Aliah University Library System

AU Faculty Publications

Women Education in Modern Perspective

Edited by Dr. Savita Mishra, Ms. Reshma Khatun

About the book:

Women education refers to every form of education that aims at improving the knowledge, and skill of women and girls. It includes general education at school and colleges, vocational and technical education, professinal education, health education, etc.

Teacher Education in The 21st Century

Edited by Reshma Khatun and Dr. Savita Mishra

About the book:

A culture of continuous collaboration with Teacher Resource Centres having a variety of reading materials and resources regularly used by Trainers and Teachers, and Teacher Mentors who offer regular on-site support to teachers. Teachers that are empowered to become reflective practitioners, equipped with the vision, attitudes, knowledge and skills required to design effective classroom strategies to meet diverse learners’ needs, along with the freedom and support needed to implement these.Thus keeping all these in mind this book ‘TEACHER EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY’ is being published so that the readers are able to understand the problems and prospects of the current situation and how this can be solved.

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