Department of


Dr. Md. Julfikar Ali Assistant Professor / GEOGRAPHY

Email :

Address : Department of Geography (7th Floor), Aliah University (Park Circus Campus), 17, Gora Chand Road, Kolkata – 700 014, India, Intercom: 7111

Phone : 9804433905

Head of the Department (Officiating)


Ph.D. from  Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 2009

M.A. in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 2003

B.A. (Hons.) in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 2001

Teaching Experience

From October 2009 till now in Aliah University

Field of Specialization

Urban and Regional Planning 

Courses Taught/Teaching

Urban and Regional Planning, Statistical Geography, Political Geography, Environmental Geography,  Social Geography,  Geography of Resources, Geography of India, Climatology, Oceanography

Research Area

Urban and Regional Planning


  • Convener, University Bus Committee (12th March 2024 till date)
  • HoD (Officiating), Department of Geography (16th Dec. 2022 till date)
  • Member, Departmental purchase committee of Dept of Geography 
  • Member, Departmental purchase committee of Dept of Arabic 
  • Member, Departmental purchase committee of Dept of English 
  • Member (Ex-Officio), Academic Council (16th Dec. 2022 till date)
  • Member (Ex-officio), University Museum Committee (01.03.2023 till date)
  • Member, Aliah University Anti-Ragging Squad Committee 
  • Member, Aliah University Maintenance Committee (29th August 2023 till date)
  • Member, Committee for Examination Rule Framing (10th August 2023 till date)
  • Member, Committee for GE paper for B.A. (Hons.) in Islamic Studies and Islamic Theology (22nd June’23 to August 2023)
  • Member as Ex Officio, Committee on NEP 2020 (4th May 2023)
  • President, Aliah University Teachers’ Association, Aliah University, (April 2022- April 2024)
  • Member, Executive Council (EC) of Aliah University (29th July 2017 – 28th July 2021)
  • Member, Board of Research studies, Aliah University (15/06/2022; 17/06/2022; 20/12/2022 till date)
  • Member, Board of Research studies, Aliah University (22nd August 2019 to 15th June 2022)
  • Member, Faculty Council, F/O Humanities and Languages, Aliah University
  • Member, Faculty Council, F/O Humanities and Languages, Aliah University, (1st Oct.’19 till date)
  • Chairman, Maintenance Committee- Park Circus Campus, Aliah University (2ndNov.’16 –30th Sep 2019)
  • Chairman, Hostel Management Committee, Aliah University (August 2011 - May 2013)
  • Teacher-in-Charge (Renamed as HoD-Officiating), Department of Geography, Aliah University (28th July 2011 –31st July 2013)
  • Co-coordinator/Member, University Sports, Aliah University (2011 - 2019)
  • Subject Coordinator, Environmental Studies (Compulsory subject for UG courses), Aliah University, (April, 2011 till date)
  • Coordinator, Departmental Research Committee (DRC), Department of Geography, Aliah University
  • Member, Board of Studies (BoS), Dept. of Geography (22.12.2020 to 22.12.2023)
  • Member, Board of Studies (BoS), Dept. of Geography (13.11.2017 to 22.12.2020)
  • Member, Research Advisory Committee (RAC), KNU, Asansol (1st August 2022 till date)
  • Member (Ex Officio), Research Programme and Evaluation Committee (RPEC), Aliah University 
  • Member, University Anti-Ragging Committee, Aliah University, (2013 – 2017)
  • Member, University Examination Committee, Aliah University, (Session 2012-13 and 2013-14)
  • Coordinator, Examination Committee-Park Circus campus, Aliah University, (2015 - 2016)
  • Member, University Time Table Committee, Aliah University, Session 2012-13 and 2013-14
  • Convener, Time Table Committee- Park Circus Campus, Aliah University, (2016 - 2017)
  • General Secretary, Aliah University Teachers’ Association, Aliah University (2012-2014)

Journal Papers Published


International Journals (12 publications)

  1. Ali, M. J. and Mustaquim, M., (2007) ‘Growth of Urban Population and Trends of Urbanisation in North Bengal, India:   A Study in Spatio-Temporal Perspective’, Asian Profile, Canada, Vol.35, No.03, pp.221-236.
  2. Ali, M. J. and Ali, M., (2008) ‘Population Explosion and Dynamism of Urbanisation: A Case Study of West Bengal’, Man in India, Vol. 88, No. 04, pp.567-584.
  3. Hossain, N. and Ali, M.J., (2009) ‘Working Population and Occupational Composition: A Case study of Malda District’, Man in India, Vol. 89, No. 04, pp.569-582.
  4. Ali, M. J. and Varshney, D., (2012) ‘Spatial Modeling of Urban Growth and Urban Influence: Approach of Regional Development in developing Economy (India)’, Environment and Urbanization ASIA, Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 255-275, [SAGE Publication, DOI: 10.1177/0975425312473225; Scopus-Indexed, Impact Factor1.3]
  5. Ali, M. J. and Islam, J., (Aug. 2014) ‘Unsafe Indoor Environment And Vulnerable Income Group In Urban Habitat- Kolkata (India)’, Golden Research Thought, Volume-4, No. 02, pp
  6. Ali, M. J. and Islam, J., (April 2015) ‘Unsafe Indoor Environment and Human Health in Kolkata, India’, Asian Profile, Canada, Vol.43, No.02, pp.177-195
  7. Ali, M. J. and Rahman, M., (Nov. 2016) ‘Last among the least and Unfortunate people: Grass root level nutritional status in Malda district (WB)’, International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 06, Issue 11, pp. 10211-10219
  8. Ali, M. J. and Rahman, M., (2018) ‘Planning decentralization and changing paradigm of Indian planning process’, International Planning Studies, Vol. 23, Issue-03, pp. 264-277, [Routledge: Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/13563475.2018.1439371; Journal Impact Factor: 1.7 (2023); Scopus-indexed]
  9. Ali, M. J. and Roy, S., (2018) ‘Morphodynamic changes of Hooghly River and reorientation of Chakdaha settlement: a perspective of urban evolution (WB, India)’, Natural Hazards, Vol.93, Issue 01, pp. 491-508, [Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-018-3311-2; Journal Impact Factor: 3.3 (2023); Scopus-indexed]
  10. Islam, J., Ali, M.J. and Mithun, S.,(2021) ‘Slums in India: Making sense of place in urban planning’, GeoJournal, Jan. 2021, [Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s10708-020-10357-3; Impact Factor: 2.0 (2023); Scopus-indexed]
  11. Ali, M. J., Rahman, M. and Hossain, S. I., (2022) ‘Urban green spaces for elderly human health: A planning model for healthy city living’, Land Use Policy, 114(3), [Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105970; Journal Impact Factor: 6.0 (2023), Scopus-indexed]
  12. Ali, M. J., and Rahaman, A., (2024) ‘Assessing the potential of urban parks for health-promoting physical activity: geospatial tools in planning for healthy city living in Kolkata’, GeoJournal, 89(4), [DOI: 10.1007/s10708-024-11168-6 Journal Impact Factor: 2.0 (2023), Scopus-indexed]

National Journals (21 publications)

  1. Ali, M. J., (May-June 2005) ‘Micro Level Planning and Integrated Area Development’, Geography and You, New Delhi, Vol.05, No. 5&6, p.20.
  2. Ali, M. J.,(Dec. 2006)‘Micro-Regional Geographical Analysis of Agricultural Crop Productivity in Malda District: A Planning Strategy for Agricultural Development’, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Kolkata, Vol. XXXVIII, No.02, pp.104 -111.
  3. Mustaquim, M., Ahmad, A., and Ali, M. J., (2006) ‘Regional Imbalances in the Levels of Literacy and its Determinants in West Bengal: A Quantitative Analysis’, Punjab Geographer, University of Patiala, Punjab, Vol.01, No.02, pp.99-112.
  4. Ahmad, A., and Ali, M. J.,(2005) ‘Quantitative Analysis of Settlements in Malda District: A – Study of Geographical Dimensions’, The Geographer, Aligarh Muslim University, U.P., Vol.52, No.01,  pp.80-92
  5. Ahmad, A., and Ali, M. J.,(Dec. 2006)‘Levels of Urbanisation in West Bengal: A Quantitative Approach’, Geographical Review of India, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, Vol.68, No.4, pp.407-416
  6. Zaman, Noor-uz., Ali, M. J., and Siddiqui, A.R.,(2006) ‘Diffusion of Innovations in Agriculture and its Impact on Spatial Variation in Agricultural Productivity in Aligarh District: A Micro Regional Analysis’, National Geographer, Allahabad University, Allahabad, Vol. XLI, No 1&2, pp.93-101.
  7. Ali, M. J., and Ali, M.(2007) ‘Levels of Agricultural Development in Malda District, West Bengal’, Geographical Review of India, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, Vol.69, No.2, pp.178-186
  8. Ali, M. J., and Hossain, N., (2009) ‘Literacy and Backwardness of Muslims in Malda District: A Planning Approach for Human Development’, Indian Journal of Regional Science, in Vol. 41, No. 02, pp. 05-16
  9. Ali, M. J. and Mustaquim, M., (2009) ‘Role of Farm Mechanisation in Agricultural Crop Productivity in the state of West Bengal, India: A Geographical Study’, Regional Symbiosis, Kanpur, Vol. 17, pp. 11-28
  10. Ali, M. J. and Varshney, D., (2010) ‘Factors and Dimensions of Inter-Ward Socio-Economic Disparities in Aligarh City, Uttar Pradesh’, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 42, No. 02, pp. 40-54.
  11. Ahmad, A., and Ali, M. J., (June 2010) ‘Accessibility of Health Facilities in Malda District: A Micro-Level Regional Planning’, The Deccan Geographer, Vol. 48, No.01, pp. 09-17. 
  12. Ali, M. J. and Oraw, D., (June 2011) ‘Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Population and Socio-Economic Facilities: A Case Study of Malda District, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, Vol. 34, No. 01, pp. 561-568
  13. Ali, M. J. and Islam, J., (2014) ‘Life in slum of Kolkata - A study in perspective of indoor environmental status and human health’, Geographical Review of India, Vol. 76, No. 04, pp. 360-377 
  14. Ali, M. J. and Islam, J.,(2014) ‘Household Level Human Development Index (HDI) in Murshidabad District (WB, India): An Empirical Study’, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 46, No. 02, pp. 70-80
  15. Ali, M. J. and Islam, J., (2015) Slums as a barrier to urban development in Kolkata- a case of urban planning’, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.01-09
  16. Ali, M. J. and Khatun, M., (2015) ‘Agro-Economic Facilities and Micro-Level Planning for Agricultural Development: A Case Study of Malda District, West Bengal, India’, Regional Symbiosis, Vol. 23, pp. 43-54
  17. Ali, M. J. and Roy, S., (2016) ‘Globalization impact on urbanization: A Case of predominantly rural-agrarian system of West Bengal (India)’, Contemporary Research in India, Vo. 06, No. 03, pp. 46-54
  18. Roy, S. and Ali, M. J., (2017) ‘River bank erosion implication on urban land use change: A case of Kalna Municipality of Burdwan district’, Indian Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 13, No.01, pp. 276-284
  19. Ali, M.J. and Safder, A., (2019) ‘Living on Urban Informal Economy: A Case Study of three selected wards of Kolkata Municipal Corporation’, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, Vol. 10, No. 01, pp.101-106
  20. Ali, M.J., Rahman, A. and Safder, A., (2021) ‘Accessibility to urban green spaces for health benefits in Kolkata, West Bengal, India’, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, Vol. 12, No. 02,  pp.13-21
  21. Ali, M.J., Ali, L. and Khatun, M., (2024) ‘A Geospatial study of population density and urban dynamics in Kolkata Municipal Corporation, West Bengal’, The Deccan Geographer, Vol. 62, No. 06,  pp.01-14

Books Published

BOOK PUBLICATION- One (Co-authored by Dr. Shamim Firdous)

  1. Md. Julfikar Ali and Md. Shamim Firdous, Issues in Development and Sustainability, S.B. Enterprise, Kolkata, 2013, ISBN- No. 97881-922957-3-2


  1. Ali, M. J., ‘Identification of Central Place Hierarchy- A Step Towards Spatial Planning for Regional Development, in Applied Geography- A Research Application for Development, Edited by Chauhan, P., Readers Service, Kolkata, 2012, pp.53-69
  2. Salman, M. S. and Ali, M. J., ‘Common land resources - the destiny of rural poor in developing economy’, in Issues in Development and Sustainability, Edited by Ali, M.J. and Firdous, S., S.B. Enterprise, Kolkata, 2013, pp. 29-47
  3. Ismail, M. and Ali, M. J., ‘Impact of Education on Household Food Security in Malda District: A Village Level Analysis’, in Issues in Development and Sustainability, Edited by Ali, M.J. and Firdous, S., S.B. Enterprise, Kolkata, 2013, pp. 67-77
  4. Roy, S. and Ali, M. J., Tourism Development and Urbanization in Himalayas: A Case Study of Gangtok, Sikkim’, in Life and Living Through Newer Spectrum of Geography, Edited by Md. Ismail and Asraful Alam, Mohit Publications, New Delhi, 2015, pp. 300-317
  5. Safder, A. and Ali, M. J., ‘Risk and Livelihood Pattern of Informal Workers: Household Evidence from Kolkata City’, in Disaster Risk, Resilient Agriculture and Livelihood, Edited by Alam, A. and Rukhsana, Routledge India, 2024, 22,

Ph.D. Thesis Guidance

Five Research Scholar are presently working and two of them are very near to their submission.

Project Works

  1. Research Project Director: 24 Months(May 02, 2019 – May 01, 2021) ICSSR-IMPRESS sponsored a Major Research Project (fund value Rs. 9.5 lakh, funded by Ministry of Education, GoI) on the topic entitled, “Urban green spaces, Human health and well-being in KMC, West Bengal: Assessment of accessibility toward policy formulation vis-à-vis city planning”[Project Completed]
  2. Research Project Director: 24 Months (January 21, 2015 – January 20, 2017) ICSSR sponsored a Major Research Project (fund value Rs. 10 lakh, funded by ICSSR, GoI) on the topic entitled, “Problems and Prospects with Bidi Rolling- A Livelihood of Minority People: With Special Reference to Muslim Women and Child Workers in Murshidabad district of West Bengal” [Project Completed]
  3. Project SRF          : 03 Months (May-July, 2009) in the Dept. of   Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Roorkee, Sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development, Gov’t of India. Worked on the topic entitled, ‘Review of Systems and Processes and Impact assessment of NREGA in the State of Uttarakhand’


  1. ‘’Indoor Environment Quality of Slum Households in Kolkata: A Geographical Analysis’’, UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Society, Economy and Development: Issues and Challenges”on March 19-20, 2013 at Haldia Government College.
  2. “Economic Liberalization and Local Socio Economic Conditions: A case Study of Sector V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Society, Economy and Development: Issues and Challenges” on March 19-20, 2013 at Haldia Government College.
  3. ‘’Globalization and Urban Landuse Transformation: A case Study of KMA, West Bengal’’, Institute of Indian Geographers(IIG),  35 Indian Geographers’ Meet & International Conference at  University of Burdwan, West Bengal on 11-13 November, 2013.

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