Aliah University Library System


Only Registered Members can borrow books from Central Library on production of their individual Identity Card issued by the institute at the circulation desk. 

Borrowing Facilities⇒

  1. Student members shall be entitled to borrow 2 book(s) at a time for a period of 14 (fourteen) days.
  2. Ph.D. and MPhil student members shall be entitled to borrow 3 (Three) books at a time for maximum period of 20 (Twenty) days.
  3. Faculty members may borrow maximum 10 books for two months.
  4. Members of administrative services may borrow 3 books for 14 days.
  5. Members of non‐teaching research group may borrow 2 books for 14 days.
  6. No one shall be entitled to borrow books in more than one capacity /appointment. Librarian may relax the limited subject to justification of the reasons and requirement.
  7. Library shall be kept closed at the time of inventory/stocktaking. All book(s) on loan irrespective of the date of borrowing must be returned to library before the inventory takes place.
  8. Processing of book (s)/ journals shall be processed through the respective library located at different locations.


  1. The Borrower may be refused to issue book(s) if s/he is not present in person.
  2. Borrowers must submit their own Library ID while check out any resource.
  3. Encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference materials shall not, as a rule, be loaned out of the Library.
  4. Reserved/not for loan/Confined books may generally not to be issued.
  5. Borrowers and readers are expected to check defects in any books issued to them and immediately call the attention to the library official on duty to any such defect. Borrower shall be held responsible for any damage detected at the time of return and shall be required to compensate of the loss.
  6. In case a book or any other library materials are lost or damaged while on loan, the borrower shall be held responsible and she/he shall be required to replace the book(s) or shall pay double amount of the current price of the same. Fines for delay at usual rate shall be charged till the matter is finalized. If the matter is not finalised within two months of due date then it will be reported to the library committee.
  7. In case a book or any other library material is mutilated or disfigured while on loan, the borrower shall be held responsible and in such cases, she/he shall be required to compensate the loss.
  8. No book(s) shall be issued to the users within the last 15 minutes prior to schedule lending period.
  9. Unbound periodicals or books not sufficiently protected by binding shall not be issued from the library except with the permission of the Librarian.
  10. The borrower on suspension or cessation of membership must return all library books along with her/his Library card or University Card.
  11. Two copies of each text book will be reserved as Not for Loan.
  12. The Librarian reserves the rights to recall book(s) before the due date.
  13. Breaches of library discipline other than covered in these rules shall be dealt with by the Registrar on recommendation by the Library Committee.


  1. Any member failing to return the borrowed book(s) or other resource within due date, he/she shall be charged Rs. 2.00 only per day as late fine.
  2. Maximum amount of the late fine will not cross the current price of the book.
  3. Any person retaining book(s) after the deadline for inventory / stock verification shall incur a fine of Rs.2.00 per day per book.
  4. If any reader walks out of the Library with book(s)/library materials or is found to be mutilating or tempering with books/Library materials the following penalties shall be imposed:
    1. The results of the member students appearing at the Semester final examinations shall be withheld unless all books/ journals are returned and fines paid.
    2. No member of the University staff shall be given a clearance on their resignation, leave without pay for study without the clearance from the Library. It will be the responsibility of the accounts section/division to make final payment to any member of the University staff after the person concerned has produced the necessary clearance from the Library.
  5. Loss of Library Card/University ICard shall have to be reported immediately to the Librarian. A duplicate library card may be issued on payment of Rs. 50.00 only.
  6. Loss of baggage token by any individual will charge Rs 50/- per token.
  7. Any member if found to be constantly irregular in returning books, his/her membership may be suspended for specified period at the discretion of the Librarian.
  8. Membership may be revived by the Librarian on written application on the recommendation of the Head of the Department / Dean of Faculty as the case may be.
  9. All relevant fees will be deposited by the members to accounts section or nominated bank.
  10. Loss of Library Card/ University card to be reported to the circulation counter and requisite fees must be submitted to issue duplicate card.
  11. The librarian may make any special rules or waive any of the regulations temporarily in special circumstances for the best interest of the library.
  12. Students/ staff must return all the books before leaving the university and suitable clearance certificate are issued to them.

    Issue/Return Timing:

  • Monday-Friday: 10:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

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