Department of


Dr. Subha Mondal Assistant Professor / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Email :

Address : 2nd Floor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aliah University, II-A/27, Action Area-II, Newtown, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 700160.

Joined : 21/12/2015


  • Ph. D., Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Jadavpur University, 2019
  • M.E., Dept. of Mechanical Engg.,  Jadavpur University, 2009
  • B.E., Utkal University, 2003

Teaching Experience

  • Current post:  Assistant Professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Aliah University, Kolkata, India, since 21-12-2015.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Birbhum Institute of Engg. & Technology, Suri.

Field of Specialization

  • Heat power Engineering
  • Thermal Engineering

Courses Taught/Teaching

Under-Graduate Level:

  • Heat Transfer
  • Applied Thermodynamics

Post-Graduate Level:

  • Advanced Thermodynamics
  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Renewable Energy  

Research Area

  • Applied Thermodynamics  
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy system simulation

Conference Papers Published

  1. Sahana C, Banerjee S, Mondal S., "Integration of Trilateral Flash Cycle and Ejector  Expansion Refrigeration Cycle for cooling: A Scheme to Recover Readily Available Low Grade Geothermal Heat". Proceedings of the 2nd  International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India,  January 2024
  2. Sahana C, De S, Mondal S., "Analysis of a low-grade heat driven trilateral cycle with single- stage impulse turbine". ICESD 2020.  Jadavpur University-Kolkata.
  3. Alam S, Mondal S., De S., "Waste heat recovery through ejector refrigeration cycle using dry working fluid". INCOM 2018: Proceedings of First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. ISBN 978-93-83660-38-4.
  4. Mondal S., De S, Ashadi M., "CO2 based combined power and refrigeration cycle – a scheme for low grade waste heat recovery". Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2017), Mohali, India.
  5. Jana K, Ray A, De S, Ashadi M,  Mondal S., "Exergy analysis of a biomass based polygeneration system". Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2017), Mohali, India.
  6. Ghosh S, Mukhopadhyay D, Mondal S.,  Saha S., "Experimental Investigation of Sub cooled Critical Flow through Slits". Proceedings of 20th national & 9th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Conference, January, 2010. ISBN: 978-981-08-3813-3

Journal Papers Published

  1. Sahana, C., De, S., & Mondal, S. (2023). Techno-economic assessment of low-grade geothermal heat-driven ejector refrigeration cycle with a flash chamber and a booster compressor. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 
  2. Mondal, S., Saha, A., & De, S. K. (2023). Optimum operations and performance comparison of CO2-propane and CO2-R152a mixture-based transcritical power cycles recovering diesel power plant waste heat. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
  3. Sahana, C., De, S., & Mondal, S. (2023a). Optimum operation of an ejector-assisted combined flash-binary geothermal cycle using R245fa-isopentane mixture-based secondary working fluids. Applied Thermal Engineering231,121012. 
  4. Mondal, S., Sahana, C., & De, S.  (2022). Optimum operation of a novel ejector assisted flash steam cycle for better utilization of geothermal heat. Energy Conversion and Management253, 115164.
  5. Mondal, S., Sahana, C., & De, S. (2021). Strategic integration of single flash geothermal steam cycle (SFGSC) and ejector assisted dual-evaporator organic flash refrigeration cycle (EADEOFRC) for power and multi-temperature cooling: 2nd law performance study. International Journal of Green Energy19 (13), 1415-27. 
  6. Sahana, C., De, S. & Mondal, S. (2021). Integration of CO2 power and refrigeration cycles with a desalination unit to recover geothermal heat in an oilfield. Applied Thermal Engineering189, 16744.
  7. Mondal, S., & De, S. (2020). Performance assessment of a low-grade heat driven dual ejector vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering179, 115782. 
  8. Mondal, S., Datta, S., & De, S.  (2020). Auxiliary power through marine waste heat recovery using a CO2-organic cascading cycle. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy22(4), 893–906.
  9. Mondal, S., & De, S.  (2019). Waste heat recovery through organic flash cycle (OFC) using R245fa–R600 mixture as the working fluid. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy21(8), 1575–1586.
  10. Mondal, S., Alam, S., & De, S. (2018). Performance assessment of a low grade waste heat driven organic flash cycle (OFC) with ejector. Energy163, 849–862. 
  11. Mondal, S., & De, S.   (2017). Ejector based organic flash combined power and refrigeration cycle (EBOFCP&RC) – A scheme for low grade waste heat recovery. Energy134, 638–648.
  12. Mondal, S., & De, S. (2017a). Power by waste heat recovery from low temperature industrial flue gas by Organic Flash Cycle (OFC) and transcritical-CO2 power cycle: A comparative study through combined thermodynamic and economic analysis. Energy121, 832–840.
  13. Jana, K., Raya, A., De, S., Assadi, M., & Monda, S. (2017). Performance of a biomass based polygeneration: Second Law Analysi. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability3, 37–42.
  14. Mondal, S., Deb, S., & Assadic, M. (2017). Waste Heat recovery from Flue Gas Containing SO2 Through CO2 Based Combined Power and Refrigeration cycle. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability3, 51–55.
  15. Mondal, S., & De, S. (2015). CO2 based power cycle with multi-stage compression and intercooling for low temperature waste heat recovery. Energy90, 1132–1143.
  16. Mondal, S., & De, S. (2015a). Transcritical CO2 power cycle – Effects of regenerative heating using turbine bleed gas at intermediate pressure. Energy87, 95–103.

Books Published

Written Book:

Title: Waste Heat Recovery, Its Utilization and Performance Assessment: Fundamentals and Application. Editors: Sudipta De & Subha Mondal. Publisher: Elsevier   (Under process).  ISBN:978-0-44-331576-3

Chapters in Edited Book:

  1. Mondal, S., & De, S. (2023). Geothermal energy application in power generation. In Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (Elsevier eBooks)
  2. Mondal, S., & De, S. (2023b). New generation of materials and processes for environmentally compliant refrigeration. In Materials Science and Materials Engineering (Elsevier eBooks)
  3. Mondal, S., & De, S.  (2022). Polygeneration systems in industry. In Polygeneration System: Design, Process and Technologies ( Elsevier eBooks ) pp. ISBN: 411-430. 978-0-12-820625-6
  4. Mondal, S., De, S. (2022). Diesel Engine Waste Heat Recovery Schemes for Improved Fuel Economy and Reduced Emissions: Simulation Results. In: Agarwal, A.K., Kumar, D., Sharma, N., Sonawane, U. (eds) Engine Modeling and Simulation. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.
  5.  Mondal, S., & De, S. K. (2020a). Power and other energy utilities from low grade waste heat – novel technologies to reduce carbon footprint. In Encyclopaedia of Renewable and Sustainable Material (Elsevier eBooks) Volume: 3, pp. 667–677. ISBN: 978-0-12-813196-1

Ph.D. Thesis Guidance

  • Chitta Sahana (Ongoing)
  • Sk Sabir (Ongoing)

MASTER Thesis Guidance

  1. Abubakkar Molla (2022) Combined flash binary geothermal power cycle using CO2-propane mixture-based secondary working fluid. 
  2. Samsu Joha (2021), Integration of  Single Flash Geothermal  Steam  Cycle  and  Trilateral Flash  Cycle  (TLC) For  Improved  Power Output
  3. SK Basaruddin (2020) CO2 based ejector refrigeration cycle integrated to a HDH desalination system: Thermodynamic performance assessment
  4. SK Sabir (2019) Performance assessment of an ejector expansion refrigeration cycle using low GWP working fluid.
  5. SK Abdul Slim (2018) Waste heat driven ejector based refrigeration cycle with partial evaporation in the heat recovery unit (HRU)
  6. Zulfikar Molla (2018)  Performance assessment of a low grade heat driven supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle coupled to an Organic Flash Cycle.
  7. Marufa Khatun (2018) Ejector assisted combined power & refrigeration cycle with flow bypass at economizer exit.
  8. Md. Shahbaz Alam (2018) Performance assessment of ejector assisted organic flash combined power & refrigeration cycle
  9. Md Shahnawaz Alam (2017) Waste heat recovery through ejector refrigeration cycle using dry working fluid.

Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized

  1. Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme / Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Pedagogy organised by this Institute from 15th January to 26th January, 2024.
  2. Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on Manufacturing Technology Research and Management (MTRM) organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aliah University during 2-14 August, 2021
  3. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "FLUID FLOW ANALYSIS USING ASPEN HYSYS AND ASPEN PLUS FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERS" from 13/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 at Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineerin College.
  4. 74th Orientation Program from 16/08/2019 to 26/08/2019 at UGC_HRDC  Jadavpur University

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