Aliah University is among the foremost of Universities of national importance in higher education, technology and in basic and applied research. The department of chemistry constitutes a center for academic excellence. Since its beginning in 2009, the department has been engaged in imparting the highest level and quality of academic education and has focused upon addressing key scientific problems.

This department constitutes a 8 faculty members expertised in frontier level of research, the main areas of research being solid state chemistry and inorganic materials, coordination chemistry, analytical chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, photochemistry, catalysis, nano chemistry, spectroscopy and medicinal chemistry. The entire faculty has had the exposure and scopes to carry out research of preliminary originality contributing genuinely towards the enhancement of academic and industrial interactions. There are few faculty members who have been awarded with VIRA. The faculties have contributed towards the publication of books and research papers. There are about 5 ongoing research projects sponsored by DST.

The department is equipped with the instruments such as Fluorimeters, UV-Vis spectrophotometers, FT-IR, GC and Optical Microscopes. The students are provided a comprehensive practical exposure to the various instrumental techniques required for their research.


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