
About the department

Mission Statements

MS1: To create opportunities for multi-disciplinary education, training and research in bio;logical sciences.
MS2: To provide impetus to generate quality workforce.
MS3: To create awareness about potentials of Biological Sciences technology with socio-ethical implications.
MS4: To instil a spirit of innovation and creativity in students leading to development of research aptitude.
MS5: To nurture individuals towards becoming effective contributors in the growth of the nation.
MS6: To establish industry academia partnership and partnership with health care and allied institutions.
MS7 : To provide in depth knowledge and practical exposure to students, so that they should qualify National/International exams.

Academic Audit 2018-19

Academic Audit 2019-20

Academic Audit 2020-21

Academic Audit 2021-22

Academic Audit 2022-23

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