ISSN: 2321-8851], Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 141-152.
  27. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Status of Housing and Health Condition in Maldah District (West Bengal), Radix International Journal of Research in Social Science [ISSN: 2250-3994], Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 1-18.
  28. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Impact of Occupational Structure on Household Food Security in Malda District (West Bengal), International Journal of Innovative Research and Development [ISSN: 2278-0211(Online)], Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 76-88.
  29. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Nutritional Status of Different Age Groups of Population in Malda District of West Bengal, India: A Geographical Perspective, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences [ISSN: 2319-393X], Vol.2, Issue 1, pp. 1-12.
  30. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Distribution of Nutritional Deficiency Diseases of Minority Muslim in India, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention [ISSN: 2319-7722 (Online), ISSN: 2319-7714 (Print)], Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 27-34.
  31. Mustaquim, M. and Khan, J. H. (2013), Rural Male Agricultural Labourers and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal, India: A Geographical Study, Regional Symbiosis [ISSN: 0972-2041], Vol. 21, pp. 133-147.
  32. Mustaquim, M. and Ismail, M. (2013), An Analysis of the Socio-Economic Conditions of Homeless Population in Parts of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Indian Journal of Spatial Science [EISSN: 2249-4316, ISSN: 2249-3921], Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 43-51
  33. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2013), Food Insecurity and Indian Muslims, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science [e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845], Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 121-126.
  34. Ismail, M. and Mustaquim, M. (2012), Pattern of Food Consumption and Food Availability in Malda District (West Bengal), International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences [ISSN: 2277-209X], Vol. 2, (3), pp. 108-115.
  35. Khan, J.H., Shamshad, Mustaquim, M. and Hassan, T. (2012), A Comparative Analysis of Housing Shortage and Levels of Deprivation in India, European Journal of Social Sciences [ISSN: 1450-2267], Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 193-205.
  36. Mustaquim, M. and Khan, J. H. (2012), Urban Female Household Industry Workers and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal, The Goa Geographers [ISSN: 0976-786X], Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 105-115.
  37. Khan, J.H., Shamshad and Mustaquim, M. (2011), Female Literacy and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal: A Geographical Analysis, Education Today: An International Journal of Education & Humanities [ISSN: 2229-5755], Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 20-32.
  38. Khan, J. H., Butool, F. and Mustaquim, M. (2010), Occupational Structure of Scheduled Caste Population in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India: A Regional Analysis, Regional Symbiosis [ISSN: 0972-2041], Vol. 18, pp. 115-125.
  39. Ali, M.J. and Mustaquim, M. (2009), Role of Farm Mechanisation on Agricultural Crop Productivity in West Bengal: A Regional Approach in Geographical Study, Regional Symbiosis [ISSN: 0972-2041], Vol.17, pp. 11-28.
  40. Khan, J. H., Ali, S. and Mustaquim, M. (2008), Regional Analysis of Female Work Participation in Agricultural Activities in Orissa, Man in India [ISSN: 0025-1569], Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 602-612.
  41. Ali, M.J. and Mustaquim, M. (2007), Growth of Urban Population and Trends of Urbanization in North Bengal, India: A Study in Spatio-Temporal Perspective, Asian Profile [ISSBN: 03048675], Vol.35, No.3, pp. 221-236.
  42. Khan, J. H., Shafiqullah and Mustaquim, M. (2007), Regional Analysis of Rural Employment and Levels of Agricultural Development in Uttar Pradesh, National Geographical Journal of India [ISSN: 0227-9374], Vol.53, Parts (3-4), pp. 65-72.
  43. Khan, J. H. and Mustaquim, M. (2007), Urbanization and Levels of Economic Development in West Bengal: A Geographical Analysis, Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences [ISSN: 0975-6620], Vol. 2, pp. 30-44.
  44. Khan, J. H. and Mustaquim, M. (2007), Rural Female Work Participation in Economic Activities in West Bengal, Man in India [ISSN: 0025-1569], Vol. 87 Nos.3&4, pp. 263-277.
  45. Mustaquim. M and Wahab, A. (2007), Regional Analysis of Employment Rate in West Bengal, Geographical Observer [ISSN: 0072-0925], Vol. 37.
  46. Khan, J.H. and Mustaquim, M. (2007), Regional Dimensions of Urbanization and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in the State of West Bengal, India, Regional Symbiosis [ISSN: 0972-2041], Vol. 15, pp. 65-82.
  47. Singh, V., Wahab, A. and Mustaquim, M. (2007), Spatial Land Use Pattern and Level of Agricultural Development in Ghaziabad District, U.P., Samajik Sahyog [RNI No. 58703/91], Vol. 15, No. 64, pp. 59-70.
  48. Ashraf, M., Mustaquim, M. and Rukhsana (2007), Development of Irrigation and its Impact on Agriculture in Azamgarh District: A Geographical Study, The Geographer [ISSN: 0072-0909], Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 100-114. 
  49. Mustaquim, M., Ahmad, A. and Ali, M.J. (2006), Regional Imbalances in the Levels of Literacy and its Determinants in West Bengal: A Quantitative Analysis, Punjab Geographer [ISSN: 0973-3485], Vol.1, No.2, pp. 99-112.
  50. Khan, J. H., and Mustaquim, M. (2006), Female Employment Rate in West Bengal: A Regional Analysis, Man in India [ISSN: 0025-1569], Vol. 86, Nos.3&4, pp. 299-311.
  51. Khan, J. H., Ali, S. and Mustaquim, M. (2006), Rural Male Work Participation in Economic Activities in Orissa, Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences [ISSN: 0975-6620], Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 91-110.


  • University Research Fellowship (Merit-cum-Mean) from 1st April, 2006 to 31st December, 2006, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
  • UGC Research Fellowship (UGCRF) from 1st January, 2007 to 22nd December, 2007, UGC, New Delhi. 

Ph.D. Thesis Guidance

Sl. No.






 Md. Ismail

 Dimensions of Population Growth and Food Security in Malda District of West Bengal


 Degree awarded on 03.04.2017


 Md Monirul Islam

 Issues and Challenges of Disabled Persons in West Bengal: A Geographical Perspective


 Degree awarded on 26.03.2019

3.  Uttam Kumar Roy

 Rural Livelihood Patterns of Scheduled Castes Population in Koch   Bihar District, West Bengal


 Degree awarded on 04.04.2022


 Hasib Hasan

 Regional Disparities of Rural Development in Murshidabad District


 Degree awarded on 09.11.2023


 Woheeul Islam

 Drivers of Land Use and Land Cover Changes, Their Patterns and Management: A Case Study in Murshidabad District, West Bengal


 Thesis submitted on 28/10/2024


 Faruk  Biswas

 Male Out-Migration from Rural Areas of Nadia  District in West Bengal: A Study of Remittances and Their Impact on Livelihood


 Work under progress


 Nur Alam



 Coursework is going on


MASTER Thesis Guidance

  • He has successfully supervised one hundred Master Degree students who have submitted their Dissertations on various topics of Population Geography and Regional Development Studies.

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized

  1. Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analysis Using R” from 12th to 18th December, 2022 organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Ramlal Anand College, University of Delhi under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING.
  2. Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Administration” from 6th to 12th August, 2022 organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING.
  3. Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analysis Using SPSS” from 15th to 21st February, 2022 organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING.
  4. Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Teaching-Learning Methods: From Micro-Teaching to Peer Learning from 5th to 11th October, 2021 organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING.
  5. Attended seven days Faculty Development Programme (Online) on “Empowerment in Online Teaching, Learning & Evaluation for Combating Covid-19 Pandemic Situation” from 2nd June to 8th June, 2020 organised by Cooch Behar College, West Bengal in collaboration with National Service Scheme, Cooch Behar District and IQAC, Cooch Behar College.
  6. Attended three weeks Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Disaster Management from 4th January to 24th January, 2019 organised by UGC - HRDC, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.
  7. Attended three weeks Special Summer School Programme (equivalent to Orientation Programme/Subject Refresher Course) from 10th June, 2014 to 30th June, 2014 organised by UGC Academic Staff College, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan.
  8. Attended three weeks Special Winter School Programme (equivalent to Orientation Programme/Subject Refresher Course) from 3rd December, 2013 to 23rd December, 2013 organised by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh.



  1. Presented a paper entitled ‘Chronic Diseases and Sustainable Healthcare System: A Study of Ageing Population in India’ at International Conference on Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Environmental Sustainability organised by Department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 21st to 22nd February 2024
  2. Presented a paper entitled ‘Understanding Sustainable Land-Use/Land Cover Changes and Land Surface Temperature Dynamics: A Case Study in Dumkal Block, Murshidabad’ at International Conference on Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Environmental Sustainability organised by Department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 21st to 22nd February 2024
  3. Presented a paper entitledFragmentation Analysis of Land Use/Cover Changes in Murshidabad District, West Bengal: A Geospatial’ at International Seminar on Climate Change: Environmental Sustainability and Application of Geospatial Technology Approach organised by Department of Geography in Collaboration with IQAC, Prof. Syed Nurul Hasan College, Farakka, Murshidabad, WB from 18th to 19th January, 2023
  4. Presented a paper entitledComparative Analysis of Rural Development in Murshidabad District’ at National Seminar on Inclusive Society for a Sustainable Future organised by Department of Education, Aliah University, Kolkata from 29th to 30th March, 2023
  5. Presented a paper entitledSpatio-temporal Changes on Land use and Land cover along with their relation to Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study of Dumkal Block, West Bengal’ at National Seminar on Self-reliance (Atmanirbhar) and Environment organised by Department of Geography, Serampore Girls’ College, Hooghly from 25th to 26th March, 2022
  6. Presented a paper entitledDeterminants of Rural Livelihood Patterns of Scheduled Caste Population in Koch Behar District’ at National Seminar on Self-reliance (Atmanirbhar) and Environment organised by Department of Geography, Serampore Girls’ College, Hooghly from 25th to 26th March, 2022
  7. Presented a paper entitledScenario of Rural Livelihood in Murshidabad District of West Bengal’ at 21st APG Meet and International E-conference on Agriculture, Food Security, Health and Wellbeing organised by Department of Geography, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana from 30th to 31st December, 2021
  8. Presented a paper entitledGeo-Spatial analysis of land use/land cover changes and Geo-simulation using CA-Markov with ANN: A Case Study in Berhampore, Murshidabad’ at 33rd IGI International Online Conference on Geomorphology and Environmental Sustainability organised by Department of Geography, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj from 2nd to 4th December, 2021
  9. Presented a paper entitledEffect of Social Media on Students’ Social and Academic Development - A Case Study’ at National Seminar on Geography as Spatial Science: Contemporary Issues and Challenges organised by Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 8th & 9th March, 2019
  10. Presented a paper entitledPersons with Disabilities in West Bengal: The Search for Causes and Problems’ at National Seminar on Geography as Spatial Science: Contemporary Issues and Challenges organised by Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 8th & 9th March, 2019
  11. Presented a paper entitledRural Livelihood Patterns of Scheduled Castes and Non-Scheduled Castes Population in Koch Bihar district, West Bengal’ at National Seminar on Geography as Spatial Science: Contemporary Issues and Challenges organised by Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 8th & 9th March, 2019
  12. Presented a paper entitledArsenic Contamination in Water and its Socio-Economic Consequence: A Case Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal’ at International Conference on Global Water Crisis: Agriculture and Food Security in the Era of Climate Change organised by Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 1st to 3rd December, 2018.
  13. Presented a paper entitledMeasuring the Situation of Persons with Disabilities in West Bengal: A Geographical Perspective’ at International Conference on Global Water Crisis: Agriculture and Food Security in the Era of Climate Change organised by Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 1st to 3rd December, 2018.
  14. Presented a paper entitledArsenic Contamination of Ground and Its Impact on Human Health in Murshidabad District, West Bengal: A Geographical View’ at International Seminar on Earth System Processes and Interruptions: Issues and Challenges organised by Department of Geography, University of Gaur Banga, Malda on 19th and 20th, April, 2017.
  15. Presented a paper entitled 'Education and Work Participation Rate in Goalmal and Bilaspure Villages of Paikur-II Gram Panchayat: A Study of Gender Perspective' at National Seminar on Changing Physico-Cultural Landscape: Threat and Opportunities organised by Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata on 29th to 30th March, 2017.
  16. Presented a paper entitledLivelihood Status of People in Rajarhat Block: A Case Study’ at International Seminar on Environment and Society: Historical Perspectives and Contextual Reality organised by Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan on 28th March, 2017.
  17. Presented a paper entitledImpact of Social Media on School Children: A Case Study of Berhampore’ at National Seminar on ‘Geography: A Science of Man and Environment’ organised by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata on 24th and 25th February, 2017.
  18. Presented a paper entitledFood and Nutrition Security and Gender Disparity in West Bengal’ at National Seminar on ‘Geography: A Science of Man and Environment’ organised by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata on 24th and 25th February, 2017.
  19. Presented a paper entitledLiteracy Rate of Scheduled Castes Population and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal: A Regional Analysis’ at National Seminar on Geography of Habitat organised by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata on 26th and 27th February, 2016.
  20. Presented a paper entitledDisability Concentration and Levels of Deprivation in West Bengal: A Geographical Analysis’ at International Conference & 47th Annual Meet of Regional Science Association, India on Urbanization and Regional Sustainability organised by the Dept. of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata from 28th to 30th January, 2016.
  21. Presented a paper entitledExtent of Physically Disabled Persons in India: A Geo-Spatial Analysis’ at National Seminar on Hazard, Development and Social Conflict organised by Dept. of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata on 27th and 28th March, 2015.
  22. Presented a paper entitledAnalysis of Educational Attainments and Economic Opportunities: A Case Study’ at National Seminar on Biophysical Environment and Human Interaction organised by Bangiyo Bhugol Mancha, Kolkata on 21st and 22nd February, 2015.
  23. Presented a paper entitledLiteracy and Unemployment Patterns in West Bengal: A District Level Study’ at National Seminar on Images of Geography organised by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata on 6th and 7th February, 2015.
  24. Presented a paper entitledScenario of Solid Waste Generation and Its Management in Kamarhati Municipality of Kolkata, West Bengal’ at National Seminar on Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities’ organised by Department of Geography & Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl on 6th and 7th March, 2014.
  25. Presented a paper entitledDemographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Inhabitants of Udaypur Village, Malda District, West Bengal’ at 35th Indian Geographers’ Meet & International Conference organised by Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan, Barddhaman, West Bengal from 11th to 13th November, 2013.
  26. Presented a paper entitledRegional Dimensions of Male Agricultural Labourers and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal’ at International Conference on Resource Development and Environmental Change: Emerging Issues and Challenges organised by Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 27th to 29th January, 2009.
  27. Presented a paper entitledRegional Disparities in the Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal: A District Level Analysis’ at Second International Indian Geography Congress (NAGI) organised by Department of Geography and Natural Resource Management, Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, University, Udaipur, Rajasthan from Feb. 29th to March 2nd, 2008.
  28. Presented a paper entitledImpact of Migration on Production and Technological Innovations in Agriculture in Shahjahanpur District of Uttar Pradesh’  at Second International Indian Geography Congress (NAGI) organised by Department of Geography and Natural Resource Management, Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, University, Udaipur, Rajasthan from Feb. 29th to March 2nd, 2008.
  29. Presented a paper entitledRural Female Agricultural Workers and Levels of Socio-Economic Development in West Bengal: A Geographical Analysis’ at XXIX Indian Geographical Congress (NAGI) organized by Department of Geography, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan from 19th to 21st November, 2007.
  30. Presented a paper entitledSocio-Economic and Structural Analysis of Baggers in Aligarh City’ at XXIX Indian Geographical Congress (NAGI) organized by Department of Geography, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan from 19th to 21st November, 2007.
  31. Presented a paper entitledRegional Analysis of Employment Rate in West Bengal’ at XXIX Indian Geographical Congress (NAGI) organized by Department of Geography, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan from 19th to 21st November, 2007.
  32. Presented a paper entitledFemale Employment Rate in West Bengal: A Regional Analysis’ at XXVIII Indian Geographical Congress (NAGI) organized by Department of Geography, Magadh University, Bodh-Gaya, Bihar from 11th to 13th November, 2006.
  33. Presented a paper entitledRural Female Work Participation in Economic Activities in West Bengal’ at XXVIII Indian Geographical Congress (NAGI) organized by Department of Geography, Magadh University, Bodh-Gaya, Bihar from 11th to 13th November, 2006.


  1. Attended three days online training programme on "Public Participation for Disaster Risk Management in Indian Terrain” from 18th July 2022 to 20th July 2022 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Central University Jharkhand Ranchi.
  2. Attended three days online training programme on "Ecosystem Conservation and Disaster Risk Management by Strengthening Community Based Regulatory Mechanisms and Cultural Continuity" from 11th January 2022 to 13th January 2022 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with RIKA.
  3. Attended three days online training programme on "Multi Sector Coordination for Emergency WASH Preparedness for Response in India with Eco DRR Training Gujarat State" from 25th November 2021 to 27th November 2021 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Sphere India.
  4. Attended three days online training programme on "Coastal Hazards Management Way Towards Resilience" from 25th October 2021 to 27th October 2021 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with National Centre for Coastal Research Ministry of Earth Sciences Govt. of India.
  5. Attended three days online training programme on "Disaster Resilience through Community Based Disaster Management in Himachal Pradesh" from 21st October 2021 to 23rd October 2021 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Career Point University Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh.
  6. Attended one day workshop on "Promoting EcoDRR for Infrastructure and Social Resilience" on 14th October 2021 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme.
  7. Attended three days online training programme on "Fundamentals of Disaster Management" from 15th September 2021 to 17th September 2021 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering Mysore Karnataka.
  8. Attended three days online training programme on "Content Orientation Training Programme on CCDRR (Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction)" from 06th September, 2021 to 08th September, 2021 organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Pt. Ravishanker Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
  9. Attended three days online training programme on "Prime Ministers 10 point agenda on Disaster Risk Reduction" from 23rd August, 2021 to 25th August, 2021 organised by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu.
  10. Attended seven days workshop on “Methodological Approach to Research in Humanities” from 26th December, 2017 to 1st January, 2018 organised by Department of Bengali, Aliah University, Kolkata jointly with Byanjanbarna Foundation, Kolkata.
  11. Attended three days Training program on “ArcGIS 2: Essential Workflows” from 17th to 19th January, 2017 organised by ESRI India in the Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  12. Attended one day workshop on “DATA DISSEMINATION - CENSUS 2001 RESULT” organized under joint collaboration of Directorate of Census Operations Uttar Pradesh and Department of Sociology and Social Work, A.M.U., Aligarh on 4th February, 2006 at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
  13. Attended five days workshop on “EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH” from 7th to 11th January, 2005 organised by UGC Academic Staff College, A.M.U., Aligarh.

Session chaired

  1. Session Co-ordinator in a Technical Session on 26th March, 2022 in the Two-Day National Seminar on Self-reliance (Atmanirbhar) and Environment from 25th to 26th March, 2022 organised by Department of Geography, Serampore Girls’ College, Hooghly.
  2. Session Co-ordinator in a Technical Session 3rd (2nd parallel) on 26th September, 2021 in the International Webinar on ‘River and Changing Riverine Ecosystem’ from September 25th to 26th, 2021 organised by organized by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata.
  3. Co-chaired a Technical Session (Session - I) in the Two Days Online International Conference on “Geography as a Discipline: Opportunities and Challenges" on 25th & 26th August, 2020, organized by the Department of Geography in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance cell, Dewan Abdul Gani College.
  4. Co-chaired a Technical Session (Session - III) in the Two Days Online International Conference On “Geography as a Discipline: Opportunities and Challenges" on 25th & 26th August, 2020, organized by the Department of Geography in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance cell, Dewan Abdul Gani College.
  5. Rapporteur in a Technical Session (Population, Development and Ageing) in the International Conference on Global Water Crisis: Agriculture and Food Security in the Era of Climate Change organized by Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on 1st to 3rd December, 2018.
  6. Co-chaired a Technical Session in the National Seminar on ‘Geography: A Science of Man and Environment’ from 24th to 25th February, 2017, organized by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata.
  7. Co-chaired a Technical Session in the National Seminar on ‘Images of Geography’ from 6th to 7th February, 2015, organized by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata.
  8. Rapporteur in a Technical Session in the National Seminar on ‘Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities’ from 6th to 7th March, 2014, Department of Geography & Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl.

Other Notable Activities

  • Convener, Departmental Research Committee (DRC) from 02.30.2022 to till date.
  • Convener, DPC, Department of Geography, AU, from 04.02.2021 to till date.
  • Member, BoS, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 27.11.2019 to till date.
  • Member, University Outreach Programmes, AU from 09.01.2020 to till date.
  • Joint Convener, University Induction Programme Cell (UIPC) for Park Circus and Taltala Campuses, Aliah University from 10.09.2024 to till date.
  • Joint Convener, University Canteen Committee, Aliah University from 12.03.2024 to till date.
  • Member, Committee for Geotagged Photographs, Aliah University from 03.02.2022 to till date.
  • Member, ERP, Aliah University from 10.09.2021 to till date.
  • Chairman, BoS, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 13.11.2017 to 26.11.2019.
  • Head (Officiating), Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 04.05.2017 to 26.11.2019.
  • Member, BoS, Department of History, Aliah University, Kolkata from November, 2017 to 2020.
  • Programme Co-ordinator, NSS, Aliah University, Kolkata from 05.11.2012 to 12/01/2023.
  • Member of NAAC (Category – I & V) Sub-committee, AU, from 03/02/2023 to till date.
  • Member of NAAC (Category – VI & VII) Sub-committee, AU, from 17/08/2021 to till date.
  • Member of NAAC (Category – II & III) committee, AU, from 02/11/2020 to till date.
  • Member, Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) Committee of Aliah University, 2021 to 2023.
  • Member, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Committee of Aliah University, 2021 to 2023.
  • Member, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2021), Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Member of Judging Panel for District Youth Parliament (DYP), Nadia District on 02/01/2021.
  • Convener, Time Table Committee, Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata, for the academic year 2015-16, and 2019-20 to 2023-24.
  • Member, Milan Utsav Committee, Aliah University, Kolkata from 2018-19 to 2023-2024.
  • Convener, Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) Committee of Aliah University, 2018 to 2020.
  • Convener, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Committee of Aliah University, 2018 to 2020.
  • Member, Distance Education Board (DEB) of Aliah University, Kolkata from 2018 to 2019.
  • Member, Time Table Committee, Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata, for the academic year 2017-18 and 2018-19.
  • Member, Anti-Ragging Squad, Aliah University, Kolkata from 12/04/2017 to 26/05/2022.
  • Centre-in-Charge, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2018) at Aliah University, Park Circus Campus, Kolkata -14.
  • Member, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2018), Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Coordinator, Departmental Research Committee (DRC) (27.10.2016 to 03.05.2017).
  • Head (Officiating), Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata from 12.09.2015 to 23.08.2016.
  • Member, Organizing Committee of National Seminar on ‘The World of Geography’ from 23rd to 24th March, 2018, organized by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata.
  • Member, Organizing Committee of National Seminar on ‘Geography: A Science of Man and Environment’ from 24th to 25th February, 2017, organized by Foundation of Practising Geographers, Kolkata.
  • Centre Observer, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2017) at A.P. School, Kolkata, West Bengal.
  • Member, B.Ed. Admission Committee, 2016, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Centre Supervisor, WBCS (Exe.). etc. (Main) Examination, 2016 (18.08.2016 to 21.08.2016) at Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Field Survey Supervisor of 3-Year B.A./B.Sc. 5th Semester Students (2023) [Socio-Economic Survey in Doars, North Bengal].
  • Field Survey Supervisor of 2-Year M.A./M.Sc. 3rd Semester Student (Population Geography Special paper) (2022) [Land Use and Socio-Economic Survey in Rural Area in Vishakhapatnam District].
  • Field Survey Supervisor of 2-Year M.A./M. Sc. 3rd Semester and 5-Year Integrated M.Sc. 9th Semester Students (2019) [Socio-Economic Survey of Urban Population in Vishakhapatnam City].
  • Field Survey Supervisor of 3-Year B.A./B.Sc. 6th Semester Students (2020) [Socio-Economic Survey in Mukutmonipur, Bankura].
  • Field Survey Supervisor of 2-Year M.A./M. Sc. 3rd Semester and 5-Year Integrated M.Sc. 9th Semester Students (2016) [Socio-Economic Survey of Slum Population in Vishakhapatnam City].
  • Field Survey in-charge of 2-Year M.A./M. Sc. 3rd Semester and 5-Year Integrated M.Sc. 9th Semester Students (2015) [Socio-Economic Survey of Slum Population in Ranchi City].
  • Field Survey in-charge of 2-Year M.A./M. Sc. 3rd Semester and 5-Year Integrated M.Sc. 9th Semester Students (2011) [Physical and Socio-Economic Survey in Dubrajpur, Birbhum].
  • Centre Observer, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2016) at Malda Zila School, Malda, West Bengal.
  • Centre-in-Charge, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2015) at Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata- 14.
  • Centre Observer, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2014) at J. N. Academy, Baharampur, Murshidabad, West Bengal.
  • Board Observer, West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) for the Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE-2013).
  • Centre Observer, Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT-2013) at Baharampur Girls’ College, Baharampur, Murshidabad, West Bengal.
  • Co-ordinator, Examination related activities at Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, Kolkata, from February, 2015 to September, 2015.
  • Member, Examination Committee, Aliah University from September, 2014 to September, 2015.
  • Member, B.Ed. Admission Committee, 2014, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Member, Departmental Committee (DC) (From 2012 to cont.).
  • Member, Departmental Research Committee (DRC) (From 2012 to cont.).
  • Member, Departmental Scrutiny Committee (DSC) (From 2012 to cont.).
  • Polling Officer, AUSU Election, 2015, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Polling Officer, AUSU Election, 2014, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Presiding Officer, AUSU Election, 2012, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  • Presiding Officer, AUSU Election, 2011, Aliah University, Kolkata.

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