Date of online application for PG programmes is extended up to 30th June 2024



Dr Abul Kalam Mohammad Anwaruzzaman


As a learner I put lot of emphasis on constructing solid foundation of my co-learners i.e. my students. I got immensely benefitted from my students during last 21 years of my association with them. Field work remains my passion and understanding my neibourhood, society and my village is my p...

Dr. Md. Julfikar Ali

Assistant Professor GEOGRAPHY


Dr. Md. Mustaquim

Assistant Professor GEOGRAPHY

Md. Mustaquim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography with research interests in the fields of Population Geography, Regional Development Studies and Socio-Economic Issues. He received M.A. and Ph.D. degree in Geography from Aligarh Muslim University, A...

Dr. Rukhsana

Assistant Professor GEOGRAPHY


Dr. Moududa Khatun

Assistant Professor GEOGRAPHY

I believe that teaching is not the process to guide learners to acquire knowledge and values but also an opportunity for advancement of skills. Through this interactive teaching-learning process, I can apply my skill and knowledge to meet the need of the individual as well as of society...

Dr Aznarul Islam

Assistant Professor GEOGRAPHY

I look upon teaching as a process to make the students think independently. Teaching is an interactive process which takes both the teacher and the learner towa...

Dr Nasrin Banu

Assistant Professor GEOGRAPHY

I believe in the philosophy ‘great teachers always inspirethe students;besides, delivering lectures on the specific disciplines’. I always try to boost up moral values amongthe students, both by my words and my actions. Teaching is a knowledge exchange pro...

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