Department of


Syeda Samsunahar Tutor / NURSING

Email :

Address : C/O, Saddam Hossain , Mosat Chakraborty para ,pal para ,P.S- Chanditala ,Hoogly ,Pin-712701.

Phone : 8100545432

Joined : 31/03/2017 .



M.Sc. in Nursing-Child Health Nursing 

pursuing Ph.D

Teaching Experience

Name of the Institution

From - To

Type of Experience

Total period

Dept. of Nursing, Aliah University

31/03/2017 till date

Nursing Tutor

7 year  0 months

KPC Medical College and Hospital ,Shova Rani College of Nursing.

4/11/2009 to 31/08/2012

Clinical Instructor

2 years 8 months .

Field of Specialization

Child Health Nursing.

Courses Taught/Teaching


Research Area

Child Health Nursing 

Infection control 

Critical care nursing 


Name of the Institution

From - To

Type of Experience

Total period

Ruby General Hospital


to 20/07/2015

Infection Control Supervisor

11 Month

Project Works

project work done on different subjects of nursing students .

Membership Of Learned Societies

life membership of SOMI.





Organizer of seminar on the occasion of international womens day on 7th March 2024 at Aliah University .


Participated on NBEMS CPR Awareness programme 2023 on 7th December 2023 organized by national Board of examinations in medical sciences


Webinar on lung cancer update 31th Octber 2023 organized by IAO.


Organizer - workshop on heart and hands :nursing chapter to observe world heart day 27th September  2023 supported by department of nursing ,Aliah University ,Kolkata.


Participated workshop on trend and bend of Autism jointly organized by the Asiatic society Kolkata and Autism society ,west Bengal on 25th August 2023.


Actively attending the webinar on the topic colorectal cancer Awarness organized by IAO on 26thMarch,22 .


Participated in Faculty Development Program: short Term Course in Forensic Nursing organized by Dte.GHS, NursingDivision, MoHFW, Government of India in collaboration with College of Nursing and Department of Forensic Medicine, AIIMS, NewDelhi, ECHO -India on 20th and 21st April ,2022. (5hours).


Successfullycompleted the virtual capacity building program for the midwifery faculty of the college /school of nursing held from 21 09 to 28-09-2021(CNE 15hours)

Participated on safe Abortion: evidenced, rights, values /attitude transformation organized by TNI on 30th oct,2021.


Attended webinar on Breakthroughs in early lung cancer detection and treatment” across the globe on 27th June 2021 between 07


Participated Webinar on Risk communication and community engagement during covid-19 period conducted on June 13,2020: supported by WHO,UNICEF and HCL.


 Participated Webinar on Education and continuing education for children during covid-19 period conducted on June 12,2020: supported by WHO,UNICEF and HCL.


Attend ended online session on  Children’s issues -changes strategies in covid 19times:tacking drop outs and never risks on child labour during covid-19.


Participated Webinar on integrated response in the context of covid -19 during covid-19 period conducted on June 10,2020: supported by WHO,UNICEF and HCL.


Organized Webinar on  Postlockdown:faculty concerns regarding cuuriculum completion during covid-19 period conducted by department of Nursing Aliah University,2020 .


 Participated Webinar of. Immunization services during Covid -19 outbreak period conducted on 28 May,2020:supported by WHO,UNICEF and HCL,2020.


Successful completing the online session Webinar on Air pollution and Covid19:supported by WHO,UNICEF and HCL,2020.


Organized on  International women’s day  with invited talk by eminent personality of the city  in Aliah University Auditorium , Park Circus campus ,2020


Attended 2nd Regional conference of SOMI held from 14th to 15th March ,auditorium of college of medicine and Sagar Dutta hospital ,Kamarhati ,Kolkata,2020.


1st East zone NEOCON and 23rd Annual Conference of Neonatology Society of WestBengal at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre ,Newtown,Kolkata,2019 .

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