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Joined : 05.09.2017
Dr. Jakir Hussain Laskar, has been completed his PhD in Education from Ravenshaw University of Odisha on Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment of the Teachers. He is very much interested to work for the development of non-cognitive areas of the teacher and students. Numbers of research articles and activities he completed in this area. He also specialised in the area of Educational Psychology, Educational Technology and Guidance Counselling. He has long research experiences also. He worked in the state of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Sikkim and West-Bengal. He has 20 years teaching experiences at B.Ed. and M.Ed. level under different universities. Presenly he is the Associate Professor and Head, Department of Education, Aliah University, Kolkata-14. He is sincerely commited to work hard and to prepare world class teachers who shall be aware with the new trends of education.
Research Publication & Performances: At a glance;
Books As Editor/Author
Analytical Study on Correlation Between Education and Philosophy (ISBN: 9788197407208)
Education in Resurgent India (ISBN: 9781312711600)
Emerging Trends of Education in Resurgent India: Prospects and Challenges in The Light of NPE-2020 (ISBN: 9798890660336)
Burning Issues in Education (ISBN: 9781312724945)
Burning Issues in Education (ISBN: 9781312724 945)
Broad Spectrum of Education (ISBN: 9789392446 375)
Education In Resergent India (ISBN: 9781312711600)
Burning Issues in Education (ISBN: 9781312724 945)
Education in Emergent India (ISBN: 9781312711 600)
Emerging issues in Business and Social Sciences (ISBN: 9789356403024)
Quality Assurance in Education, Harshavardhan Publishing Maharashtra (ISBN: 9789385882128)
Anxiety and Self Concept in Students, Harshavardhan Publishing (ISBN: 9789386778888)
Relevance of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in the Present Era, ABS Books, Delhi (ISBN: 9789386088895)
Emerging Trends in Education, ABS Books, Delhi (ISBN: 9789387229129)
Instructional Strategies, ABS Books, Delhi, Volume-1 (ISBN:97893 87229136)
Instructional Strategies, ABS Books, Delhi, Volume-II (ISBN: 97893 87229143)
Nature of Activities Performed:
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