BSc (H) and MSc in Botany
Programme Outcomes (POs):
PO-1: Core competency: Students will acquire core competency in the subject, and in allied subject areas.
PO-2: Analytical ability: The students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge in understanding research and addressing practical problems.
PO-3: Communication skills: Graduates of the Disciplines of Biological Sciences will be able to possess minimum standards of communication skills expected of a science graduate. They will be able to read and understand documents with in-depth analyses and logical arguments. Students will be well-versed in speaking and communicating their idea/finding/concepts to wider audience.
PO-4: Research ability: Application of various scientific methods to address different questions by formulating the hypothesis, data collection and critically analyse the data to decipher the degree to which their scientific work supports their hypothesis.
PO-5: Critical Thinking and problem-solving ability: An increased understanding of fundamental concepts and their applications of scientific principles is expected at the end of the program. Students will become critical thinker and acquire problem solving capabilities.
PO-6: Digitally equipped: Students will acquire digital skills and integrate the fundamental concepts with modern tools.
PO-7: Ethical and Psycological strengthing: Students will also strengthen their ethical and moral values and shall be able to deal with psychological weaknesses.
PO-8: Team Player: Students will learn team workmanship in order to serve efficiently institutions, industry and society.
PO-9: Independent Learner: Apart from the subject specific skills, generic skills, especially in programs of biological sciences, the program outcome would lead to gain knowledge and skills for further higher studies, competitive examinations and employment.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO-1: The students will be able to identify major groups of plants and compare the characteristics of lower (e.g. algae and fungi) and higher (angiosperms and gymnosperms) plants.
PSO-2: Students will be able to use the evidence based comparative botany approach to explain the evolution of organism and understand the genetic diversity on the earth.
PSO-3: The students will be able to explain various plant processes and functions, metabolism, concepts of gene, genome and how organism’s function is influenced at the cell, tissue and organ level.
PSO-4: Students will be able to understand adaptation, development and behaviour of different forms of life.
PSO-5: The understanding of networked life on earth and tracing the energy pyramids through nutrient flow is expected from the students.
PSO-6: Students will be able to demonstrate the experimental techniques and methods of their area of specialization in Botany.
PSO-7: Students will be able to understand about the modern tools and techniques for research and development including the development of genetically modified crops or other plants.
BSc (H) and MSc in Zoology
Programme Outcomes (POs):
PO-1: Core competency: Students will acquire core competency in the subject, and in allied subject areas.
PO-2: Analytical ability: The students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge in understanding research and addressing practical problems.
PO-3: Communication skills: Graduates of the Disciplines of Biological Sciences will be able to possess minimum standards of communication skills expected of a science graduate. They will be able to read and understand documents with in-depth analyses and logical arguments. Students will be well-versed in speaking and communicating their idea/finding/concepts to wider audience.
PO-4: Research ability: Application of various scientific methods to address different questions by formulating the hypothesis, data collection and critically analyse the data to decipher the degree to which their scientific work supports their hypothesis.
PO-5: Critical Thinking and problem-solving ability: An increased understanding of fundamental concepts and their applications of scientific principles is expected at the end of the program. Students will become critical thinker and acquire problem solving capabilities.
PO-6: Digitally equipped: Students will acquire digital skills and integrate the fundamental concepts with modern tools.
PO-7: Ethical and Psycological strengthing: Students will also strengthen their ethical and moral values and shall be able to deal with psychological weaknesses.
PO-8: Team Player: Students will learn team workmanship in order to serve efficiently institutions, industry and society.
PO-9: Independent Learner: Apart from the subject specific skills, generic skills, especially in programs of biological sciences, the program outcome would lead to gain knowledge and skills for further higher studies, competitive examinations and employment.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO-1: Students will be able to demonstrate a broad understood of animal diversity, including knowledge of the scientific classification and evolutionary relationships of major groups of animals.
PSO-2: Students will be able to recognize the relationships between structure and functions at different levels of biological organization (e.g., molecules, cells, organs, organisms, populations, and species) for the major groups of animals.
PSO-3: Students will be able to characterize the biological, chemical, and physical features of environments (e.g., terrestrial, freshwater, marine, host) that animals inhabit.
PSO-4: Students will be able to explain how animals function and interact with respect to biological, chemical and physical processes in natural and impacted environments.
PSO-5: Students will be able to explain how organisms function at the level of the gene, genome, cell, tissue, organ and organ-system. Drawing upon this knowledge, they will be able to give specific examples of the physiological adaptations, development, reproduction and behaviour of different forms of life.
PSO-6: Students will be able to understand the applied biological sciences or economic Zoology such as sericulture, apiculture, aquaculture, industrial microbiology, rDNA technology and medicine for their career opportunities.
BSc (H) and MSc in Microbiology
Programme Outcomes (POs):
PO-1: Core competency: Students will acquire core competency in the subject, and in allied subject areas.
PO-2: Analytical ability: The students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge in understanding research and addressing practical problems.
PO-3: Communication skills: Graduates of the Disciplines of Biological Sciences will be able to possess minimum standards of communication skills expected of a science graduate. They will be able to read and understand documents with in-depth analyses and logical arguments. Students will be well-versed in speaking and communicating their idea/finding/concepts to wider audience.
PO-4: Research ability: Application of various scientific methods to address different questions by formulating the hypothesis, data collection and critically analyse the data to decipher the degree to which their scientific work supports their hypothesis.
PO-5: Critical Thinking and problem-solving ability: An increased understanding of fundamental concepts and their applications of scientific principles is expected at the end of the program. Students will become critical thinker and acquire problem solving capabilities.
PO-6: Digitally equipped: Students will acquire digital skills and integrate the fundamental concepts with modern tools.
PO-7: Ethical and Psycological strengthing: Students will also strengthen their ethical and moral values and shall be able to deal with psychological weaknesses.
PO-8: Team Player: Students will learn team workmanship in order to serve efficiently institutions, industry and society.
PO-9: Independent Learner: Apart from the subject specific skills, generic skills, especially in programs of biological sciences, the program outcome would lead to gain knowledge and skills for further higher studies, competitive examinations and employment.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO-1: Students will be able to understand the concepts of microbiology as applicable to diverse areas such as medical, industrial, environment, genetics, agriculture, food and others.
PSO-2: Students will be able to demonstrate key practical skills/competencies in working with microbes for study and use in the laboratory as well as outside, including the use of good microbiological practices.
PSO-3: Students will be competent enough to use microbiology knowledge and skills to analyze problems involving microbes, articulate these with peers/ team members/ other stake holders, and undertake remedial measures/ studies etc.
PSO-4: Students will be able to develop a broader perspective of the discipline of Microbiology to enable him/her to identify challenging societal problems and plan his professional career to develop innovative solutions for such problems.
PSO-5: Students will be able to demonstrate competency in laboratory safety and in routine and specialized microbiological laboratory skills applicable to microbiological research or clinical methods.
PSO-6: Students will be able to communicate scientific concepts, experimental results and analytical arguments clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing.
PSO-7: Students will be able to assess how microorganisms are used as model systems to study basic biology, genetics, metabolism and ecology.
PSO-8: Students will be able to explain why microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature; inhabiting a multitude of habitats and occupying a wide range of ecological habitats and play an integral role in disease, microbial and immunological methodologies are used in disease treatment and prevention
PSO-9: Students will be able to understand the vital role of microorganisms in biotechnology, fermentation, medicine, and other industries important to human wellbeing. They will also be able to understand that microorganisms have an indispensable role in the environment, including biogeochemical cycles, bioremediation and others.
PSO-10: Students will be able to demonstrate the following laboratory skills: aseptic and pure culture techniques, preparation of and viewing samples for microscopy, use appropriate methods to identify microorganisms, estimate the number of microorganisms in a sample, and use common lab equipment and other common microbiological laboratory works.
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