Date of online application for PG programmes is extended up to 30th June 2024

Aliah University Library System


Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism is not in itself a crime but can constitute copyright infringement. In academia and industry, it is a serious ethical offence.

ShodhShuddhi: Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS)

Ouriginal (URKUND) Plagiarism Detection Software (Provided by Ms Prio Infocenter AB, Sweden; Indian Partner: eGalactic) has been selected by INFLIBNET Centre (Inter-University Centre of UGC) under the aegis of Ministry of HRD to enhance quality and prevent plagiarism in research/academic publications. Universities in India who have signed MoU with INFLIBNET Centre, which come under section 12(B)/ 2f of UGC Act and are eligible for funding from UGC, get the software free of cost from INFLIBNET Centre. Aliah University has signed MoU with INFLIBNET and is compliant with 12(B)/2f of UGC Act and getting the software at free of cost from INFLIBNET and has taken the initiative to provide Ouriginal (URKUND) user account to all its Faculty and Research scholar. As part of UGC directives on research ethics and originality of research, Aliah University follows UGC guidelines in detecting plagiarism in research by checking all research dissertations of the University (PhD, M.Phil dissertations) through the Ouriginal (URKUND) software.

When a document is submitted to Ouriginal (Urkund), it is compared to sources online, alongside our multiple academic databases, and also previously submitted documents. The most relevant sources are then singled out and presented in the analysis report, which will show a detailed view of how many paragraphs could be matched against these sources, as well as how significant these similarities are.


Approval copy : 2019, 2020


Aliah University Library has subscribed the TURNITIN software (Plagiarism Checker) to check the similarity measures in research publication & thesis. To avail this facility please contact your respective libraries, Newtown and Park Circus Library.

Web Link:

To get acquainted with the software please stream the video. Click here

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