Aliah University Library System

Rules & Regulations

General Rules→

  1. Before entering the Library the users shall show valid photo ID and handover their personal books, bags, sticks, umbrellas, parcels, attaches, port‐folios, brief cases, newspapers and loose garments etc. to the Security staff at the check point.
  2. Bags and attaches are to be deposited by taking out valuable materials like money, ornaments and mobile phones, electronic gazettes if any. University will not be held responsible for losses of any such valuable articles.
  3. Users will be responsible for their own goods belongings inside the library and library will take no responsibility for any kind of loss of personal belongings.
  4. Mobile phone, audio or video devices should be switched off before entering the Library.
  5. Deposited materials shall have to be collected from the check point after returning respective token atleast 15 minutes before closing of the Library on the same day. Library staff shall not ordinarily be responsible for safety of the articles, if not collected on the same day.
  6. Gate pass for issued Library book(s) shall be deposited to the Library Staff at the gate while leaving the Library. Library staff may check the readers thoroughly within the Library premises or at the gate, if required.
  7. Class notes and exercise papers may be allowed to be taken inside the Library subject to checking at the gate at the time of entrance.
  8. After study, books should be kept on the reading table. Library staff shall arrange books in shelves in due time.
  9. Books issued for study in the respective reading room shall not be removed elsewhere without written permission.
  10. Smoking and use of matches or lighters in the Library premises are strictly prohibited.
  11. All Library members are required to maintain a quiet atmosphere in the Library and cooperate with Library Administration. Library privileges may be withdrawn from the members for violation of library discipline.
  12. Library will be under CCTV surveillance and activities of users will be recorded.
  13. Smoking and eating is strictly prohibited in the library.
  14. Library furniture, equipments and library materials are to be kept clean.
  15. Books and other items which are property of the library must not be defaced or mutilated.
  16. In the use of the photocopies machine in the library, the law regarding copyright must be observed. Users are warned that they are fully responsible for any legal consequences concerning copyright infringement that may arise.
  17. Users will be held responsible for any damage or loss to any library materials whilst in their charge.

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