Serial No. | Title | Description | Year | Publication Type | Download |
1 | Innovative Management Practices - An Interdisciplinary Approach | Editors: Gholam Syedain Khan Arup Kumar Baksi |
2021 | Book | |
2 | Digital India—Navigating Sustainable Development Goals-2024 | Editors: Dr Somnath Chatterjee Dr Furquan Uddin Dr. Gholam Syedain Khan |
2021 | Book | |
3 | Exploring New Horizons in Management & Business Practices | Baksi, A, et al., (Ed.) Aliah University Publication, Kolkata, India (ISBN 9789384099299) |
2018 | Book | |
4 | Human Resource Management (ISBN: 978-81-921653-1-8) | Authors: Professor (Dr.) Debdas Ganguly Dr. Kaushik Kundu |
2011 | Book | |
5 | Production & Operations Management (ISBN: 978-81-921653-2-5) | Dr. Kaushik Kundu Dr. Dev Narayan Sarkar |
2012 | Book | |
6 | Dr. Kaushik Kundu1. A study in the role of sustainable development approach in the prevention and mitigation of disaster: a holistic approach, Strategic Resource Management and Sustainable Development, Shree Publication, New Delhi, 2009 2. Microfinance and Role of Societal Culture – A Combined Effect on Women Empowerment in India, Microfinance & Financial Inclusion in Developing Economies SPS Publication, Kolkata, 2012 3. Perspectives of green marketing in India and the awareness among the stakeholders: A study, Emerging Marketing Paradigms Excel Publication, New Delhi, 2012 4. Analysis of Capability- Maturity Model as a Process and its Application in the Human Resource Management of Manufacturing Industries, Contemporary Technological, Social and Management Issues – Theoretical and Conceptual Perspectives SPS Publication, Kolkata, 2013 5. Emerging Trends of Green Marketing in India in the Context of Global Scenario, Integrated Environmental Pollution Control Framework and Strategies: A Collection of Essays and cases University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 2013. 6. Analysis of human resource in India over last three decades in the perspective of society, inequality and poverty, Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Issues in Finance IGI Global, Dallas, 2014 7. Human Development in India: an Analytical Study in the Perspective of a Developing Economy, Business of being in Business: New Perspectives Excel Books, New Delhi, 2014 |
Book Chapter | |||
7 | Dr. Kaushik Kundu1. Kaushik Kundu, D. N. (2016). The economic and social importance of unorganized retailers in rural India. Journal of Rural Studies, 159-172. 2. Kaushik Kundu, H. R. (2016). Conceptual expansion of the discipline of rural marketing: An objective analysis. Vision, 169-183. 3. Kaushik Kundu, H. R. (2016). Developing a conceptual model of small independent retailers in developing economies: the roles of embeddedness and subsistence markets. AMS review, 176-193. 4. Kundu, K., & Sarkar, D. N. (2016). Constructing a conceptual model of purchase behaviour of village shopkeepers–a study of small rural retailers in Eastern India. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 1-16. 5. Kundu, K., & Sarkar, D. N. (2016). Purchase Preference Factors for Traditional Rural Retailers: A Cross-sectional Conceptual Study. VIKALPA - The Journal for Decision Makers, 1-19. 6. Kundu, K., & sarkar, D. N. (2017). The effect of embeddedness on purchase behaviour of rural unorganised retailers: implications for transnational corporations in developing economies. Transnational Corporation Review, 169-189. 7. Kaushik Kundu, D. N. (2017). Developing A" Theoretical Toolbox" For The Concept Of Consumerism. Aweshkar Research Journal, 45-66. 8. Kaushik Kundu, D. N. (2018). A qualitative study on the survival strategies of retailers in BoP markets. Bottom of the pyramid marketing: Making, shaping and developing BoP markets, 53-76. 9. Kaushik Kundu, D. N. (2018). Exploring the significance of Emotional Attachment, Behavioural Readiness, Affiliation, and Values in developing the construct of Organizational Commitment. Vilakshan: The XIMB Journal of Management, 1-24. 10. Kundu, K., & Sarkar, D. N. (2018). Practitioners' Perspectives on Shopkeepers' Purchase Behaviour: A Study of Rural Markets. Abhigyan, 61-70. 11. Kundu, K., & Sarkar, D. N. (2018). The overlap spaces of alternative economy and subaltern businesses: a study of emigrant peddlers. Journal of Economic Structures, 1-24. 12. Kundu, K., Sarkar, D. N., & Mazumdar, S. (2018). Socio-Economic Profile of Shopkeepers in Embedded Markets: Social and Cultural Perspectives From a Hundred Years of Bengali Literary Works. Cultural and Social History,, 1-25. 13. kundu, K., & Sarkar, D. N. (2019). Bausch and Lomb in India: Clarity of Vision? ASBM Journal of Management, 78-104. 14. Kundu, K., & sarkar, D. N. (2019). Safed Detergent Powder: Regional Brand with Rural Focus. Asian Case Research Journal, 457-489. 15. Kundu, K., & Sarkar, D. N. (2019). The role of independent retailers in sustaining rural society: a study in rural India. Rural Society, 52-71. 16. Kundu, K., Bihani, P., & Sarkar, D. N. (2019). Constructing a commitment scale and developing a model of organizational commitment for IT industry in Eastern India. Review of Professional Management-A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management, 1-17. 17. Kundu, K., & sarkar, D. N. (2020). Conceptual Expansion and Approaches to the Concept of Alternative Economy. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 257-282. 18. Kundu, K., Banerji, J., & Alam, P. A. (2020). An empirical investigation into the influence of behavioral biases on investment behavior. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 81-98. 19. Kundu, K., & Chowdhuri, P. D. (2020). Factors determining choice of complementary and alternative medicine in acute and chronic diseases. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 20. Kundu, K., & Chowdhuri, P. D. (2020). Role of Demographic, Cognitive, Social Factors and Personality Trait on Treatment Modality Related Decision Making: A Conceptual Framework. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 470-476. 21. Kundu, K., Banerji, J., & Alam, P. (2021). Relating Behavioral Biases to Personality: An empirical investigation on prospective Investors. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 1595-1626. 22. Kundu, K., & Chowdhuri, P. D. (2022). Effect of Women's Paid Work Status on Their Decision-Making Autonomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Asian Women, 65-102. 23. Kundu, K., & Ferman Haider Haidery, D. N. (2024). Agri-input buying behaviour of paddy farmers: A study in the context of the new normal due to COVID-19. Vision, 111-119. 24. Kundu, K., Chowdhuri, P. D., & Meyur, S. (2022). Dynamics of Decision-Making in Medical Pluralism: A Systematic Review of Conceptual Models. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, 178-197. 25. Kundu, K., Chowdhuri, P. D., & Meyur, S. (2023). Change in Women's Work Burden and Gender Norms of Unpaid Care Work after the 2nd Wave of Covid-19 Pandemic in India. Work, 897-905. 26. Kundu, K., Banerji, J., & Alam, P. A. (2023). The impact of behavioral biases on individuals’ financial choices under uncertainty: An empirical approach. Business Perspectives and Research, 401-424. |
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8 | Dr. Arup Kumar BaksiBooks/ Edited Chapter (selected in last 5 years: 2015-2020)1. Baksi, A. K. (2019). Perspectives on Rural Tourism: Sustainability Issues and Ethno-Cultural Preservation, Akshar Prakashani, ISBN: 978-81-937922-2-3 2. Baksi, A. K. (2016). Perspectives on service quality enhancement through Customer Relations. Scholars’ Press, Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-84458-4, ISBN-10: 3659844586, EAN: 9783659844584. 3. Baksi. A. K. (2019). Examining Role of Leading Edge Status on Diffusion of Innovation in Indian Rural Markets, Frontiers in Management Research, Allied Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-87997-66-0) 4. Baksi, A. K. (2019), Aligning Human Development with Tourism using Hybrid HDI and Van Der Warden (VdW) Ranking Score, in Resilience Building and Sustainable Development: Indian Perspective, by New Delhi Publishers ( 978-93-88879-11-8 ) 5. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Teaching the Teachers: The ICT way, in Teacher Education in the 21st Century: Issues & Concerns, Renu Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85502-37-8), pp. 117-128 6. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Developing TOURZOT: A model explaining zone-of-tolerance in Tourism services based on destination atmospherics, Exploring New Horizons in Management and Business Practices, Suhrid Publications, Kolkata (ISBN: 978-93-84099-29-9), pp. 39-56. 7. Khawash, N. &Baksi, A. K. (2018), Linking tourism service quality, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty using Tourist Relationship Management framework, Exploring New Horizons in Management and Business Practices, Suhrid Publications, Kolkata (ISBN: 978-93-84099-29-9), pp. 137-152. 8. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Visual imageries as means of cognitive expression to destination bonding: A case of Instagram application, Exploring New Horizons in Management and Business Practices, Suhrid Publications, Kolkata (ISBN: 978-93-84099-29-9), pp. 201-224. |
Book Chapter | |||
9 | Dr. Arup Kumar BaksiPublications in Journal (selective list from last 5 years: 2015-2020)1. Baksi, A. K. (2020). Identifying destination branding using Twitter data, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 27(2), 70-81 (Scopus Indexed, CARE-II enlisted). (ISSN: 0973-3167) 2. Baksi, A. K. (2020). Understanding responsible tourism perception by mining twitter data: A sentiment analysis approach, Journal of Tourism, HNBGU, (in press) (ISSN: 0972-7210) 3. Baksi, A. K. and Panda, T. (2018), Consumer Innovativeness : The Mediating Role of Leading Edge Status (LES) on Adoption of Innovative Products in Indian Rural Markets, Indian Journal of Marketing, (ISSN: 2456-4133 (online), 49 (6), 7-20, ( Scopus Indexed, CARE-II enlisted] 4. Baksi, A. K. and Panda, T. (2018), Branding destinations with multisensory brand associations and evaluating its impact on behavioural pattern under the intervention of multiplex phenomenon of relationship-branding, Management Science Letters, 8(11), 1169-1182, doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2018.8.007 (Scopus Indexed, CARE-II enlisted) 5. Baksi, A. K. and Panda, T. (2018), Redefining Brand-consumer relationship through Anthropomorphisation: Moderating Impacts of Self-brand integration and Brand attitude: Personal Care Brands, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 15 (3), 47-59, (Scopus Indexed, CARE-II enlisted) (ISSN: 0973-3167). 6. Baksi, A. K. (2018), An estimation of zone of tolerance based on destination atmospherics, accepted in Abhigyan, Journal of Fore School of Management, New Delhi, 35 (4), (ISSN: 0970-2385). 7. Gupta, A. & Baksi, A. K. (2018) Impact of Pre Hire Orientation (PHO) on the Quality of Campus Placement: A study on BPS/ BPO Industry’s Service Quality Perspectives, Kindler, 28(1&2) , 250-258, [UGC enlisted – Phase-I, No.: 42831], (ISSN: 0973-0486) . 8. Baksi, A. K. and Aich, A. (2018), Developing a Communication Satisfaction Scale for Internal Marketing in Asian Journal of Management, 9(1), 1-6, .[UGC enlisted: Phase-I, No.:3986] ISSN: 2321-5763 (online), ISSN: 0976-495X (print) 9. Baksi, A. K. (2017), Mapping zone-of-tolerance from destination atmospherics, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT), Taylor’s University, Malaysia, 6 (2), 7-29, (Scopus Indexed, CARE-II enlisted) (ISSN: 2289 -1471). 10. Baksi, A. K. (2017), Craftourism: Development and validation of a scale to measure visitors' behavioural pattern based on identified travel motives, TOURISMOS, 12 (1), , (Scopus Indexed, CARE-II enlisted), [ISSN:1790-8418 (print), ISSN: 1792-6521 (online). 11. Baksi, A. K. and Khawash, N. (2017), The Assessment of Marketing Culture impact on Perceived Service Quality and Destination Loyalty Link: Evidence from West Bengal Tourism, Kindler, 27(1), 177-195, [UGC enlisted – Phase-I, No.: 42831], (ISSN: 0973-0486). 12. Baksi, A. K. (2017), Linking consumer trust, repatronization and advocacy with intervention of perceived service recovery and zone-of-tolerance, Asian Journal of Management, I 8 (2), 324-330. [UGC enlisted: Phase-I, No.:3986], SSN: 2321-5763 (online), ISSN: 0976-495X (print), 13. Baksi, A. K. (2017), Assessing the Impact of Perceived Destination-based Service Quality on Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty using TOURQUAL Protocol, Asian Journal of Management, 8(3), 688-694. [UGC enlisted: Phase-I, No.:3986] ISSN: 2321-5763 (online), ISSN: 0976-495X (print). 14. Baksi, A. K. (2016), Destination bonding: Hybrid cognition using Instagram, Management Science Letters, 6(1), 31-46, doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2015.12.001, (Scopus Indexed) (ISSN: 1923-9343 (online), ISSN: 1923-9335 (print). 15. Baksi, A. K. (2016), Impact of Craftourism on place attachment: A case of selected craft districts in West Bengal India, South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 9(2), 27-39. [UGC enlisted] (ISSN: 0974-5432). 16. Baksi, A. K. (2015), Craftourism: Mediating emotional-bonding with destination and destination loyalty, accepted by Springer - Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT), Taylor’s University, Malaysia, (ISSN: 2289 -1471) 4(2), 159-180. (Scopus Indexed) 17. Baksi, A. K. (2015), Moderating effects of CRM performance and automated service quality on relationship inertia, switching cost and zone-of-tolerance: Empirical evidence from Indian banking industry, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 12 (4), 19-36, [Indexed and abstracted in EBSCO Business Source Complete and in ProQuest databases). (ISSN: 0973-3167). 18. Baksi, A.K. (2015), An empirical study to assess moderating impact of customer-relationship dimensions on service quality perception-tourist satisfaction-destination loyalty link, Singapore Management Journal, , 3(2), 7-42. (ISSN: 2251-239X). |
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10 | Dr. Arup Kumar BaksiConference Papers PublishedPapers Presented in National/ International Conference/Seminar: (selective list from last 5 years: 2015-2020) 1. Baksi, A. K. (2020). Social network analysis to identify tourism networks, National Seminar on Paradigms of Development, organised by A. K. Dasgupta Centre for Planning and Development, Visva-Bharati, 1st February, 2020. 2. Baksi, A. K. (2019). Embedding sentiments with rural destination brands: A neuro branding approach for Santiniketan, International Conference on Road Map for the Development of Rural Tourism in and around Birbhum, organised by Visva-Bharati in collaboration with Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and Tourism Department, Govt. of West Bengal, 16th-18th November, 2019. 3. Baksi, A. K. (2019). Impact of responsible tourism on quality of life: A study on the community-based tourism in Birbhum, International Conference on Road Map for the Development of Rural Tourism in and around Birbhum, organised by Visva-Bharati in collaboration with Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and Tourism Department, Govt. of West Bengal, 16th-18th November, 2019. 4. Baksi, A. K. (2019). Identifying brand elements from shared human sentiments: Analysis of Twitter data using self-organising mapping, International Conference on Responsible Tourism Practices in India: Issues and Challenges, Dept. of Tourism Studies, School of Management, Pondicherry University, 7th-9th December, 2020. 5. Baksi, A. K. (2019). Exploring relationship between controllable metrics and socio-environmental performance indicators in responsible tourism context using temporal causal model, Dept. of Tourism Studies, School of Management, Pondicherry University, 7th-9th December, 2020. 6. Baksi, A. K. (2019). Aligning Human Development Index with Tourism Development Index: A case of India compared to other Developing Nations of Asia, International Conference on Management and Business Practices (ICMBP-2019), organised by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal on 16th -17th January, 2019. 7. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Sustainable tourism based on identification of key determinants: A case of measured triangulation, International Conference on Business and Sustainable Development (ICBSD), organised by Faculty of Business Studies, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh on 8th -9th March, 2018. 8. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Sustainable electronics – A step towards electronic waste, National Seminar on Waste Management of Local Self Government (Municipalities and Panchayats), organised by Palli Samgathana Vibhaga, Visva Bharati, Sriniketan and Institution of Public Health Engineers (IPHE), Kolkata, India, on 16th -17th March, 2018. 9. Baksi. A. K. (2018). Impact of entrepreneurial skill and competency on business performance: A qualitative study on farm tourism in Birbhum district in West Bengal, National Seminar on Envisioning Skilling, Entrepreneurship and Employability in Hospitality Sector, organised by Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 16th-17th January, 2018. 10. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Redefining brand-consumer relationship through anthropomorphization: Moderating impacts of self-brand integration & brand attitude, International Conference on 5S –‘Strategy, System and Service for Sustainability and Scalability of Business, organised by School of Management, Dept. of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, on 23rd -24th March, 2018. 11. Baksi, A. K. (2018), Branding in anthropomorphized context: Scale development and validation, International Conference on Management and Business Practices (ICMBP-2018), organised by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal on 4th -5th January, 2018. 12. Baksi, A. K. (2017), A causal model assessing impact of relational quality on consumer loyalty with mediation of relationship inertia and switching cost, International Seminar on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Management, Law and Education, organised by Aligarh Muslim University, Murshidabad Centre, West Bengal on 26th February, 2017. 13. Baksi, A.K. (2017), Developing TOURZOT: A model explaining zone-of-tolerance in tourism services based on destination atmospherics – International Conference on Management & Business Practices (ICMBP-2017), organised by Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal. 14. Baksi, A. K. (2016), Manifestation of destination attachment through visual imagery – A case of hybrid cognition using Instagram - International Symposium on Fostering Tourism for Global Peace: Opportunities & Challenges, organised by School of Hotel Management, Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University in association with International Institute for Peace through Tourism (India Chapter) and Indian Tourism and Hospitality Congress on 1st to 3rd February, 2016. 15. Baksi, A. K. (2016), Development & validation of a scale to measure Craftourism: An enactment of role reversal to boost travel motivation - International Symposium on Fostering Tourism for Global Peace: Opportunities & Challenges, organised by School of Hotel Management, Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University in association with International Institute for Peace through Tourism (India Chapter) and Indian Tourism and Hospitality Congress on 1st to 3rd February, 2016. 16. Baksi, A.K. (2016), Place attachment using hybrid cognition: A case of using visual imageries as admiration – International Conference on Advances in Tourism, Hospitality & Aviation: Globalviz-a-viz Indian perspective: Vision 2020, organised by Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. 17. Baksi, A.K. (2015), Craftourism: A practice of role-reversal to boost travel motivation – 12th National Convention of the Indian Tourism and Hospitality Congress (ITHC): Conference on Strategic Development of Domestic Tourism in India, organised by Institute of Tourism Studies, University of Lucknow, 1st & 2nd November, 2015. 18. Baksi, A.K. (2015), Sustainable tourism in controlling geomorphic hazard: A case of Santiniketan, India at One-day National Seminar on Sustainability of Tourism- Is it a conundrum? organized by Dept. of Tourism and Travel Management, Govt. Arts College, Ooty under sponsorship of Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education (TANSCHE) on 20th March, 2015.
Conference | |||
11 | Dr. Parveen Ahmed AlamBooks Chapter ContributionAlam, P.A. (2015) Reward and Recognition in Indian Industry in Emerging Dimensions of Human Resource Management, Research India Publications, Delhi, pp 93-104. Editor
Book Chapter | |||
12 | Dr. Parveen Ahmed AlamJournal Papers Published1.Anand, S. & Alam, P.A. (2015). Impact of Social Security Measures in Unorganized Sector. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE) (ISSN: 2249-0558), Impact Factor 5.299 2.Anand, S. & Alam, P.A. (2015). Impact of Contract Labour in Manufacturing Industries in West Bengal. Kindler XV(1) (ISSN: 0973-0486) 3.Alam, P.A. & Banerjea, S. (January-July, 2012 & 2013; published September 2015). Performance Management System: A Conceptual Framework, Business Studies, XXXIII & XXXIV( 1 & 2); / (pp.1-10) (ISSN: 0970-9657) 4.Basu, P., Chowdhury, S. & Alam, P.A. (2015). A Model-Based Approach of Flexibility and its Impact on Organization and Employee Welfare in Lean Environment, Decision Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Springer Publication 42(3), pp. 269-277 Impact Factor 0.7658 (ISSN 0304-0941; DOI 10.1007/s40622 -015-0098-9) 5.Alam, P.A. & Mishra, D. (2015). Identifying Critical Training Needs from Performance Appraisal Ratings, International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Print ISSN:2320-8716; Online ISSN: 2320-8724). Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 1.527 6.Alam, P.A. & Ray, S. (2014). A Study on the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Ratings, Survey, 53(3 & 4) July-Dec 2013 and 54(1 & 2), Jan--Jun 2014, pp. 76-88 (ISSN: 0586-0008) 7.Alam, P.A. & Mukherjee, J. (2013). HR Policies and Practices: The Reality – A Case Study, International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences; 2(1) pp. 136-150 (ISSN: 2278-6236) 8.Basu, P. & Ahmed, P. (2011). The Employee Perspective in Lean Environment, Drishtikon: A Management Journal of Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, 3(1), pp. 3-18 [ISSN: 0975-7422 (Print); 0975-7848 (Online)] 9.Ahmed, P. & Kaushik, M. D. (2011). Career Planning – An Imperative for Employee Performance Management System; International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation,4 (2), pp. 102-109 (ISSN: 0974-5874) 10. Ahmed, P. & Bhattacharya, D. (2011). Competency-Based Succession Planning: An Emerging Tool In HRM; Survey; 51(1&2), pp. 105-124,(ISSN: 0586-0008) 11.Alam,P.A. & Kaushik, M. D.(2008). Performance Management System: From JD to KRAs & KPIs - The Balanced ScoreCard Way; Personnel Today; XXIX(3), pp. 32-43 (ISSN:0970-8504) 12.Sanyal, S. & Alam, P.A. (2008). Employee Counselling: Performance Management Perspectives; Personnel Today; XXIX (1), pp. 23-30 (ISSN: 0970-8504) 13.Alam, P.A. (2005). The Campus Placement Dilemma – A Case Study, Discussion on the Questions Raised; Case Study Section; Kindler, V(2), pp. 89-90 (ISSN: 0973-0486) 14.Alam, P.A. (2005). The Campus Placement Dilemma – A Case Study; Case Study Section; Kindler, V (1), pp. 85-87 (ISSN: 0973-0486) 15.Anand, S. & Alam, P.A. (2017). A Study of Labour Reforms in the Context of Globalization - A Critical Appraisal. KAAV International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Business Management (ISSN: 2348-4969), Impact Factor 7.89 |
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13 | Dividend Payout Trends in Indian Corporate Sector: A Study of the Post Liberalisation Era. | Author: Dr. (CA) Ayan Majumdar Scholar’s Press, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-639-71804-1). |
2014 | Book | |
14 | Auditing & Assurance | Majumdar, A., & Mondal, A. P. Tee Dee Publication. (ISBN: 978-93-83819-35-5). |
2019 | Book | |
15 | Adhunik Nirikhasasthra | Majumdar, A., Mondal, A. P. & Majumdar, D. Tee Dee Publication. (ISBN: 978-93-83819-45-4) |
2022 | Book | |
16 | Fundamentals of Engineering Economics and Project Management | Majumdar, A., & Kundu, K. Aryan Publishing House. (ISBN: 978-8194452539). |
2023 | Book | |
17 | Dr. (CA) Ayan MajumdarBooks Chapter Contribution
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18 | Principles of Management | Authors: Prof.(Dr.) Kaushik Kundu Prof. (Dr.) Parveen Ahmed Alam |
2023 | Book | |
19 | Dr. (CA) Ayan MajumdarJournal Publications:
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20 | Organisational Behaviour | Prof. (Dr.) Kaushik Kundu |
2024 | Book | |
21 | Dr. Gholam Syedain Khan
Journal | |||
22 | Dr. Gholam Syedain KhanBook Chapter
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23 | Dr. Samiran Sur1. Sur,S., Sanyal,A., Biswas,S. (2023).Exploring the causal association among expertise level, preference buying and post-purchase satisfaction for organic products in India,Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing,3(1), 148-146. DOI: 2. Sur, S., Ahmed, S. ,et al. (2023). Innovation is a need or a tool to survive the competition : A study on the perception of rural MSMEs towards the adoption of innovation, Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 26(3), 351-377. 3. Sur,S., Sanyal,A.(2023). Appraising The Impact of Green Knowledge and Green Pressure on MSMEs' Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A conceptual framework with special reference to 7Ps, Third Concept -An International Journal of Idea, 36(432),158-163. 4. Sur,S., Sanyal,A.(2022). A Bibliometric Analysis of Perceived Risks: A Closer Look at Green Marketing & Green Purchase Intention, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2022.10051677 (Forthcoming) 5. Sur, S., & Ahmed, S. (2021). Change in the uses pattern of digital banking services by Indian rural MSMEs during demonetization and Covid-19 pandemic-related restrictions, Vilakshan-XIMB Journal of Management, DOI 10.1108/XJM-09-2020-0138. 6. Sur, S., & Ahmed, S. (2021). Effects of Demonetization, GST & Covid-19 Pandemic in the Adoption of Digitalization by Rural MSMEs in India, NMIMS Management Review, Vol 29(3), 32-58, 7. Sur, S., & Ahmed, S. (2021). Indian Rural MSMEs and their perception towards innovation and creativity in uplifting their business, Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Vol 24 (3), 119-134, DOI 10.32725/acta.2021.016. (ABDC-C Category) 8. Sur, S. (2018). Theoretical Review of Growth of E-Commerce in India and the Relevance of E-Commerce in Future Business Sustainability, Abhigyan, XXXVI(3), 41-50. 9. Sur, S., & Ahmed, S. (2017). Factors responsible for not buying micro Insurance in West Bengal : A literature review on MSME labours. Kindler, XVII (1), 212-220. 10. Sur, S., & Gayen, P. (2017). Will E-Commerce be the Aladdin’s Magic Lamp to Rural Women Entrepreneur?. Kindler, XVII (2), 40-48. 11. Sur, S., & Pandey., M. (2015). Interactive Television: Redefining the Way of Television Advertising. PES Business Review,10(1),15-25. 12. Sur, S., & Pandey ,M. (2013). Factors Affecting Consumers’ IPTV Adoption Behavior In India. Asian Journal Of Research In Marketing, 2(4),33-44. 13. Sur, S., & Pandey., M. (2013). Exploring factors affecting the adoption of IPTV: A literature review. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,2(2),48-66. 14. Sur, S., & Pandey ,M. (2011). Addressable Advertising: Future of Television advertisement. Advertising Express - IUP Publication, XI(03),41-44. 15. Sur, S., & Pandey ,M. (2010). IPTV Market : Can advertising help it row in India. Calyx-Journal of Business Management, 1(1). |
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24 | Dr. Furquan Uddin1. Uddin, Furquan (2018), An Empirical Study on Product Objectives of LIC of India, Pacific Business Review International, Udaipur, ISSN: 0974-438X, Vol.10, Issue 1, pp. 52-58. 2. Uddin, Furquan (2018), Sources of New Life Insurance Product Ideas in LIC of India, International Research Journal of Business Studies, Prasetiya Mulya Publishing, Indonesia, e-SSN:2338-4565, ISSN:2089-6271, Vol.11, Issue 1, pp.1-8 3. Uddin, Furquan (2017), A Comparative Study of LIC of India and ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd.: With Special Reference to Life Micro Insurance, Life Insurance Today, The Insurance Times Group, Kolkata, Vol. XIII, Issue 9, pp.12-16. 4. Uddin, Furquan (2017), An Empirical Study on Life Micro Insurance: With Special Reference to Rural Market of Allahabad, Life Insurance Today, The Insurance Times Group, Kolkata, ISSN No. 0973-4813, Vol. XIII, Issue 6, pp. 5-10. 5. Uddin, Furquan & Ali, Mohd. Ashraf (2016), New Business of LIC of India under Individual Assurance in the 21st Century: An Appraisal, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, UAE, ISSN: 2415-6671(Online) 2415-6663 (Print), Vol.2, Issue 6, pp. 633-642. 6. Uddin, Furquan (2016), Market Opportunities in Life Insurance Industry: With Special Reference to LIC of India, Indian Journal of Business Research and Analysis, Varanasi, ISSN: 2456-0545, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 3-7. 7. Jha, S,N. & Uddin, Furquan (2016), Positioning Strategy in Life Insurance Industry: With Special Reference to LIC of India, BHU Business Insight, A journal of business research, Academy of business research, Faculty of Commerce, BHU, Varanasi, ISSN: 2455-9474, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 18-26. 8. Uddin, Furquan (2015). An Empirical Study on Marketing Environmental Factors Affecting Product Strategy of LIC of India, Kaveripakkam College Journal of Management Research, Chennai, ISSN: 2249-6449, Vol. 5, Issue 17, pp. 1-12. 9. Uddin, Furquan (2015). Consumers’ Perceptions and Expectations towards Life Insurance Services: A Case Study of Varanasi, IRDAI- Journal, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, Hyderabad, Vol. XIII, Issue 10, pp. 23-29. 10. Uddin, Furquan (2014). Strategic Cost Management in the Life Insurance Industry: A Comparative Study, The Management Accountant, Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Kolkata, ISSN: 0972-3528, Vol. 49, Issue 1, pp. 34-39. 11. Uddin, Furquan (2013). Product Innovation: A Critical Analysis of Unit Linked Insurance Plans, International Journal of Financial Footprints, ERT Publication, Varanasi, ISSN: 2319-6262, Vol.1 Issue 2, pp. 12-18. |
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