Department of
Email :
Address : Department of Education, Aliah University 21, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata – 700016
Phone : +91-8013932965
Room No : F- 9/01
Joined : 05.01.2016
Dr. Minara Yeasmin is at present an Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Aliah University, West Bengal. Dr. Yeasmin has done M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Calcutta, B.Ed. and M.Ed. from the same University. She had qualified the UGC- CSIR NET in Mathematical Science. She has been awarded PhD in Education from the University of Calcutta. Her area of interest extends to the fields of Mathematics Education, Research Methodology Educational Statistics, Gender Education, School Education, and Teacher Education. “Students’ Achievements in Mathematics at school level” and “Pedagogy of Mathematics- Part I” and “Pedagogy of Mathematics- Part II” are some books written by her. Dr. Yeasmin had edited five books titled “Conceptualising Mathematics for all” and “Promoting Peace, Dignity, and Equity for a Healthy World”, ‘A Lens for multifaceted society’, ‘Vision for a sustainable future’, ‘BROAD SPECTRUM OF EDUCATION’ She has presented a number of research papers both in Seminars and acted as a resource person in International/ National Seminars, Workshop and Conferences as well. She has a number of publications in the peer reviewed journal of national and international repute.
Pay Scale: As per UGC
10 years of teaching experience at University level.
Publication of Papers in the journals
1. Minara Yeasmin, Md. Kutubuddin Halder and Nimai Chand Maiti,Syllabus of Mathematics in Elementary Education, Indian Journal of Educational Research ,ISSN 2277-3819, Volume III, March, 2014, pp 271-290
2. Minara Yeasmin, Md. Kutubuddin Halder and Nimai Chand Maiti,Construction of A Standardized Achievement Test in Mathematics for the Students Completing Elementary Education, Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN: - 2348-0459,b Volume-5, Issue-7, June- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
3.Minara Yeasmin, Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers – Transforming Intangible Pedagogy into Reality, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-1, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362,
4.Minara Yeasmin, Students’ Achievements in Different Components of Mathematics after Completing Elementary Education,International Education and Research Journal, E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2016E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2016,
5.Minara Yeasmin, Developing Mathematics Laboratory –A Shift from Narrow Goals towards Higher Goals for Quality Elementary Education in Mathematics,Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-11, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362,
6.Minara Yeasmin, Dr. Md. Kutubuddin Halder, Dr. Nimai Chand Maiti, A Comparative Study of Achievements in Mathematics between Boys and Girls Students at the End of Elementary Education, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 11, November-2016 547 ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER © 2016
7.Minara Yeasmin, A Comparative Study of Achievement In Mathematics Between Students Of Active Delta Area And Matured Delta Area Of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, International Journal Of multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN: 2277-7881;Impact Factor – 4.527; IC Value:5.16; ISI Value:2.286, Volume 6, Issue 1(5), January 2017, pp 148-158,
8. Minara Yeasmin, Areas of Weakness in Mathematics of the Students Completing Elementary Education, International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN: 2350- 0743, Vol. 04, Issue 01, pp.2184-2186, January, 2017,
9. Minara Yeasmin, Analysis of errors in mathematics of the students completing elementary education, International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(1): 663-668,ISSNPrint:2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, UGC APPROVED ,UGC serial number 42726 Impact Factor: 5.2, IJAR 2017; 3(1): 663-668, ,,
10. Minara Yeasmin, Mathematics is everywhere – Connecting with other disciplines, International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(6): 750-754, UGC APPROVED, UGC serial number 42726 ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, Impact Factor: 5.2, IJAR 2017; 3(1): 663-668,,
11. Minara Yeasmin, Girls’ Superiority Over Boys– A Few Areas in Mathematics Explored at School Level International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(8): 539-543, UGC APPROVED , UGC serial number 42726, ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, Impact Factor: 5.2, IJAR 2017, volume 3(8), issue 8, 2017, Journal's
12.Minara Yeasmin, Aesthetic dimension in mathematics at school level, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, UGC APPROVED UGC Approved Journal Number 46566 Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72 Volume 4; Issue 6; June 2017; Page No. 493-496
13.Minara Yeasmin, Thinking for the students with mathematical anxiety, International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(6): 750-754, UGC APPROVED UGC serial number is 42726 ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, Impact Factor: 5.2, IJAR 2017; 3(1): 663-668, ,
14. Minara Yeasmin, Consequence of mathematical anxiety on students’ achievements in mathematics - What Does Research Say? International Journal of Academic Research and Development, ISSN: 2455-4197, UGC APPROVED Journal. UGC Journal Number: 48808 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22, Volume 2; Issue 6; November 2017; Page No. 707-712,
15. Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Transforming Mathematics Classroom into Laboratory--A Drive for Quality Elementary Education in Mathematics: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882, UGC APPROVED Journal No: 49023 (18), Ahmedabad, Gujarat Impact factor 5.97,
16. Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Vision for Women Empowerment. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882, UGC APPROVED UGC Journal Number: 49023 (18), Ahmedabad, Gujarat Impact factor 5.97,
17. Dr. Minara Yeasmin, A critical review of Syllabus of Mathematics of class IX and X as outlined by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) and Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,ISSN: 2349-5162 | ,UGC APPROVED , UGC Journal Number: 63975 Monthly Impact factor 5.87
18. Dr. Minara Yeasmin, An Analytical Study of Gender Difference in Achievement in Geometry at School Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) (ISSN-2349-5162 September 2018 Volume 5 Issue 9| ,UGC APPROVED UGC Journal Number: 63975 Monthly Impact factor 5.87
19. Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Rabindra Vabnay Vigyan o Siksha – Bartaman Prasangikata in the journal ‘Ebong Mohua’ edited by Dr. Modanmohan Bera, UGC CARE Listed, November, 2021 page number 3 no.60 which was published by UGC CARE list I, 2021
20. Minara Yeasmin, Accountability of Schools in Upgrading Mathematics Achievements – Looking Through the Literature, Academic Social research, RNI No. 1276610 ISSN No. 2456-2645, P a g e | 94, Volume-3, Issue-6 November 2017, UGC APPROVED, , Uttar Pradesh,
21. Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Dr. Md. Kutubuddin Halder, Dr. Nimai Chand Maiti, Girl Students Achievements in Mathematics after Completing Elementary Education, CPSM: Challenges in Mathematics Education, Official Journal of Centre for Pedagogical Studies in Mathematics, Twenty fifth volume (Issue I & II), June,2019
22. Md Asadullah, Dr. MinaraYeasmin, Socio-Economic Impact of Women Education in India. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, (Open Access, Peer Reviewed, International Journal) Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421, Vol 3, no 2, pp 785-788, February 2022. A+ Grade, Impact Factor 5.536.
23. Md Asadullah and Dr. Minara Yeasmin. Impact of social media on Education: Both Positively and Negatively, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT- Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2581-9429, Volume: 3, Issue: 10, May, 2023, IF 7.301, Page No. 272-277, DOI:10.48175/IJARSCT-10460,
24. Md Asadullah and Dr. Minara Yeasmin Contribution of Organizational climate on Peaceful and Dignified Working Atmosphere of Secondary School Teachers. Shodh Disha 2023 ISSN 0975-735X(UGC- CARE LISTED) volume 61,issue 4, Jan-March,2023, Page 421-425
26. Md Asadullah, Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Paramita Mukherjee and Sk Yasin, Attitude of rural students towards inclusive classroom at secondary level: A case of Burdwan District, International Journal of Multidisciplinary research and Growth Evaluation (Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2582-7138, Volume: 04, Issue: 04, July- August, 2023, IF 5.307. Page No. 466-470, DOI: 54660/. IJMRGE.2023.4.4.466-470
27. Saddam Hossain, Md Asadullah, Nawaj Shorif and Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Scientific research output quality education (SDG4): A Bibliometric study, International Journal of Multidisciplinary research and Growth Evaluation (Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2582-7138, Volume: 04, Issue: 04, July- August, 2023, IF 5.307. Page No. 466-470, DOI: IJMRGE.2023.4.4.475-479
28. Md Asadullah, and Dr. Minara Yeasmin, Role of women education in empowering the spirit of freedom, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research (Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2583-5289, Volume: 02, Issue: 04, July- August, 2023, IF not known Page No. 57-60, Journal DOI: IJMCR.
29. Sajda Khatun and Dr. Minara Yeasmin. Creating an Inclusive Classroom for ASD Pupils: Readiness of special educators in the Primary School. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research (Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2583-5289, Volume: 02, Issue: 04, July- August, 2023, Page No 515-518., Journal DOI:
30. Paramita Mukherjee and Dr. Minara Yeasmin. An enquiry to ascertain attitude of B.Ed. trainees towards sex education in view of inclusion and promotion of reproductive health education in school curriculum for a sustainable future. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research (Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2583-5289, Volume: 02, Issue: 04, July- August, 2023, Page No. 471-474, Journal DOI:
31. Dr. Minara Yeasmin. Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions about Gender Equality. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research (Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal), ISSN (Online): 2583-5289, Volume: 02, Issue: 04, July- August, 2023, Page No 427-431 DOI:
33. NSOU AsadullahMd Asadullah and Dr. Minara Yeasmin Creation of Knowledge in Colonial Indian Society: Negotiation between Majestic Agencies and Indigenous Knowledge System NSOU JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN: 2581 5512 (p-106-116)
34. Paramita Mukherjee and Dr. Minara Yeasmin Meritocracy versus Elitism: Transition of Knowledge and Curriculum from Colonial Indian Society to 75th Year of Indian Independence.NSOU JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN: 2581 5512 (p-92-103)
35. Paramita Mukherjee and Dr. Minara Yeasmin. Teachers’ Attitude about curriculum content addressing Adolescent Reproductive Health. Educational Trend. ISSN 2583-6269 (print)( A journal of RIE, NCERT, Ajmer) Volume 5, Number !, January, 2024 (p-92)
36. Monika Rajak, Dr. Minara Yeasmin. Psychological Empowerment For The Emancipation Of The Backward Classes Women. Anvesak ( print) ugc care I listed Peer Reviewed and Reffered Journal, Volume No. 54, Issue 1, Jan-Aprl, 2024. ISSN 0378-4568
38. Asadullah, M.; Yeasmin, M. Assessing the Organizational Climate for secondary school teachers based on gender and locality of school. Journal of Indian Education (ISSN: 0377-0435) UGC- Care I Listed, AUGUST 2024 issue (Vol.50, Issue No. 2)
Books Published: Total eight (including edited two)
Chapters in the Edited Book: Total Numbers – 14
Dr. Minara Yeasmin 2023. Book Chapter: Pre service teachers attitude and beliefs about the nature and pedagogy of mathematics in the edited book Mathematics Education Editors Prof. P.C. Agarwal Arup Kumar Saha ISBN 978-81-960419-3-9 published by Regional Institute of Education ( National Council of Educational Research and Training ), Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751022[ RIE, M.Yeasmin Bhubaneswar Mathematics paper published as a book chapter]
Acted as a Resource Person/Chairperson (Total number- 14)
Sl. No. |
Date |
Place |
Area / Topic |
Organized By |
Position/ Level |
1. |
18-19, February, 2018 |
Venue: Day 1 - Fr. Depelchin Auditorium Time: 4.00 am to 7.00 pm Venue: Day 2 – R. K. Hall Time:10.30 am to 5.00 pm |
International Seminar on Emerging Issues on the Interface of Science and Religion, “UNDERSTANDING LIFE, REALITY & BEYOUND” |
The Goethals Indian Library & Research Society, Physics and EVS Departments, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata |
International [ Speech delivered as Resource Person] |
2 |
27 Oct, 2018 – 5 November,2018 |
Department of Education, Aliah University |
International Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences |
Department of Education, Aliah University and Byanjanbarna foundation |
International Acted as Resource Person |
3 |
17-18 December, 2018 |
Department of Education, Aliah University |
National Seminar on Educational Philosophy of Moulana Abul Kalam Azad |
Department of Education |
National Chaired a technical Session on 17.12.2018( 2nd Half) |
4 |
25th June, 2019 |
Dept. of Education, Aliah University |
International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Education” |
Dept. of Education, Aliah University in collaboration with Global Multidisciplinary Research Organisation |
Acted as a Resource Person |
5 |
10th July, 2019 |
Sevayatan Sikskhan Mandir, Jhargram |
Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy |
IIT, Kharagpur |
Acted as a Resource Person |
6 |
11th November, 2021 |
Invited Lecture |
Topic: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: A Great Educator and Distinguished Leader of India |
Altab Hossain P.T.T.I.( D.El.Ed. & B.Ed. ) Vill Khidirpore, P.O. Chhabghati. P.S. Suti District- Murshidabad |
Resource Person |
7 |
31st July, 2022 from 3 P.M to 5 P.M |
“Boithoki: Tomay Amay Mile”, Online platform |
Tools and Techniques for research in Social Science |
Department of Education Sitaram Mahato Memorial College (Affiliated to Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal) At: Anandadeep, Post: Kuruktopa, P.S: Manbazar, Dist: Purulia, West Bengal - 723128, India
Resource Person |
8 |
01.07.2023 |
AMU, UGC- HRDC, Department of Education |
Lecture On UGC Act, 2022 Minimum standards and procedures for the award of PhD |
online |
Resource Person |
9 |
06.03.2023 |
Hazi A.K. Khan College, Hariharpara, Murshidabad |
State Level Seminar on Women in India today |
Topic of presentation Significance of International Women’s Day |
Resource Person |
10 |
02.07.2023 |
34 th Annual Conference of Centre for Pedagogical Studies in Mathematics (CPSM) scheduled on 01.07.2023 and 02.07.2023, on 2 nd July 2023, |
Lecture on “Ability of Reasoning, Argumentation and Proof in Mathematics”. |
CPSM, Kolkata |
Resource person |
11 |
07.07.2023 |
AMU, UGC- HRDC, Department of Education |
Lecture On UGC Act, 2022 Minimum standards and procedures for the award of PhD |
online |
Resource Person |
12 |
05.01.2024 |
Institute of Education for Women, Chandan nagar, |
Invited talk on Why is Math so beautiful? |
offline |
Resource Person |
13 |
20.03.2024, 23.03.2024 |
PM SRI KV, Cossipore And PM SRI KV, Ballygunge |
Toy based Pedagogy in Mathematics |
Offline |
Resource Person |
14 |
06.06.2024 |
RC on Teacher Education Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of PhD Degree delivered on 06.06.2024 at 10.45 AM to 12.15 PM
Online |
Resource Person |
Member of editorial board, Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN No. 2348 -0459), –
Number of Refresher Course/ Orientation Programme participated= 4
No. |
Date |
Place |
Area / Topic |
Organized By |
Position/ Level |
1. |
19 November – 18 December, 2018 |
UGC- HRDC, Jadavpur University, Salt Lake |
71st Orientation Program, J.U. |
UGC- HRDC, Jadavpur University, Salt Lake |
Participant Program Completed Grade A
2. |
14Feb,2019- 06 March, 2019 |
HRDC, University of Calcutta |
Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Teacher Education |
Department of Education, University of Calcutta, Kolkata 700027 |
Course Completed Grade A |
3. |
16- 30, Novembr,2021 |
HRDC - Jadavpur University |
Inter - disciplinary Refresher Course on Managing Stress and Maintaining Well-being in Higher Education |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (Online) |
Grade “A+” |
4. |
December 08-21, 2023. |
RC Environment Conservation: Focussing Towards Sustainable Development
UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC/MMTTC), University of Calcutta, in the Department of Home Science, University of Calcutta during |
online |
Completed with A+ |
No. of papers presented in Seminars / Workshops/ Orientation Programme/ Refresher Course=48
No. |
Date |
Place |
Area / Topic |
Organized By |
Position/ Level |
1 |
22nd & 23rd May,2006 |
Institute of Education for Women, Hastings House, Alipore
Workshop on “Improving Mathematics Teaching through use of Mathematics Laboratory” |
Institute of Education for Women, Hastings House, Alipore
State [ Participated] |
2 |
30.01.2014 & 01.02.2014 |
Hotel –THE SENETOR, Kolkata |
Workshop on Quantitative Aptitude (Main Session) |
Government of India, STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION (Eastern Region) |
National [ Participated] |
3 |
5-6 November,2015 |
SCERT, Kolkata |
Workshop on “To find out the researchable areas on Population Education” |
SCERT, West Bengal funded by NCERT, New Delhi |
State [ Participated] |
4. |
30-31, March, 2016 |
Department of Sociology, Kalyani University |
The title of the paper presented Multiculturalism and Social Diversity: Ways to the Foundation of Integration in the Two-Day Seminar on "Dynamism Of Culture: Integration, Contradiction And Conflict" |
UGC sponsored, Department of Sociology, Kalyani University |
National [Paper presented] |
5 |
13-17 October, 2014 |
NUEPA, New Delhi |
“Orientation Programme on Right to Education” |
Dept. of School & Non- Formal Education, NUEPA, New Delhi |
National [ Participated] |
6 |
31, March, 2017 |
Electrical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal |
Workshop on Gender Sensitization |
TEQIP in collaboration with ICC, Jadavpur University |
[Participated] |
7 |
17-18, April, 2017 |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal |
Title of the paper presentation ‘Tomar Mahavishwe Kabu Haray Nako Kichu’, in the International Seminar on Rabindranath Tagore’s thought on Education and Library |
Byanjanbarna Foundation in collaboration with Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal |
International [Paper presented] |
8 |
20, May, 2017 |
Viharilal College of Education in collaboration with Institute of Education for Women Hastings House, Kolkata, West Bengal |
Title of the paper presentation
Challenges of Education as Envisaged in the 21st Century |
Viharilal College of Education in collaboration with Institute of Education for Women |
National [Paper presented] |
9. |
11, July, 2017 |
Ram Krishna Mission Sikshan Mandir, Belur |
Counselling; its different Dimensions and Perspectives |
Guidance and Counselling Department, Ram Krishna Mission Sikshan Mandir, Belur, Howrah |
State [Paper presented] |
10 |
9-10, August, 2017 |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal |
19th Century: Education, Society and Literature |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation |
International [Paper presented] |
11 |
14-15, September, 2017 |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal |
Education, Society and Literature of Backward Classes |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation |
International [Paper presented] |
12 |
11-17, October, 2017 |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal |
International Workshop on Methodological Approach to Research in Language and Social Science |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation |
International |
13 |
15-16, January, 2018 |
Day1: Rabindra sadan, Kolkata Day2: Auditorium, WBUTTEPA |
International Seminar on New Horizon at Teacher Education |
West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration |
International [Paper presented] |
14 |
29, March, 2017 |
Auditorium, Park Circus Campus, Aliah University |
One Day National Seminar on ‘Interrogating Past; Understanding Present’ |
Itihas Baithaki |
National [ Participated] |
15 |
30-31, March, 2018 |
Seminar Hall, NSOU, Salt Lake, Kolkata |
International Seminar on ‘Higher Education in the Present Context: Role of Library and Teaching Aids’ |
Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata, in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation West Bengal |
International [Paper presented] |
16 |
03-04 September,2018 |
Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Diamond Harbour, West Bengal |
International Seminar on ‘Contemporary Issues of Women Education in the Global Context’ |
Funded by Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-Technology, Government of West Bengal |
International [Paper presented ]
17 |
18-19 December, 2018 |
Bidhan Nagar Government College, Salt Lake |
3rd Regional Science Congress
Department of Higher Education and Bio technology and Science , Government of West Bengal |
Paper presented |
18 |
28-29 December, 2018 |
H. L. Roy Auditorium and Department of Education, Jadavpur University
International Seminar on Peace Wellbeing and Education – A Pedagogical Discourse |
Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Bhatter College Danton, NSS unit , Jadavpur University, UGC Sponsored |
Paper presented
19 |
19th March, 2019 |
Dept. of Education, Aliah University |
Workshop on “Mathematics for All” |
Funded by West Bengal State Council of Science and Technology |
Acted as a Convener |
20 |
18-19th June, 2019 |
Amity University, Newtown |
FDP on Sustainability and Circularity. |
Funded by Centre of Science and Environment, Delhi |
Participated |
21 |
30th June, 2019 |
Centre for Pedagogical Studies in Mathematics |
Annual Conference Strategies to Develop Students’ Interest in Mathematics |
Centre for Pedagogical Studies in Mathematics, Sammilani Park, Kolkata |
Invited Speech |
22 |
01 Oct 2019 to 15 Jan 2020 |
SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE COURSE CERTIFICATION: the ARPIT course for Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) promotion |
Concerns in Educational Research and Assessment |
Central University of South Bihar |
with a "A" Grade in the proctored examination held on 16.02.2020 |
23 |
23-24 December, 2019 |
MAKAUT, West Bengal |
4th Regional Science and Technology Congress, Southern Region |
Department of Science, Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal |
Paper Presented |
24 |
December 2019 to March,2020 |
Central Institute of Educational Technology, |
Online Course for Action Research on Educational Technology |
awarded |
25 |
13th June, 2020 |
State Level Webinar |
COVID19 Prevention and Control in Higher Education Institution |
Shibpur Dinobandhu Institution( College ) and Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharya College, Howrah |
Participated |
26 |
June 18th, 2020 |
National Level Webinar Series |
National Level Webinar entitled "Un-Lockdown-Emerging into the New Socially Distanced World" |
IQAC in association with Department of Sociology, Surendranath College, 24/2 M.G.Road, Kolkata 700009 |
Participated |
27 |
26 June 2020 |
International Webinar |
Economic Impact of COVID19 in India |
Department of Economics |
Participated |
28 |
7th July 2020. |
DEWAN ABDUL GANI COLLEGE Harirampur, Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal, India, 733125 |
National Webinar Entitled "Issues of Minorities and Dalits in Contemporary India" on |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Dewan Abdul Gani College |
Participated |
29 |
10-11 July,2020 |
Google Meet and You Tube Live |
The Impact of Pandemic: Education and Literary Representations |
Department of English and Department of Education, in collaboration with IQAC |
Participated |
30. |
8th August, 2020 |
Platform: Google Meet and YouTube Live, Time: from 7:30p.m. to 10:30p.m. |
National Webinar entitled “Promotion of College Teachers/Librarians under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS)” o |
IQAC, Alipurduar College |
Participated |
31 |
17th -18th July, 2020 |
24th IDEA NATIONAL CONFERENCE on Emerging Perspectives of Open and Distance Learning |
Teachers' Professional Development Through Open and Distance Education |
University of Mumbai Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL) in association with Indian Distance Education Association (IDEA) & Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) |
presented a paper |
32 |
2, October, 2020 |
National Webinar virtual platform |
National Webinar on Ganhiji and his Ideas: Decades of Innovation |
National Service Scheme (NSS), Jadavpur University |
Participated |
33 |
1st Dec 2020 to 31st March 2021 |
SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE COURSE CERTIFICATION: the ARPIT course for Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) promotion |
Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology (Interdisciplinary) |
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology Hisar, Haryana |
With a Grade “A” in the proctored examination held on 21/08/2021 |
34 |
1st Dec 2020 to 31st March 2021 |
SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE COURSE CERTIFICATION: the ARPIT course for Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) promotion |
Leadership And Governance in Higher Education. Level 2 |
Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune |
With a Grade “A” in the proctored examination held on 21/08/2021 |
35. |
10th May, 2022 |
Department of Education, Aliah University, West Bengal, India |
International seminar on Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World |
Aliah University and |
Convenor |
36 |
10th May, 2022 |
Department of Education, Aliah University, West Bengal, India |
Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World Paper presented Impact of Organizational Climate on Peace and Dignity of Secondary School Teachers |
Aliah University and |
Paper presented |
37 |
10th May, 2022 |
Department of Education, Aliah University, West Bengal, India |
Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World Paper presented An Appraisal of Legal Recognition of Adolescent Reproductive Health Rights: Links between Wellbeing of Adolescent Reproductive Health and Human Rights |
Aliah University and |
Paper presented
38. |
10th May, 2022 |
Department of Education, Aliah University, West Bengal, India |
Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World Paper presented Work-life Balance and Mental Peace of in-service Married Women Teachers in Higher Education |
Aliah University and |
Paper presented
39. |
10th May, 2022 |
Department of Education, Aliah University, West Bengal, India |
International Seminar on Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World Paper presented Issues and Challenges of Transgenders’ Educational Status in India |
Aliah University and |
Paper presented
40. |
16-30 November, 2022 |
UGC- HRDC, JU, Department of Education |
RC on Managing Stress and Well being in Higher Education |
Jadavpur University |
With a Grade A+ |
41. |
21-22, December, 2022 |
RIE, Bhubaneswar, |
11NCME National Conference on Mathematics Education |
RIE, Bhubaneswar |
Paper Presenter B.Ed. trainee students Perception about Nature and Pedagogy of Mathematics |
42. |
4-5, January, 2023 |
Maulana Azad College, Kolkata |
5th Regional Science Congress |
Department of Science, Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal |
Paper Presenter Inclusion of Yoga two year B.Ed. Program – A Key toward the development of the ‘total’ personality |
43. |
20-24 March, 2023 |
Orientation Course of one credit of PG level* of twenty hours duration on |
“Policy Making Processes and structures” |
Delhi |
Participated |
44 |
29-30 March, 2023 |
Auditorium, Department of Education Aliah University |
ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Inclusive Society for a Sustainable Future |
Convenor |
45 |
30th May, 2023 |
Interview taken |
APC Bhavan, Salt Lake |
Expert |
46 |
12 June to 24 June,2023 |
St Xaviers’ University, Kolkata |
Capacity building program ICSSR sponsored |
Department of Law and Department of Management sponsored by ICSSR |
With a Grade “A completed |
47 |
December 01-09, 2023 |
Jadavpur University, UGC MMTTC |
NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme |
under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) Organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), |
Completed |
48 |
21-22 December, 2023 |
University of Calcutta |
6th Regional Science CongressPaper presented on ‘Integrating Automation into the Waste Management Pipeline of West Bengal–A Feasibility Analysis’ |
Department of Science, Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal |
Paper Presenter
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