Department of
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Address : Department of Education, Aliah University, Kolkata - 14
Room No : R-09/05
Joined : 05.09.2017
Completed schooling from Nirmala Convent School, Siliguri. B.A. English (Honours) from Gyan Jyoti College, Siliguri. Masters in English from C.S.J.M. University. B.Ed and M.Ed from Sikkim (Central) University. Masters in Education from I.G.N.O.U. And Ph.D from Visva Bharati University, Bolpur, Santiniketan. She was a school topper and also a college topper. She was first class second both in her B.Ed and M.Ed. Loves reading books, extra curricular activities. She has a keen interest in teaching and so she has choosed the profession. She has attend and presented in 25 national and international seminar. Attended various workshops. Judged many competitions in schools and colleges. Was invited as the guest of honour to her own alma mater nirmala convent in december 2016.
Pay Scale: As per UGC
M.A. English, M.A. Education, B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D. Education (Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan), NET Qualified
10 Years
Teacher Education, Higher Education, Women Education, Minority Education, Gender Studies, Pedagogy of Teaching English
Child Psychology, Education, Language Across Curriculum, Guidance & Counselling, Sociology of Education. Methodology of Teaching English, Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, Peace and Value Education, Educational Management, Childhood and Growing Up, Contemporary India and Education
Women Education, Higher Education
“Burnout of Secondary School teachers in Relation to Some Personal Variables”,International Journal, Asian Resonance, ISSN No-0976-8602,Volume-II.Issue-IV
“A Case Study on Academic Achievements of Higher Secondary Schools”, A Peer Reviewed Journal, APH Publishing Corporation, ISSN No- 2319-2437, Volume-III.Number1, Page No- 15-24
“Job Satisfaction of Teachers Working at the Elementary Level”, A Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal, Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN No- 2231-6639, Page No- 91-99
“Rural women empowerment and micro finance”, National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, ISSN: 2455-9040, Page No – 1368 - 1372
“Vivekananda’s views on Women Empowerment”, International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, ISSN No- 2455-4030, Page No – 987 – 990
“Teacher Education in India: A historical Perspective”, International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, ISSN No- 2455-6157, Page No – 594 – 597
“Emancipation of Women and Feminist Ideas in Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain’s works”, Contemporary Research in India, ISSN No- 2231-2137, Page No – 22 - 26
“Educational Ideas of Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain in Her Writings”, Think India Journal, ISSN No- 0971-1260, Volume - 22 Issue: 14, Page No – 15816 – 15825, December 2019 (UGC Care Listed Journal)
“English Language and its Problems and Challenges faced by the Bengali Medium Minority Students of Murshidabad District, West Bengal”, International Journal of Research Culture Society, ISSN No- 2456-6683, Volume – 06, Special Issue – 26, Page No – 75 – 80
“A Study of Academic Achievement in English in relation to Family Environment of Secondary Bengali Medium Minority Students of Murshidabad District”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, ISSN No - 2582-7138, Volume – 4, Issue – 4, Page No – 413 – 417
“ICT in higher education for sustainable development in India: Perspective from NEP 2020”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, ISSN No- 2582-7138, Volume – 4, Issue – 4, Page No – 423 – 426
"Analysing the Challenges of Academic Achievement in English of Bengali Medium Minority Students of Secondary Level: Evidences from Murshidabad District of West Bengal", Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, ISSN No: 0970-7603, Vol: 42, No.2(II), Page No: 36- 44 (UGC Care Group-I)
"Quality Education in Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward looking vision for India's Higher Education System", Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, ISSN No: 0970-7603, Vol: 42, No.2(II), (UGC Care Group-I)
“Transforming Classrooms: The Role of Robotics and AI in Modern Education”, Bengal Journal of Social Science and development, ISSN No- 2583-3413, Volume – 3, Issue – 4, Page No – 19 – 42
1. Occupational Stress in Teachers
2. Women Education in Modern Perspective
3. Teacher Education in The 21st Century
4. Current Issues in Education In India
5. Relevance of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in The Present Era
6. Emerging Trends in Education
7. Education in Resurgent India
8. Burning Issues in Education
9. Emerging Trends of Education in Resurgent India: Prospects and Challenges in the Light of NEP-2020
10. Entrepreneurship Education: Perspective, Policy and Pedagogy
Global Teacher Award - 2023 (New Delhi)
Best Oral Presentation Award - 2024 (Bangkok)
Best Innovative Academician - 2024 (West Bengal)
4 Scholars
13 Students
MoU for Academic Collaboration with Dr. Abhijit Guha, Department of Education, Ramakrishna Sikhanamandira, Belur Math, Howrah
Resource Person to 7 days International Workshop on "Research Methodology" Organized by Jadavpur University.
Resource Person to 2 days Career Counselling organised by Panchur College for a lecture on "Environment at Cross Roads: Education and Entertainment."
Resource Person to School of Education, Adamas University for an invited lecture on "Global Perspectives of Feminist Ideas in Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain's Work"
Treasurer of "Organization of Multidisciplinary Research"
Research Methodology in Social Sciences, MAKAIAS, Kolkata, 10 Days, (17.11.17– 30.11.17)
Workshop on Quantitative Methodology and Data Analysis in Educational Research, RamaKrishna Mission Sikshanamandira, Belur, 1 week, (08.07.19 –14.07.19)
UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on Teacher Education, UGC – HRDC University of North Bengal, 3 weeks, (04.01.19 –24.01.19)
UGC Sponsored Online Faculty Induction Programme, UGC – HRDC Aligarh Muslim University, 4 weeks, (17.07.21 –24.08.21)
UGC Sponsored Online Refresher Course on Human Rights, UGC – HRDC Aligarh Muslim, 2 weeks, (20.07.22 – 02.08.22)
Summer Course on Pedagogy in Pre Service Teacher Education, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, 6 days, (05.06.23 –10.06.23)
UGC Sponsored Online Refresher Course in Sociology (Multidisciplinary) in Hybrid Mode, UGC - HRDC North Eastern Hill University, 2 weeks, (22.02.24 - 06.03.24)
Attended and Presented on National Seminar- at Namchi Loyola College of Education: “Cooperative and Collaborative Learning: Peer Teaching.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Harkamaya College of Education: “Teacher Education Programme: Major Issues and the Qualitative Measure.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – Dumkal College: “Vivekananda and the Making of Indian Consciousness: Vivekananda’s view on women empowerment.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Visvabharati, Shantiniketan: “The Legacy of Radhakrishnan: Representing India in the New Global Order: Radhakrishnan as a Teacher and Philosopher.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Hiralal Bhakti College, Nalhati: “Contribution of Rabindranath Tagore in Indian Education.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Sikkim Govt. College: “ Female Migrants in South Asia: Challenges and Remedies.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Sitalkuchi College: “Rural women Empowerment and Micro-finance.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Vishwabharati, Shantiniketan: “Quality in Education and the Teacher Education Programme.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University: “Indian Cultural Values and the Promotion of Human Rights.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar - At Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University: “Philosophy of Radhakrishnan as a teacher.”
Attended and Presented on Panel Discussion – At Pragati College of Education: “Empowerment of Teacher Educators and the Role of State.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Harkamaya College of Education: “Value Education and life Skill Abilities in School.”
Attended One Day Training Programme on Human Rights – At Visvabharati, Shantiniketan:
Attended Workshop – At Shemrock Sky School: “Phonetics” conducted by Paul Antony Beagley.
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Balurghat B.Ed College: “Higher Education in India and its Challenges.”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Sitalkuchi College: “Education in West Bengal: Future of Open and Distance Learning (ODL).”
Attended and Presented on National Seminar – At Siliguri B.Ed College: “Prospects and Challenges of Teacher Education in India”.
Attended 2days workshop at A.C. Training College, Jalpaiguri on “Orientation Workshop on New Curriculum Frameworks for B.Ed (Two Years) course in the light of N.C.T.E. Regulation 2014”.
Attended 10 days workshop at Department of Education, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan on “ICSSR Sponsored Research Methodology Course on Qualitative Research in Social Sciences”.
Attended and Presented in International Conference – at Royal University of Bhutan: “Empowering Women through Education – Promoting Gender Equality”.
Attended and Presented in 7days National level Workshop – at Pragati College of Education: “Developing Language Games – Fast Phrases”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Gour Banga University: “Relevance of Yoga in the 21st Century”.
Attend and Presented in National Seminar at Ganga Global Institute of Teachers Training: “Moral education as a part of cultural change towards character building”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Vidyasagar College of Education: “Gender Perspective: A Challenge for Teacher Educators”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Jadavpur University: “The Utopian World of Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain in Sultana’s Dream”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at WBUTTEPA: “Challenges facing Teachers in the 21st Century”.
Attended a State Level Seminar at Department of English, Aliah University: “Bodies, Spaces and Power: Perceptions and Contestations”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at The Muslim Institute: “Women Emancipation and Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya: “Child Sexual Abuse: A Serious Issue”.
Attended and Presented in National Seminar at Baluchar Primary Teachers’ Training Institute: “Trends in Teacher Preparation for teaching students with learning Disabilities”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Department of Education, Aliah University: “Students Satisfaction towards Teaching Learning Environment in the University”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Department of Education, Aliah University: “ICT Tools and its role in teaching English in Bengali Medium Schools of W.B: Scope & Challenges”.
Attended and Presented in International Seminar at Department of Education, Aliah University: “Job Satisfaction of Male and Female Teachers in the College of Kolkata”.
Attended and Presented in Two Day National Seminar at Department of Education, Aliah University: “Economic Empowerment of the weaker section from the Government of West Bengal for an Environmental Sustainable Future”.
Attended and Presented in an International Conference at Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University: “A Study on the Present Scenario of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme and its Hindrance”.
Attended and Presented in an International Conference at Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University: “Family Environment and its role on Academic Achievement in English of Bengali Medium Secondary Students from the Minority Community of Murshidabad District: Importance, Problems and Recommendations”.
Attended and Presented in a Two Day International Seminar at Sailajananda Falguni Smriti Mahavidyalaya: “Analysis of Indian National Education Policy 2020 with special Reference to Women’s Education”.
Attended and Presented in One Day National Seminar at department of B.Ed., Acharya jagadish Chandra Bose College: “Experience of B.Ed. Teachers Trainee during Practice Teaching with Special Reference to NEP 2020."
Attended and Presented in Two Day International Seminar at Department of Education, Jadavpur University, “Collective efforts in addressing and combating atrocities against Women”
Attended and Presented in Two Day International Conference at Department of Education, Calcutta University (ICSSR), “Educational Status of Minority Community in Murshidabad District: Problems and Solutions”
Attended and Presented in Two Day International Conference at Department of Education, Calcutta University (ICSSR), “Indian Female Educationist and their mindset towards Achievements ”
Attended and Presented in a Two Day International Scientific Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, “Examination Management as a way of Achieving Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions ”
Chaired as Resource Person in International Seminar at Vidyasagar College of Education: “Gender Perspective: A Challenge for Teacher Educators”.
Chaired as Resource Person in International Seminar at Department of Education, West Bengal State University: "Reflection of Childhood and Adolescence in Literature, Culture and Psychology."
Chaired as Resource Person in International Seminar at Centre for Disability Studies, Jadavpur University: “Present Scenario of People with Disabilities in Bengal: Society, Education and Literature.”
Chaired as Resource Person in One Day International Seminar at Department of Education, Aliah University: “Peace, Dignity and Equity for Healthy World”.
Chaired as Resource Person in International Seminar at Department of Education, Jadavpur University: “Developing a Healthy Mind: Role of Society, Culture and Education”.
Chaired as Resource Person in Two Day National Seminar at Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University: “Changing Landscape of Education in the Context of NEP– 2020: National Professional Standard of Teacher and Teacher Education”.
Chaired as Resource Person in Two Day National Seminar at Department of Education, Aliah University Sponsored by ICSSR: “Inclusive Society for a Sustainable Future”.
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